chapter 48 • a traitor

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Its been a whole ass week since the therapy and koi pond incident and I'm still aching all over. Well, I'm fine unlike those two fish fuckers that died. Sorry not sorry. Anyways... let me start my day.

"Good morning!" a voice yells from my ground and I literally nearly shit out all my body's shit supply. I forgot Bolley stayed the night in my room. Bro had a nightmare at his big age 💀

I groan and dig my face into my squishmallow, "Did you have to be so loud? I just woke up". I grab a torch from my beside table and throw it at his shoulder, "Idiot".

Bolley yelps, "Ouch! That fucking hurt".

"Well guess what punk? I don't give a flying shit. Anyways, its been a week do you know what that means?".

My curly haired, brunette friend is rubbing his palm on his shoulder, "What does it mean? Something insane im guessing".

"No. It means that I've had a long enough break from Matthew to justify me getting back with him. Douchebag" I snap back, pushing back my Galaxy quilt, stretching my arms and hopping out of bed.

Bolley lets out a massive sigh, "You do realise something is gonna go wrong again right?".

I'm taking my hairs out of their overnight curlers in the mirror when he says this and I want to backhand him in the fucking head, "Excuse me? Nothing is going to go wrong you lunatic. Now get out of my room so I can film a GRWM for Facebook reels".

"Enjoy that" he snorts before leaving my room. Im so close to making him sleep outside in the cold and rain like a fucking rat 🤣 Anyways, back to me.

Once my hair is all ready, I spray in layers of hairspray and add a Galaxy bow to the top of my head. This is basically what my hair-do looks like:

Isn't it so cute? Anywho, its time to pick my outfit

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Isn't it so cute? Anywho, its time to pick my outfit. Yolly, where are you going? You may be asking. I'm going to Matt's house and he is going to drop whatever he's doing and take me on a date! 🥰

And how I'm getting there? I'm walking. I am going back to my roots and I'm going to take a walk in nature. Maybe I'll find a baby squirrel along the way and return it to its nest.

Since I'm walking, that means I need to wear something cute but practical. Let's have a look in my wardrobe! I run my fingers along my mostly galactic options. Then an outfit idea hits me.

I excitedly grab the different pieces of clothing and throw an outfit on my bed, yep this is the one. I'll take a break from Galaxy for a day.

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