chapter 29 • swim

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✨Chapter dedicated to mimyxn


This is the first thing I hear when I wake up. God I love the ambience of Nick Sturniolo. NOT.

"Wha- what?" I utter, rubbing my eyes all disoriented and shit. I'm pretty sure Matt and I fell asleep with our heads leaning together! Oh my god we are so cute!

"We've landed, dumbass" Nick comments, waving his hand around like it was something obvious. Like I was meant to subconsciously know we had arrived. He is such a bitch.

Matt woke up as equally disoriented, we have so much in common it's not even funny!, "Nick really?".

"Yeah" Nick responds, hopping out of his seat and grabbing his side bag out from the top compartments. Chris follows close behind.

Also, I swear to god Chris was staring out the window the whole time listening to music. Sorry but is he forgetting who the main character of this story is? Because it ain't him.

Matt stretches before grabbing both mine and his bags, "You excited?" he asks me, bumping his arm into mine playfully as we start walking down the plane aisle. I smile to myself, knowing that we will walk down a different aisle one day... if you get me.

"Duh!" I grin, hanging my Galaxy side bag over my shoulder. Matt interlocks our hands and smiles at me. We are literally the cutest couple ever.

Matt squeezes my hand enthusiastically, "You're going to love LA!".

"I'm already loving it and we haven't even left the plane yet!".


I think I hate LA. We were just picked up from the airport by Laurel and driving through the city is giving me the hibee jeebees.

I'm a girl who was raised in a small town in Massachustes. I'm not used to all the sounds, people, craziness and Hollywood life style of LA! Like yes, I've only been inside a car and not PHYSICALLY in the city but it looks horrifying. I'm pretty sure I just saw someone dancing on a pogo stick in the middle of the road, and apparently Matt is good at pogoing. What is happening.

"It's awesome isn't it?" Matt who's sitting in between Nick and I says, noticing me looking out the window. I look to him I'll and fake a smile. It's not easy being a small girl in a big city.

"I've never seen such a big city before..." I comment, staring back out the window and watching as we end up more in the suburban areas. If you can even call anywhere in LA suburban. Everyone's rich in this side of town! Maybe I don't belong here...

"Oh, it's your first time in LA?" Laura asks from the drivers seat.

"Yeah" I reply shyly. I get real shy around people I've just met, but when you really know me is when my quirky and kooky side comes out.

"You'll love it" she responds, and I can see her smiling at me through the car window hanging thing. I smile back. Maybe I'm being too critical. "Madi can't wait to meet you, she's already planned a girls night!" she then adds.

Look, it's not that I'm not excited to meet Madi. It's the fact that I'm meant to be the main female character. Not Madi , not Vollie, not Alise. Me, Yollison Hyacinth Goldson. But that aside, I'm sure she's lovely, as long as she knows I'm the main character, we are all good. "I can't wait either" I respond.

When Lauren's parked and gone inside the petrol station, Matt randomly pulls up his Snapchat and taking a picture of us together. The fuck? Is he trying to blow the car up? Also that was so random, I didn't even get to show my good angle!

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