Chapter 51

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The moment both boys fear is getting so close. They are driving right now towards the campfire, more stressed than ever. Liam and Zayn are sitting in the front of the two boys, the four of them having a conversation. It's a bit sad that the four boys really connected the last couple of days. It's mainly because Harry and Louis only had eyes for each other and Zayn just wanted to be a loner. Poor Liam.

"I just can't imagine how hard this must be for you, Louis. After finding out that she has been cheating on you for all those years and now you have to face her, knowing the whole UK is watching you. I just... How are you feeling?"

"Jesus, Liam you are not helping." Harry murmurs, pulling Louis on his lap to comfort the boy.

"It will be fucking hard but I have prepared my break-up speech well. There is no way that I can ever forgive her what she has done and honestly I have also done some pretty fucked up stuff. We just really aren't meant to be."

"What have you done, mate?" Zayn asks.

"That's something for later. Why don't you tell us how you feel about seeing Perrie again?" Louis fires the question to Zayn.

The black haired guy starts to shine and he has a big smile on his face. Immediately he is forgetting about what he asked Louis and his curiosity fades by only thinking of his beautiful fiancé.

"Guys, you can't imagine! I really can't wait to see my queen. I have missed her so much. I know now why we never split. Do you know that feeling like when you are separated from the one you really love your heart is just crying? Begging to be with that person again?"

Harry and Louis glance at each other when they hear Zayn's words and Harry speaks up.

"I know exactly what you mean, man." Automatically Harry pulls Louis closer to him and Louis has to fight his smile. He is so whipped.

"So you are going to pop the question later then, Harry?" Liam asks, oblivious to the both boys in front of him giving each other heart eyes. The question pulls Harry from his trance.

"What? Oh, no I'm not going to propose. I'm actually going to break up with her. I kind of figured out that if you don't miss the person that much, it's not worth it. No, Taylor and I are done."

Liam raises his eyebrow. "But Harry you are literally nineteen and you just agreed with Zayn. How do you know what he is talking about if Taylor isn't the one for you?"

Zayn slaps Liam on the back of his head.

"Liam, you are literally the stupidest person I have ever met." The raven haired guy speaks.

Both Harry and Louis look at Zayn.

"Auw! That wasn't needed! And that hurt by the way! Words and the slap!" Liam says while massaging the back of his head. 'And what do you mean by that?"

"How have you not noticed dork and dorky the past three weeks?" Zayn sighs.

Both Harry and Louis look at Zayn with big eyes. Louis wants to say something but Zayn stops him.

"Don't even try to lie about this, Tomlinson. I have eyes and a brain. Sleeping in each other's room, sitting on each other's lap, the kisses on the forehead, the random hugs, disappearing to the hiding room all night, acting jealous when the other hangs out with someone else. I have been doubting the two of you since week one. My suspicion got confirmed though by Harry when he literally drove to the other side of the island only to make it up to you. He was prepared to go to jail here in Thailand you know, stealing a car and stuff, only to fix things between the two of you. And now you are both telling me you are going to break up? I might not have talked a lot, but I did some observation." Zayn winks.

"Really? Harry, Louis are you guys a thing?" Liam is in shocked about the things that Zayn said, but hearing them out loud they actually do make sense. The boys have been glue since day one.

Harry looks with helpless eyes to Louis, asking without words if it's okay to confirm their relationship. Louis gives the younger boy a small nod and smiles. He thought he would be terrified if someone found out about them, but now the only thing that Louis feels is relief. Telling the truth to their two friends is already two people less to confess everything to. Louis takes Harry's hand for courage and kisses his temple.

"Lou and I are indeed together. I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys. We wanted to keep it private actually till after the show so we could have a proper break up with our girlfriends. We don't want to like shock the world or something. We would like to keep it private, just something between the two of us. I don't mind though to finally say this out loud to someone. Can I say it again?"

Harry has a huge smile on his face and his heart is beating so fast. He admitted to someone other than Louis that they are together and he just loves it how the words roll of his tongue.

"Go on, lad. Say it again." Zayn winks at the curly lad.

"LOUIS AND I ARE TOGETHER! WE ARE A COUPLE! WE ARE IN LOVE!" Harry shouts through the bus.

Louis looks fondly at the younger boy he is sitting on. He bites his lip and just admires the bunch of curls that he calls his boyfriend. He is so cute. Louis softly caresses his cheek and kisses his curls.

"I love you, Hazza."

"I love you, Lou."

"Awww just look at them!" Liam coos, looking at the two boys in front of him. "They both look so happy!"

Harry gets shy and hides his face into the crook of Louis' neck. Louis plays with his curls to comfort the boy.

"Thanks, Liam and Zayn. It actually means a lot to us that this is the way you react. We both never had a boyfriend and we are scared to death about peoples reactions but knowing that we have two of our friends supporting us, means really a lot. Thank you, guys." Louis speaks for the two of them.

"It's really fine, Louis. We've become quite close towards the end and you are really a good person. I hope you and Harry are happy together."

Louis turns around and lifts Harry's face, placing his finger under his chin.

"Are you happy, Hazza?" The older boy asks, making blue and green met.

"I'm so incredibly happy with you, Lou. What about you?"

"Happiest I have ever been." Louis presses a soft kiss on Harry's lips until they feel the bus stop. Immediately Louis leaves Harry's lap, taking place next to him.

Two men open the door.

"Okay, boys. It's time for the final campfire together with your girlfriends . Liam, you are first. You follow me. The other 3, you follow my colleague." The older man says.

Louis, Harry and Zayn follow the other man, bringing them to some kind of cabin. When they enter they see a big screen. Right now Liam is sitting with Niall, and it only takes another minute for Maya to arrive together with Amelia. The couple is happily reunited.

Harry and Louis look at each other, pinkies hooked.

"We can do this, Lou. I love you." Harry whispers when he sees the older boy biting his nails.

"Yes, together we can do everything. I love you too, Hazza."

Sooooooo Zayn knew! What y'all think?

xoxo Sam

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