Chapter 27

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Danielle wants to say that she is shocked, she really wants to, but that would be a lie. You have to be blind to miss the connection between the two boys.

The way they always touch each other, sit on each other's lap, smile when the other one enters the room, do every single thing together, call each other cute names. The way they only have eyes for each other and help each other through everything. How they only need each other when they feel down, how they are pissed off and jealous when someone else comes near their boy.

Nope, it's not a surprise for Danielle to hear Louis confess this.

"Does he know?"

Louis shakes his head. "No, he doesn't. I'm scared to tell him, also because I'm not sure what's going to happen. He is still with Taylor and I'm still with El, even though she cheated on me. I need to talk to El first before I make those kind of decisions. It's so hard because I really want Harry near me but it's getting so hard. I feel my heart beating like crazy and the only thing I can think about are his hands on me and we haven't done it for three days now which is good because I said we would stop but..."

"Wait, stop? Stop what Louis?"

"Fuck... I can't tell you. If Harry knows I told you he will kill me."

"Lou, you can trust me. I won't tell Harry. Come on you basically just came out to me, what more can it be?"

Louis is having a debate with himself. Should he tell Danielle about the things that Harry and him used to do? What if she thinks they are disgusting? And if she tells Harry than nothing will be fine again between them anymore but the secret is killing Louis inside and out. He needs to tell someone and for the moment Danielle is his only option.

"Harry and I slept together a few times in the hiding room..."

"What? When?"

"The first time after that game day when we were both drunk and then it just kept on happening I guess. We both liked it but also felt guilty so it stopped. That... What was going on between us, it started to make me think that I'm gay for Harry."

Danielle nods understanding and hugs the boy when she sees tears streaming down his face.

"I just don't know what to do, Dani. I don't know what I feel and for who I feel it. I have always loved El and I'm making this drama that she cheated on me but I did the exactly same thing, only I didn't get caught, mine is not on camera. And honestly, I don't even regret that it happened, I would do it again and again every single day of my life. Harry makes me feel a kind of way that El never did but El and I have been together for so long."

"Time doesn't matter, Lou. El cheated on you and you just admitted that you cheated on her too. That means that there is clearly something missing in your relationship and that it is maybe time to stop it, for your own goods, and maybe you can even stay friends. If I hear you talk you are totally whipped for Harry. You should go and talk to him before you lose him. You should be honest with him."

"I can't be honest with him. He will hate me if he doesn't return the feelings."

"Louis, you slept together, more than once, the boy hates my guts just because we talk. Yes, he does return the feelings."

"Do you think so?"

Danielle nods. "Go get him. Go talk to him. You look horrible without him. But first please take a shower."

A small smile appears on Louis face, suddenly feeling confident thanks to Danielle's words. "Yeah, I will tell him."

"Harry? Harry, hey!" Kendall walks towards the boy with the curly hair and stops him.

"What's wrong, H?"

"Louis hates me."


"Louis hates me. We are fighting and it's all my mistake. He was pushing me away and being all snappy and now he doesn't even accept my help. Louis fucking hates me and thinks I'm disgusting."

"Why would he think that, Harry? You are fucking aweseome."

"Louis doesn't agree."

"Screw Louis. You are better than him. He is always mean to you and claims you like some kind of property. You should not let anyone treat you like that. He is a toxic friend. The time you spend with him is unhealthy, Harry. If he takes distance from you than you should be happy. There is probably a reason his own girlfriend cheated on him. You are a lot better than him and deserve a friend that threats you better and doesn't make you cry. You guys fight quite a lot and I feel it's always Louis' fault. He doesn't appreciate your friendship and how amazing you are. You don't need him, Harry. You have me."

And maybe Kendall did have a point. They are really close but they do fight a lot. It's not only Louis' mistake, Harry is guilty as well but they shouldn't fight like that. They are best friends. And yeah he understands that Louis needs time for himself as well, for sure now. Harry is human and he knows the pain Louis is going through. He never truly loved Taylor like Louis loves El so he can't image the pain he is going through but that's why Harry wants to be there for him and support him. He is not only his friend for the fun things, he is also his friend when times get hard. It hurts Harry that he trusts Louis with his biggest secret yet Louis pushes him away when everything goes wrong. It hurts Harry that he clearly trusts Louis more than Louis trusts him but mainly it hurts Harry that Louis promised he was okay with Harry being gay and yet here he is, letting anyone in except for Harry.

But that doesn't mean Kendall gets to talk about Louis like that. Nobody gets to talk about Louis like that.

"You don't know him so don't judge him. He is an awesome person and just because we are in a fight doesn't mean I'm going to talk trash behind his back. He still means everything to me while you mean nothing to me, Kendall so don't say ever again that I have you. I don't have you. You are getting paid to be nice to me and to cause drama. I also don't want to have you, I want to have Louis. He is my best friend and he knows everything about me. So don't you dare compare yourself ever to Louis again and don't speak one bad word about him because I will stop talking to you."

Kendall is shocked by the response of the younger boy.

"Nice answer, Harry." Harry looks next to him when he hears Danielle speak.

"Don't you have to be with Louis?" The younger boy snaps.

Danielle shakes her head.  "He asked me to tell you to please wait in the hidingroom for him. He wants to talk."

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