chapter 30 • the nightmare

833 19 91

Warning... very emo 🥺🖤




"Miss Goldson".

"Okay! I'm awake! Stop saying my fucking name over and over its not going to make me wake up any faster!". I blink into awakeness and imagine my shock when I see John Lennon's glowing face staring down at me, concern in his wrinkled eyes.

"Mr Lennon?" I gasp. I haven't seen him in so long... But does this also mean I'm dead? That I've joined Mr Lennon? And is he here to take me to heavens gates? Oh hell no. I ain't dying. No fucking way.

"Yollison, don't worry, you're not dead" he states, helping me up. Well thank FUCK, because there was no way I had just fucking died. Nick prayed for my mother fuckin downfall but I wasn't gonna let him get it. Period.

Also, just picture that scene in the last Harry Potter movie where dumeldore and Harry are walking through that glowy place, this is what this fcking looks like right now. But it's me and Mr Lennon.

Me and John begin to walk down the glowing path, "So why are you talking to me exactly...?".

"No particular reason" John Lennon hums, strolling along beside me with his hands behind his back like a wise old man, "I thought you could benefit from a visit as it seems life has been quite overwhelming as of late, would I be correct?".

"Yeah... things have been crazy. Also I'm sorry for not defending you on that Twitter thread that blew up about you being problematic, the people had good points" I tell him, staring down at my feet as I strolled down the path when a sudden thought suddenly clicks, "Wait, where the fuck are we?".

"It's fine. Also I'm in your mind Yolly..." Mr Lennon explains, the glow around him getting stronger. I stare at him in astonishment as he begins to float. And then I begin to float. What the actual fuck.

"Ahhh!" I screech as gravity lifts me higher and higher off the ground and into the whiteness around me, "Why the FUCK am I flying?".

"I would like to show you something" he explains, linking his arm to mine, "Hold on!". My fever dreams are getting weirder and weirder.

Suddenly, we start gliding through the whiteness until a small portal comes into view in the distance, and as we get closer and closer... wait is that me?

"What..." I gasp out. In the portal there was a vision of me, passed out by the pool side, Chris and Matt both at my side, looking equally distressed, their distant shouts to muffled to understand. I've fucking died! Oh my god. 

"No, Yolly you're not dead. This is merely a vision... an insight into your life beyond life" John explains. I watch as Matt sobs. I watch as Chris gives me CRP. And I watch as Nick stands in the background, looking...guilty? This was too much to stomach.

"PLEASE, please turn it off" I beg, gliding the other way and back onto the ground. I just want to go back to my conscious reality. This is too much. Please, someone help me. 😢🖤

John noticed my distress, snapped his fingers and the vision dissipated. The ex Beatles member then glided back down to the glowing floor, patting a wise hand on my back, "Those boys really care about you huh?".

Mr Lennon saying that made my heart leap, because it's true. Matt and Chris really do care about me... I don't know why though. Out of all the girls in the world, all their fans, everyone... why did they choose me?... "I'm not sure why they care though...".

"That boy seems really in love with you, devoted even. I've never sensed such a stronger love than what he feels for you, and trust me, I've been around a long time".

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