Chapter 7

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The girls did exactly like Harry and Louis requested. The music is playing loudly, shots are ready on the bar and the girls are wearing sexy clothes, or pieces of fabric that barely hide their skin.

Zayn is sitting somewhere in a corner with Gigi, Liam went to bed already and Harry and Louis are surrounded by Kendall, Brianna, Olivia, Caroline and Camille, chilling in the lounge while Danielle and Sophia are at the bar.

"And then Louis said he is great in bed!" Harry tells the girls and they are all laughing loudly. Harry clearly enjoys the attention from the females but Louis isn't that into it. He only listens with half an ear and only answers when someone asks him a question. He doesn't really start speaking himself. He doesn't like to be in a group this big. He isn't as open and as sociable like Harry is. Louis is a funny guy and is really sassy but only when he feels comfortable. He does not feel comfortable at the moment.

He likes it a lot more when it's just him and Harry, maybe Danielle joining them as well. He is annoyed how every single girl throws herself at him. They also tried to flirt with Louis in the beginning of the evening, and normally Louis likes to flirt back a little bit, not too much, he would never hurt El like that, but not tonight. He just fancied a quite night in his room, talking to Harry about the fucking video and fucking Max. He wanted to complain, let off some steam and Harry would make him laugh and forget everything. Unfortunately for Louis that was not what Harry planned and here they are now, surrounded by 5 horny girls who want to ruin both their relationships.

After sitting there silently for 30 minutes and not really getting attention from his best friend, Louis spots Danielle and Sophia at the bar, quietly talking. He looks again next to him where Harry is telling those amazing stories from back in high school and Louis really can't be bothered watching his best friend being an attention whore for much longer. He quickly removes himself from the couch, the curly boy not even noticing that Louis leaves his side for the first time in 5 days while he keeps talking and talking and talking, having five girls hanging on his lips. Harry has that effect on people.

"Hey, Louis!" Sophia smiles when the smaller boys joins the duo. "Lou, hey! What's up? How was the campfire?" Danielle asks when the boy takes place with them.

"It sucked." He says grabbing a shot and downing it.

"Why? What happened?"

"There is this Max boy and he kept telling Eleanor how she should try to fuck someone else and not stick with only one bed partner and that he would be more than happy to volunteer to fuck her and it just makes me sick. Does this guy has manners?" Louis groans.

"Oh, Max? He is a real prick. I was sitting next to him on the airplane coming here." Sophia says.

"When I see his fucking face I will kick his fucking ass." Louis says grumpily. "I'm going to grab a beer." He wants to stand up but Sophia pushes him back down. "I'll get us drinks. What do you want, Dani?"

"Bacardi coke please, babe." Sophia nods and walks over to the big fridge behind the bar, fixing their drinks.

"So, how come you are not sitting with Harry? I've never seen the two of you so far away from each other." Danielle jokes.

Louis sighs. "I'm just annoyed. I don't feel like talking to all of them. Look at those girls. Did they even bring clothes with them here?"

Danielle laughs loudly, screaming how hilarious Louis is, which brings all the attention to her and the boy she is sitting with. Louis can feel a pair of green eyes burning on his back, and when he watches back, Harry quickly turns his head, restarting the conversations with those bimbos.

"How come you are not like that? I mean you are really pretty and don't get me wrong, please don't start dressing like them but it is temptation island..." Louis asks the brunette in front of him.

"Because I know my mother is watching this and I do want to be able to find a job when I'm back in the UK."

Louis nods, telling her that it makes sense.

"Here are your drinks, loves. I'm going to bed. I'm knackered. See you tomorrow!" Sophia says goodbye to her friends and waves at the large group around Harry before going to her room and Louis and Danielle pick up again on their conversation.

"It's just a fucking trendy food! Avocado's are the worst!" Louis argues laughing with Danielle.

"Avocado's are the fucking best, Louis."

For ten minutes the pair has been laughing non stop, Louis literally having stomach cramps from the amount of laughter. Their conversation and discussion about avocados got out of hand and now both Danielle and Louis can't stop laughing, the blue eyed boy not noticing the pair of green eyes that has been glued on him for the whole time.

"Lou, hey!" Harry interrupts the conversation of Louis and Danielle and puts his hand on Louis' shoulder.

"Hey, Hazza! Left your fan club behind?" Louis jokes. Harry rolls his eyes, not thinking Louis is funny. "Do you want to go to the room? I'm getting tired and I would like to sleep with you tonight you know, having a big teddy bear."

"That's fine. Here is my key. You can go already, I'm staying a bit longer. Is that okay, Haz?" Louis grabs in his pocket and gives the key to the curly lad.

"Actually I would like it if you come with me." Harry can't help it and gives a dirty look at Danielle.

"But I'm in a really good conversation with Dani. I'll come in like half an hour okay? You can take a shower already if you want to. I'll be back before you get out." Louis promises.

"Just come with me."

"No, Harry. I am talking." Louis is starting to get a bit annoyed.


"Harry, you forgot my keys!" Louis screams at the curly boy.

"I don't need your keys."

"But I thought you wanted to sleep together?"

"Changed my mind. Have fun with Danielle. I'm going to my own room." Harry said her name like she was a big piece of dirt and it didn't escape Louis' and Dani's ears.

"What's his problem?" Danielle asks confused.

"No idea. I'll just talk to him tomorrow..." Louis says softly, watching the bunch of curls walking away without saying any word to anyone. 

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