Chapter 26

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It's a few days later and Louis is doing worse and worse every single day. He can't get the image from Eleanor out of his head and Harry confuses him. Now Louis knows he is gay he starts to question himself as well. He always got called gay earlier in high school but he always told himself that he is not, that Eleanor was proof that Louis liked girls. Now his relationship with Eleanor is almost over and he literally had sex with a guy and enjoyed it. What makes Louis still straight?

Maybe the fact that he is heartbroken over the brunette girl he has been together with. Yeah, if Louis didn't love Eleanor than he wouldn't be feeling like this. He would be okay.

Or maybe he just feels like this because she betrayed him? That someone he has been trusting for so long just broke it in a couple of days?

Harry would never break his trust. He is always next to Louis and these last days he took care about him. There are some moments that Louis has smiled and felt better. Of course they all involved Harry. Harry makes him happy. And for some reason that also scares him and makes him want to be distant from Harry.

And that brings him back to the being gay question. Louis' mind is about to explode. Eleanor, Harry, straight, gay, it's all too much for the smaller boy.

Another waterfall of tears leave his eyes. He doesn't know anymore who he is, what he wants, what to do and who he loves and the fact there is a special campfire tonight, one that isn't planned, scares the fuck out of him. Louis is confused and one of the reasons is now walking into his room.

"I brought you some pasta, Lou."

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry."

"You should eat. You haven't eaten in three days. I can't see you like that."

"Than go, Harry. No one asked you to see me."

"Why are you pushing me away." And that question hurt because Louis can't answer it honestly. He knows Harry will not judge him about being gay obviously but he will judge him when he says that he might have feelings for him. He has to figure everything out before he answers Harry. If he really has romantic feelings towards his friends he doesn't know what to do with it. Being honest or just push them down?

"I'm not pushing you away I need time for myself."

"Is it because I'm gay? Did you change your mind?"

The question hits Louis hard. The reason he is acting like this is partly because of Harry being gay but It's not the reason that Harry thinks. He is not hating him because he likes boys, it's quite the opposite actually. Louis is trying to find out if he actually has feelings for the boy, more than just friends and the thought that he can even think about that makes him feel horrible because Eleanor should be the only reason that Louis is crying now and not his best friend who he fucked a few times. His mind should be mainly with Eleanor yet here Louis is having a crisis because he thinks he is gay and possibly in love with his best friend.

"No answer is the clearest answer. I put your plate here. Sorry for caring and thinking you would want my help." Harry just puts the plate of spaghetti on a table in Louis' room and leaves, slamming the door.

"Fuck it." Louis screams loudly, letting all of his emotions out. He takes the plate of spaghetti and smashes it against the wall, making a loud noise that probably everybody in the villa heard.

It's not even 10 seconds later that the curly lad runs into his room again, feeling his heart break when he sees the boy in front of him.

His hand is bleeding from the broken plate and he just sits there on his knees, utterly broken. Louis might not want Harry's help but Harry is sure going to give it. He can't leave the boy like this. He cares way too much about him.

"Lou, come on. We need to go clean the cut in your hand." Louis doesn't react. He just cries and cries and cries. He doesn't even feel the pain of the cut. It's nothing compared to the pain in his heart.

"Louis?" In the door there's Danielle , Liam and Sophia who look shocked at the sight.

"Go, please. I got it." Harry snaps.

"Clearly you don't. Lou, come here." Danielle walks up towards the boy and takes him in her arms.

Louis knows that this will probably hurt Harry but he has to be selfish now. He responds to Danielle who takes him to the bathroom. He feels Harry's green eyes burning on him. He want Harry to be with him right now, he really does but Louis should first get his shit together before he drags Harry into his drama and feelings. He wants to be honest to Harry and right now he can't. He isn't even completely honest to himself.

Louis sees the tear escaping Harry's eyes when he looks at him and Danielle and leaves the room together with Liam and Sophia. He wants to follow him, he really does but right now it's better he doesn't. He needs a bit of time away from Harry.

"What happened, Louis?" Danielle asks while disinfecting the wound.

Louis doesn't answer, knowing the seducers have a microphone on them all the time. Louis makes the sign and Danielle gets it, turning her microphone off.

"You can tell me now."

"I don't know." His voice is barely a whisper. He lost his voice from crying, screaming and barely having food or sleep. Louis is really weak now.

"Sure you know, Lou. Come on, you know that you can trust me. We are friends."

"I might be in love..." Louis confesses.

"Yeah I know, Lou. It must be horrible to be in love with someone that cheated on you. I wish I could take away the pain from you. I don't know how it feels but you must be crushed after seven long years."

Louis shakes his head. He wants to say something but bites his lip when he feels a burning pain on his cut.

"Sorry, Lou. I need to do this. So this... Is it all about Eleanor?"


"What else is on your mind?"

"Harry and I are fighting."


"Because I'm a dick. I push him away after he shared something with me and he is scared that I act like this because of what he shared."

"And is he right?"

"No, no not completely."

"Than what's happening? You two are attached by the hip. Why are you pushing him away, Lou? I mean not to make you feel worse or something but Harry looked horrible and so sad when you came to me and not to him. I know he never liked me but after this he will probably drown me. So tell me, Lou what is so bad that you think you need to push Harry away? The guy that has been by your side since day one and never left?"

A single tear escapes Louis as he says the following words.

"I think I'm in love with him..." 

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