Chapter 13

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Louis is still sitting on Harry's lap, Harry's arms protectively pulling the older boy closer to him so he can cuddle him while listening to the fake blond. Zayn and Liam turned their attention to the host as well.

"As you might have noticed, the girls are gone." Niall starts.

"No shit, Sherlock." Louis jokes.

Harry pinches Louis' hip softly, telling the boy to shut up.

"So, if you wonder where they are... They are introducing themselves to your beloved girlfriends on the other side of the island."

All boys are watching Niall with their mouth wide open.

"Are you saying that they get to talk to them or how is it?" Zayn asks, slightly panicking.

"They will introduce themselves and give a small message to the girl that they want." Niall explains.

"That's fine, actually. I have nothing to hide for Eleanor." Louis says proudly.

"No, mate. If they wanted to send a person over to make Eleanor pissed off, they should have sent Harry. The chance you end up gay together is a lot bigger than that you cheat on El with one of the girls." Liam jokes.

Louis bites the inside of his cheek. It's not the first gay comment he got and it pisses him off. He thinks about those years he got bullied in school because Louis would be 'a fucking fag' and 'wanting it up in the ass'. It stopped since he got with El but now it seems all to come back.

Harry notices Louis' cold face and whispers something in his ear. "They are just jealous because they don't have our friendship, boo. Don't listen to him."

Harry's words make Louis visibly relax and automatically the older boy rests his head on Harry's chest, waiting for Niall to continue his speech.

"So, as the girls are out with your girlfriends... We have the boys here. They'll come up to you one by one. Have fun, guys." Niall chuckles and leaves the boys alone, telling the seducers they can go. Louis feels a pit in his stomach. He is going to see fucking Max, the boy that wants to fuck his girl.

The for boys have taken place at the bar, all of them sitting on one of the barstools. Harry and Louis both put on their sunglasses and they are leaning with their elbows on the bar, wanting to look like the cool bad boys that they are... Not.

The first 3 boys that came up didn't really get to one of the boys. They are probably the ones that never got asked out on dates by their girlfriends.

The next 2 really pissed Liam and Zayn off. One was talking about how fit Perrie was, almost making Zayn stand up and beat the shit out of him. It's the most emotion the boys had ever seen from Zayn.

The other one was talking about how Maya soon will be his. Liam played it cool but it was obvious that it hurt Liam.

Now the next one is coming up. He has a lot of muscles, is tanned and honestly he is good looking.

"Hi, who of you is Harry?" the boy asks.

"That must be me, mate." Harry says looking at the boy from over his sunglasses.

"My name is Taylor and I just want to tell you that our name is not the only thing we share." The boy winks at Harry.

"Wow, that was creative. You must have been the smartest in the class." Harry says sarcastic, not really phased by the muscular guy in front of him. Really, that's the best he got? Harry isn't really bothered.

Taylor doesn't say a word anymore and disappears.

Harry turns to Louis. "He is such a dick. He is so full of himself, almost as full as you are." Harry jokes.

"Wow, that was creative. You must have been the smartest in class." Louis uses Harry's own words against him.

Harry fondly rolls his eyes and looks up when there is another boy in front of him. Louis' breath is stuck in his throat. That's him. That's the guy that wants to fuck his girlfriend. Max is standing right in front of him.

"Hello, Louis." Max smirks, looking Louis straight in the eyes.

"How do you even know I am Louis?"

"Eleanor told me that you were tiny. Must have been you then huh. Don't worry about it, little boy. I have shown her what a real big dick can do." The boy has a smug smile on his face.

"You are talking bullshit. El wouldn't do that." Louis snaps.

"Wait for the campfire."

"I don't believe you."

"Are you even surprised, though? I mean... I bet she got tired of you. A small dick for seven years? That must have been boring.... Look at you. Do you even have one muscle in your body?" Max, who has a lot of muscles himself, feels really good about himself. Louis? Louis just wants to die. He doesn't know what to say.

"You are going to listen to me, mister 'big dick'. You are not talking to Louis like that." Harry snaps, putting his sunglasses on his forehead so he can show his angry eyes to the boy."

"Oh, you must be the boy El was talking about! She mentioned that her boyfriend was always hanging around with the same guy after the first campfire. You must be the other twink than. Cute, protecting your little boyfriend."

Louis puts his hands on his ears, not being able to hear the word 'fag' or 'gay' or 'twink' one more time. It drives him crazy. Why do keep people say that? So what if Louis would actually like guys? Does it really matter? Is that a bad thing?

Harry's eyes are full of fire and he walks up to the guy that is taller than he is, but he doesn't care. Nobody makes Louis cry and get away with it unpunished. Harry balls his fists and connects it with Max' jaw, making the other boy moan in pain.

"I warned you. Leave Louis alone, you sick fuck. He is so much more you could ever be. Look at you, participating as a seducer, basically getting paid to fuck someone's girlfriend. Yeah, really impressive bug guy. Now leave and tell your little friends they don't even need to bother to come down."

Max curses under his breath but none of the boys pay attention to him. Harry walks up to Louis, pulling the crying boy in a hug.

"Don't listen to him, boo. You are amazing. Don't you dare shed a tear because of that fucking douche. You are worth so much more. Let's go to your room and cuddle, okay?" Harry's voice is soft and he is wiping Louis' tears away with his thumb.

"Ok." Louis' voice cracks from the crying and it  breaks Harry's heart. He puts his arm around Louis' shoulder, pushing the boy closer to him, keep telling him on the way how amazing he is.

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