Chapter 60

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"Thank you so much for letting me stay at your place and bringing me home, Lou. Your family is awesome, just like you are." Louis and Harry are standing in front of Harry's door. Louis is impressed. He knew that Harry wasn't poor, but he has never seen a house as big before. It's huge. It would fit whole Doncaster.

"It's alright, love. I'd do anything for you, and you heard my mom. You are family, Haz." Louis holds Harry's big hand in his, smiling at the boy.

"I will really miss you. Will you call me when you are back home?"

Louis shakes his head.

"The whole family will be there when I arrive. I will text you when I arrive home and call you after they have left okay?"

"That's fine." Harry keeps talking, scared to go back in. Louis notices the scared look in Harry's eyes.

"Babe, it will be okay. If there is anything just call me, yeah. I love you." Louis' thumb softly touches Harry's cheek, trying to calm the younger boy down.

"I love you too, Lou. I'll see you Friday night?"

"See you Friday night."

Louis leans in and presses his lips softly on Harry, hands playing with his curls.

"You should go now, love. I bet your family is waiting." Louis whispers against Harry's lips.

"It's so hard to let you go."

"I feel you. But we will see each other soon and we'll videocall every day, okay Hazza?"

Harry kisses his boyfriend one more time before opening the door. He turns around, and when Louis' car is out of sight he enters the house. He feels empty without Louis.

Harry is shook when he sees his mother and Robin standing in the hallway.

"Mother, Robin, I missed you." Harry looks up at the people who have raised him.

"Was that your twink boyfriend?" Robin snaps.

A pang goes through Harrys' chest.

"His name is Louis. He is really nice." Harry's voice is barely a whisper.

"So it's true? It was not just good tv or acting? You are a faggot?"

Another pang. Harry feels tears burning, he knew that Robin wouldn't be happy, but this reaction is even worse than when he came back with an older girl. 'A real man takes care about his girl, Harry. Yours is older than you. You can't take care about them when they are older. Find someone who is your own age.' He still remembers the words that his stepfather had said.

"I really love, him Robin. He is a good person, better than Taylor. He treats me right. He looks at me like I am his whole world, and he is mine as well." Harry doesn't raise the volume of his speaking. He is really scared now of the man in front of him. His face doesn't show any emotion and his mother is standing behind him, not saying a word. She is scared as well. She has been scared for over 10 years, and everybody knows that the only reason that she stays with Robin is because of the money. If Robin ever decides to leave Ann, they are poor like they were after Harry's dad left.

"I should beat the gay out of you, you disgusting boy. You would deserve every punch, but I'm not even going to touch you. I don't want to touch an abomination. You can't be together with someone from the same sex."

Harry is sobbing loud, looking at his mother for help. The woman just turns her head, not wanting to make eye contact with her crying son. She wishes she could help him, but she can't make Robin angry.

This is exactly why Harry was so scared to come out.

"I want you to go upstairs, take your dirty stuff, and leave. I don't want to see your face ever again." Robin spits in Harry's face and leaves the hallway, going to his home office.

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