Chapter 23

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"Lou? Lou, baby!" Harry runs into the hiding room, taking the smaller boy in his arms and rocking him from left to right. His poor baby is crying like a baby, waterfalls leaving his eyes. He is shaking and he is hugging his knees. Harry wished he would have never had to see Louis in so much pain. It crashes him.

"I'm so sorry for pushing you away Hazza. Don't want you away. Need you so much. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Louis cries uncontrollably and Harry decides to show Louis how he feels, not say it.

He takes Louis' head between his hand and kisses his forehead, both knowing that this is their sign of love and forgiveness.

"You don't need to apologise, love. I get it. It's not your mistake. Don't think anything is your mistake."

"I can't believe she did this to me. This fucking Max has been telling the truth, he... I can't believe El did this to me. It hurts, Hazza. It hurts so fucking much. She just throws away seven years like this, like it's nothing."

"She is not worth any of your tears, boo. She let go of the most wonderful, beautiful person that walks around on this planet. You are literally perfect and if I was her I would have never let you go. You are so amazing and so special Lou and you deserve so much more. You deserve the whole fucking world, not some girl that breaks your heart and cheats on you with a random boy. Please stop crying, Lou it hurts me so much to see you like this. I can't stand seeing you unhappy. It breaks my heart. Smile, baby. Your smile is the prettiest smile I have ever seen."

Harry has never said one of those words to Taylor and he also doesn't understand why he is saying them to Louis now. He just feels that they are right and Louis needs to hear them because Harry means every single word he just said.

"Do you mean that?" Louis' voice is hoarse from all the crying and it's barely a whisper.

"Every single word, boo bear." Harry feels a tear sliding down his own cheek.

"Why are you crying, Hazza?"

"Seeing you sad makes me even sadder. I don't know how it comes, Lou. You have this strange effect on me that no one else ever had. Just... You mean everything to me, Lou. In such a small amount of time you started to mean the whole fucking world to me and everything I do here revolves around you. I don't understand it but I like the way you make me feel."

Harry is making Louis feel a kind of way as well. Louis can't really explain what but when he is with Harry he feels safe, protected, cared about, loved. He wants to be near Harry all the time and he really doesn't give a single shit about anyone else. Even now, when the only thing Louis should think about is Eleanor, his mind automatically turns to Harry and his beautiful green eyes, his cute dimples and his amazing bunch of curls. Louis should be heartbroken again for a whole fucking week, what at least a month because he wasted seven years with that girl. He should be worried about the fact that his mom watches the show and has seen that Eleanor is cheating on her little boy. Louis should be worried that all his old bullies are watching the show and laugh when they see the scene where Louis makes out with Harry. Louis should have so many worries at the moment, but being in Harry's arms takes them all away.

"I love you, Hazza." Louis whispers. "You are the best friend I have ever had and I don't want to ever lose you. Promise me that we will stay together after this show? I don't want another best friend than you. I just need you. You make me so happy and you bring out the real Louis. I can be myself with you in so many ways. Promise you never leave me."

"I promise, Lou. I love you."


"Yes, love?"

"Can I kiss you?"

The question takes Harry by surprise. Louis was the one calling all these things quits yet here he is asking to kiss.

"I don't know, Lou. Do you really want it? Are you sure you are not going to regret it?"

Louis shakes his head as he slowly starts to open all the buttons of Harry's shirt. His lips are meeting Harrys' neck and he is sucking on the hot flesh. Harry can't help it but moan.

"Lou..." Harry moans.

"Please, Hazza. Need to forget it all. Make me forget it all. This is really the last time, just... Take my pain away, babe." Louis crotch touches Harry as their lips connect as well. The kiss is full of passion, trust and love and it's the best kiss that both boys have ever shared with someone. Harry's hand are touching Louis' glowing skin and this time they are not as rough like they were the other two times. This time they make sure to feel every single inch of each other, passionate kisses full of love. This time it is not about the lust and the pleasure. This time they are not having sex because they have been horny all day. This time both boys are showing each other how much they care about each other and need each other. This time they are showing their love without using any words. This time the boys are not having sex, they are making love. But none of them will admit that.

"I'm going to make you forget about the pain, Lou. I'm going to make you feel so good. I promise you, baby you are going to feel amazing. I love you."

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