Chapter 32

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The next morning the boys have to vote about Eleanor's and Louis' meeting. Louis is biting his nails of and goes to Niall who is staying in their villa for the voting.

"Did everybody vote already?" Louis asks nervously.

"Nope, Zayn still needs to vote. I think he is still sleeping. If I were you I should go to him to talk, Louis. I'm not allowed to say it normally but on the girls side there are only yesses.

Louis feels his heart jump. The girls want them to talk, Liam said to Louis that he will vote yes, that he doesn't really mind and Harry.... It's Harry. He always supports Louis. The only thing that has to be fixed is Zayn. Zayn is the only obstacle between Louis' and El's conversation.

"I'm going to Zayn, babe." Louis whispers into Harry's ear, quickly pecking his cheek.

"Want me to come with you?"

"No, I'm good. This is my fight. I'll see you in a bit, yeah? I love you Hazza."

"Okay, Lou. Good luck."

It stings. Louis has said it a few times now that he loves Harry and Harry hasn't said it back once. Does he not love him? Is he making a complete full out of himself by telling Harry that he loves him.

"Thanks I guess. See you later."

Louis knocks on Zayn's door and it takes a full five minutes before the boy opens the door.

"Can I help you?"

"I would like to talk about the voting, Zayn."

"I told you, it's a no."

"Please hear me out."

"Ugh, just come into my room."

Louis looks around and is shocked. The room is full of pictures from him and Perrie.

"Wow, uh... A lot of pics I guess."

"I miss her a lot too. I'm not doing fine either but just because I don't want to cut my wrists I can't see her. I'm doing bad too but it's not like someone cares."

Louis feels immediately so bad for the guy. It's true. It's not like anyone is really paying attention to Zayn.

"I'm so sorry you feel like this, Zayn. If you need to talk I'm here yeah. It's hard for all of us."

"You just say that because you want my vote."

"I might look selfish in some people's eyes but I'm quite okay actually. I tell you this because I mean it. I know how I have been feeling and if I didn't have Harry here I would have gone mad a long time ago. I don't say I'm the Harry to your Louis but... I'm here you know. You can talk to me if you feel bad. You don't need to push us all away. Believe me, I know it's the easiest because I do it all the time but just know that if there is a day you are done pushing, I'm here okay Zayn?"

Zayn nods. "Thanks, that's actually really nice. I'm so sorry I called you a fag yesterday. That was really uncalled for and I didn't mean it. I just got pissed off because you actually get a chance to see your girlfriend."

"She is not really my girlfriend anymore, Zayn. Don't forget she cheated on me before you get all jealous. You can barely call us a couple. I'm also not really in love with her to be honest. It's a hard fact that I got to know here but it is the truth."

"Then why do you want to talk to her so badly? Why do you care if she is depressed. You have been depressed too and that's her fault. If I was you I would never talk to her again."

Louis smiles weakly at Zayn.

"I get your reaction but El and I have been together for seven years. She cheated on me but I forgive her. She clearly regrets it. That doesn't mean I take her back. I still care about her and I would not forgive myself if she actually starts cutting again. We have gone through a lot together and I feel I owe her this, to get her through this. I know that if I can talk to her that she will be better. Guilt makes her like this, I know. I just want to tell her not to feel guilty. It's not like I am a saint. I only want to talk to her because I care about her and her safety. Her parents already lost a kid and I can't be the reason that they lose a second one. I'm sure I can talk those bad thoughts out of her head, I have done it once before. That's why I want to talk to her so badly. It's not because I'm still so madly in love with her. It's not because I'm fine with her cheating on me in front of the whole fucking UK. It's because I care about her as a person and yes she made a mistake but is it up to me to completely ban her out of my life because of this after the seven years of happiness she gave me? I can't do that. I'm not talking to her to get back together or something. I even plan to tell her honestly that we are not going to work anymore but in a way that she understands that it's really not only because of her and that she will have me forever but in a friendly way. This means a lot to me, Zayn really. Please just vote yes."

Zayn only nods. "I will think about it. If you don't mind now, Louis I would really like to take a shower now. I haven't had one yet. You can let yourself out, yeah?"

Louis nods.

"Thanks for this talk, Zayn. And don't forget that even if you decide to vote no, I'm still here for you if you feel lonely or the need to talk. I will not judge you on the answer you give, okay?"

A small smile appears on Zayn's face.

"That's nice. Thanks Louis. Have a good day."

"Have a good day, Zayn."

Louis nervously leaves the room of the mysterious boy. He really hopes he got that yes in the pocket. 

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