Chapter 46

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The comments you guys write about certain situations are just hilarious! Thanks for making my day!


Louis looks at his watch. Harry and that bitch could be here any minute now. Louis is so nervous and scared for the talk he is going to have with Harry. He is so scared that he will choose Taylor. For once Louis would like to be someone's number one, just for once... He wants to be Harry's number one, because Harry is Louis'.

"Louis, you look genuinely stressed. This is Harry we are talking about, relax."

"I can't relax. He might break this off for real. I can't handle that."

"If he does then maybe it's for the better, Lou. If he breaks up with you on the last day of the show, he never loved you. "

"Don't you dare ever repeating that. No, that's not for the better and Harry loves me. I can feel it."

"Louis, you don't even live near each other in the UK. What are you planning to do? Maybe it's for the better that Harry proposes to Taylor. She is integrated in his life. It would make things a lot easier for both of you."

"I don't want easy, Danielle I want love. Can you now please stop riling me up? I want to talk to Harry with a brain that isn't filled with the bullshits you just said. I thought you were my friend."

"Just trying to give you some advice."

"Well stop giving it. I don't need it. I know what I'm doing and I know what I'm feeling, not you."

Danielle only nods and takes a sip from her drink.

Louis' blue eyes start shining when he sees someone walking towards them.

Harry's curls are still wet, coming straight out of the shower, he is wearing a black shirt and a grey pair of ripped skinny jeans. Louis feels butterflies in his stomach. Only Harry can give him this feeling. He never had this when Eleanor. Harry is perfect in Louis' eyes and he really just wants to make up with him, hoping that Harry changed his mind about Taylor. Because as much Louis loves the gorgeous boy, he will not go back to him after Harry sat down on one knee.

"Hey Lou, Danielle." Harry shows his beautiful white teeth and takes place next to Louis.

"Hey, Hazza." Harry's heart stops beating. Louis calls him Hazza again. So there must be a way to fix this. Louis still loves him. Hope fills Harry's heart and he gives Louis a shy smile. It's honestly like they are going on their first date or something. Both boys are acting like sixteen years old that get to go on a date with their crush. They both feel the butterflies control their body but they like the feeling.

Danielle looks at the two boys starting at each other, giving the other the biggest pair of heart eyes. It's the cutest thing she has ever seen and she hates what she has to do. She really doesn't want to. She wants Louis and Harry to be happy together, but life is no fairy tale and you can't always get what you want.

"Harry, where is Kendall? Aren't you supposed to be together all the time?" Danielle asks.

"Kendall is sleeping. They can't make me stay in the room being bored all alone. I asked her to come so I follow the rules but she said no. So technically she is the one breaking the rules and not me. Why? Do you want to see her or talk to her?"

Danielle shakes her head. Hell no, she hates Kendall. She can't stand the girl. She has always been so evil towards the other girls and Louis, it's disgusting.

"No, thanks I'm good. I was just wondering." Danielle takes a sip from her drink. She hates Kendall but she could have used the support of the girl to do this. This will be mission impossible being all alone. Harry and Louis are crazy about each other. You don't need to know that they are together to see what's going on between them. Their body language explains everything.

"I should go for a drink first. Do you want something?" Harry asks.

"No, thanks I'm good. I still have some." Louis answers.


Danielle shakes her head. "No, thank you Harry."

"Okay, I'll be back in two minutes." Harry looks at Louis and Louis looks back at him, giving the younger boy a small smile until he turns around and walks towards the bar.


Louis breaks his gaze from Harry's back.

"Yes, Dani."

"I am so sorry."

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?"

"For doing this?"

"Doing what? Danielle, you are confusing me."

Danielle stands up, straddles Louis' lap and presser her lips against his, leaning down on his hands so the boy can't move. She knows there are camera's around the pool bar so this should be recorded.

Louis is frozen, in shock. What the hell is she doing? He tries to get his hands from under Danielle's, wanting to push her off. This is not what he wants. He doesn't want to lower to Eleanor's level, going off with a seducer and he sure as hell doesn't want Harry to think that there is something between the two of them. He finally got less jealous.

Louis hears glass falling down, shattering on the floor. Danielle loosens her grip and immediately Louis pushes her away from him.

"Hazza, I swear..."

"So that's why you wanted a break, huh?" Harry's eyes are tearing.

"Hazza no I swear to god this is not..."

"Not what, Louis? This is not you making out with Danielle after the two of you have been close for the past three weeks?"

Louis is crying now as well. "You have to let me explain this, Harry." Louis walks over to the curly haired boy and puts his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"I love you, Hazza. You should know by now that I love you. You wanted to talk, please let's talk."

Harry knows when Louis lies and as painful this sight was, he really wants to hear Louis' explanation because he sounds like he is telling the truth. This is temptation island and people do fuck with your mind. Harry loves Louis and he wants to give him a chance to explain this.

"There is coke on my jeans. I'm going to change. I'll see you at the beach in fifteen minutes. We'll talk."

Harry doesn't say another word and walks towards his room again. When he is out of sight, Louis turns around to Danielle.

"What the fuck... Why, Danielle?"

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