chapter 19 • london boy

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My entire body is aching, but my head hurts the most. I feel like I was struck with a whole ass bowling bowl.

But my eyes were doing what they're meant to do, which is being able to see. And my god, am I seeing. "You're like... really, really hot" I fumble out, WAIT WHAT did I just say?

I can him him laugh, "Thanks, so are you".

I chuckle, I think I'm seeing two of Louis now but I ignore it, "Louis can I ask you something?".


"Why are you in the women's bathroom?".

"This is the men's room".

Oh fuck. I was that fucking drowsy that I walked straight into the fucking men's room! Thinking about it now, I did see urinals... but I thought they were just an artistic statement.

"Oh shit" I breathe out, holding my hand against the back of my head, "I totally did not see where I was going...".

"Happens to the best of us" Louis reassures me, looking around, "They should be here any second now".

"Louis, I really don't want to see a medical team" I tell him, "I'm fine, thank you though".

"Wait what's your name?".

"It's Yolly".

"Pretty. Okay Yolly, you need to see doctors. I found you completely blacked out. You didn't even close the toilet door properly. Did something happen?" his voice is full of worry. Why is a stranger caring so much about me?

I sigh aloud, "Well, basically my boyfriend dumped me".

Louis frowns, "Sorry to hear that. It's his loss, any guy would be stupid to dump you".

I know my eyes are glittering when I look into his, because I feel a spark that is undeniably attraction, "Well- technically I did go out with another guy instead of him. But that guy was just my friend".

Louis shakes his head while laughing out, "Yolly, you suck".

"I know" I admit, huffing out a slight laugh.

Oh my god, I just remembered that the medical team are coming for me, and I really couldn't be fucked dealing with them.

"Louis? Can we run away?".


"Like- out of here".

"Yolly, you need to see a doctor".

I manage to get myself up and stand up straight through my sharp head pains, "I'm completely fine".

"No you're not".

"I'm awake and still alive , so I'm clearly fine"

"Are you sure?".

I nod. Well, I'm in pretty awful pain but again, I don't care, "Very sure".

Louis pulls a suspicious face, then grabs my hand (hello???), and guides me out of the bathroom, "If you're sure, Yolly".

Ahead of us, I notice the medical team approaching. Fuck. "Let's go this way!" I instruct him, pulling him down a flight of stairs leading up the stadium. Biggie cheese 🧀 was singing pretty loudly at this point.

My head was also slightly getting better, so take that, medicine.

Louis and I laugh our faces off as we dodge through the maze of crowds and rush past security and into the hallway passage that led out to the underground carpark.

By the time we're outside, the breeze from nature completely cures my head. See, you don't need medical attention you just need to stand under a tree.

"Oh my GOD" I laugh, holding my stomach, "I can't believe I just ran away from a medical team".

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