chapter 31 • the birthday party I

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✨Chapter dedicated to:

REWIND TIME! Let's take a look back at what just happened. The last day of my life was dramatic huh? Nearly drowned to death, had an interesting run in with my ex Christopher, and also John Le*non turned out to be a total dickwad? Did not have ANY of that on my L.A bingo but here we are.

But anyway, Tomorrow is the day, aka the birthday party of the triplets. And it's going to be wild! Well, as wild as you can get as we are non alcohol drinkers. But I heard there's gonna be kool-aid on tap, so watch out. I might get a bit wild and crazy, very kooky! Yeehaw! 😜

"Morning Yolly!" Madi beams, noticing I'm awake. God I hate being the first one awake at sleepovers. But I also hate being the last one awake.

"Good morning", I respond, ya'll I really need to pee but there is a bit of an obstacle in the doorway. For fuck sake.

"Good morning bitches". It's Nick, and he's standing at the door in a giraffe onesie. The clown was also wearing Santa Clause slippers. It's July 31. What is he doing.

"Morning Nick!" Madi smiles.

"Yep" I simply say, because I'm not about to wish Nicolas Sturniolo a good morning, because frankly? He doesn't deserve one. 

"We're going cake shopping and shit today" Nick says, inviting himself in and sitting on Madi's bed and giving her a side hug like the besties they are.

"So excited!" she responds, squeezing him back in a hug.

"Anyways, I need to go pee" I tell them, stuffing my phone in my pocket and then leaving the room. I'm not bursting to piss that much, I just need alone time.

I find a bathroom, lock myself in and sit on the toilet. Peace and quiet. Then, I open my phone. Oh god. Unpeace and loud.

9.27am •@ Volley.Ball18
Hey! Aren't you in LA right now?

9.28am •@ yolly.goldson_

9.29am • @Volley.Ball18
Oh my GOD we so have to meet up! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 wait isn't that party on this weekend?? 🫣🫣

Oh for fuck sake. I forgot I invited her to that party, and I did it when I was dating Chris. Fuck. Volley knows. My fingers start typing like a crazy bitch.

9.30am • @yolly.goldson_
Yes. Tomorrow. You can come on one condition. Do not tell Matt I ever dated Chris. I'm back with Matt now , for context. But he cannot know I ever had a thing with Chris. Or I will kill you. 🥰 Got it?

Pretty easy instructions to follow if you ask me. Don't snitch on a bitch.

9.31am • @Volley.Ball18
Girl... that's kinda weird going back and forth between brothers.

My blood begins to boil like it's a teapot about to make a broke college student ramen noodles. Is she for REAL? It's not like I can HELP the fact that I have liked the both of them! It's called a LOVE triangle. Not a fucking love line.

I had no words to respond to her, so I just sent her a giffy that summed up my feelings quite well.

9.32am • @yolly.goldson_

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