chapter 1 • meetings

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I didn't want to be going to Mcdonalds on a Friday night as I'd rather stay in and watch Netflix, wearing fuzzy socks and eating pizza, but my dad can't cook for shit so here we are girls.

My hazel eyes stare longingly out the window as we drifts towards McDonalds. I watch as the other cars flash by and wonder about the lives of each person behind each steering wheel by. To top the atmosphere, photograph by Ed Sheeran strums along softly from the radio.

"Yolly, you look like a dehydrated rat" my 7 year old step-brother, Jeremy whispers, the sticky Ipad in his hand blaring Mrbeast's latest video. God I hate that little fucker (Jeremy not Mrbeast).

"Shut your cocomelon baby looking ass up" I hissed quietly at him. I want to take his ipad and it's chunky ass among us case and throw it out this fucking window.

Jeremy ignores me, "John are we there yet?" he whines, shoving his cheeto dusted finger up his nostril, "I'm so hungry". Gome to think of it, I'm pretty ravenous too. I wait for dad's response.

"We're nearly there" he informs us both. I don't know why, but he's driven past four McDonald locations already. Nah actually I do know why, he's been caught vaping at other locations and he's banned from them. Probs even illicit drugs but who am I to assume.

Aoon enough, the car rolls into an empty carpark outside the established in 1955 restaurant, the glow from the giant M highlighting the car in a pool of gold. It's kinda pretty.

"Yolly, take my card and order for us would ya?" my dad instructs me. He hands me his credit card, which smelt of tobacco and mountain dew.

"Um, where are you going?" I ask him.

My dad completely avoids the question. "I'll see you soon,  get me a fat big mac meal and a diet coke for the drink". He then disappears behind the restaurant and out of sight obv to go find a cheeky vape spot.

Jeremy didn't even notice our dad walking off, as he was too busy getting a victory royale. I have no idea how he even sees shit behind that cracked greasy ass screen.

"Come on" I groan, yanking his arm and pulling him along.

We approach the McDonalds counter and wait behind the family in front of us. I sigh as I look down at my dads credit card. It's really the ones closest to you that feel like total strangers...

"Hey. What's your order?" a voice rang out suddenly. I was too absorbed in my own pondering to realise it was our turn. My feet quickly shuffle up to the counter and I glance up, my eyes colliding with the subject of the talking.

The McDonald's worker was cute. like really, really cute. 😳 He had the hottest swoopy hair and the most piercing set of blue eyes I'd ever laid eyes on. And even though he wasn't smiling, I could tell his smile was absolutely contagious.

"Um-" I stutter, my head spinning as my heart pounded viciously against my chest. I can also feel my cheeks heating up, which is so fucking embarrassing. I'm also suddenly cautious of my quirky hedgehog tee, ripped shein jeans, shell necklace and crocs...

Like a saviour, Jeramy starts speaking, his eyes finally breaking from his screen (which was loading roblox), "I want a happy meal with mcnuggets, coke for the drink, double aioli packets and a sonic toy. also please package my food in the kid laroi wrapping".

The worker tapped Jeremy's order into screen in-front of him, "Yep, anything else?".

It's my turn. The worker's eyes drifted anywhere but toward me. I wonder if he's feeling the connection I'm feeling.... I snuck a look at his name badge, which read: Chris.

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