chapter 47 • yolly gets therapy

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"Thank you for getting us dinner" I tell Matt as he's dropping me and Bolley off home after Burger King. I've never had a more fat, juicy, scrumptious whopper in my life. I'm going to be shitting good tonight that's for sure.

Matt smiles at me, "It's no problem at all, tonight was lots of fun. I'm glad we could spend time together again"

I blush like a red papaya, "I missed you too Matt". I'm twirling my hair with my finger, which is something I haven't done for a long time.... Maybe... just maybe he is my soulmate? Just some thought for food.

Matt is also blushing. He then leans in toward me and I pucker up my lips and close my eyes, but then I feel his arms around me and realise it's just a hug. Well, I clowned myself.

"Text me?" Matt then says softly, backing away. Maybe he didn't kiss me because Nick's in the car watching, but still. That was so embarrassing I'm going to go jump off the roof of this fucking rental.

I nod, "Of course, but I'll need your number again because I blocked, deleted and reported it".

"Oh, right let me put me put it in contacts for you then" Matt comments, taking my phone, "Wait, what's your password?"

"1,2,3,4" I tell him. He stares at me weirdly for a split second before typing my passcode in. I'm sorry, but what's wrong with my password? It's quick and easy to remember and NOBODY would suspect it.

"Yolly theres something on the doorstep for you!" a voice calls just as Matt hands back my phone. I churn my neck around and Bolley is waving some sort of envelope above his head.

I roll my eyes, "Bolley, just leave it on the table". Probably some more bills for the house. These motherfuckers shut the water off last week when I was having a shower and I had to finish washing my hair with bottles of Poland spring.

After I've shooed Bolley away into the house, I look at Matt, "Thank you again for tonight. Even if the mission wasn't successful".

Matt shrugs, "Chris will get over it, he will forget about Skye in a week. I mean, she isn't that memorable apart from her eyes. But you on the other hand? Your eyes may not light up every room you walk in, but I swear to god I can see the entire galaxy in them".

My heart flutters, but not as much as it could've fluttered because he doesn't think my eyes could light up a room. Ouch. "Matt... thank you. Your eyes may not be the bluest, prettiest ones out of your brothers, but to me they're the most beautiful".

Matt blinks, "Wait... who has the nicest blue eyes then?". Bro, I just complimented you, say thank you.

"Nick" I simply respond, "Anyways, I should go inside. I'll text you all night, I promise".

Matt nods, sticking his hands in his pockets, he takes a deep breath before asking, "Yolly can I ask you something?".

I'm about to answer when, "MATT HURRY THE FUCK UP!". Oh yeah, poor Nick has been stuck waiting in the car this whole time.

"OK! GIVE ME A SECOND YOU FUCKING BITCH" Matt screams back, he then looks back at me, "Anyways... can I ask you something?".

I nod, "Yes".

"What are we, Yolly?".

What sort of question is this? "Um, human beings?". Fun fact, I didn't know our species were called humans until I was twelve years old.

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