chapter 51 • secrets & bail

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Thank you so much for 30k, that is just crazy I'm so gratefcul ❤️

Not even two minutes after I passed out, I woke up again, and somehow we were already at the police station. How the fuck? Anyways, Chris doesn't know I'm awake yet so I'm just going to lay here and stay knocked out to the world.

"Yolly, I know you're awake" Chris says, tapping my back. Fuck.

I groan and sit up, looking over at him, "I just had the most bat shit crazy dream".

"Really? What was it about?" Chris asks me as the cops open our doors, telling us to exit the vehicle. Damn, we aren't even the ones who commit the crime but sure be cunts. Anyways.

"Basically you told me Matt was turning into some sort of monster" I tell him as we walk down the path to the station. Crazy huh? LOL.

"Yolly, that wasn't a dream. It's real shit" he tells me. I pause in my tracks and blink at him, waiting for the 'sike' but he doesn't sike me.

Chris just sighs and dips his hands into his fresh love sweat pant pockets. Why he be promoting his brand in a police station like they wear anything else but their uniform?  Anyways... I'm in total denial about Matt.

"I still think you're fucking with me" I tell him, kicking a pebble as I walk along. My boyfriend is not a monster, literally or figuratively. Matt would never let himself inherit a curse.

"I wish I was" Chris lowers his voice, "We can't stop the curse. The process of becoming a Dookey Bookey monster is not pretty".

Somehow my life has become an episode of riverdale. I take back saying I wanted Matt to be more like Jughead, "Chris... a Bookey Dookey? You literally came up with that on the spot"

Chris sort of laughs it off as we walk into the station, "It's a dumb name, I know".

"And what does it even mean to become a Dookey fuckin whatever? Is he like... going to destroy the earth or some shit?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. I'm still convinced Chris is mucking around.

"Horns, spikey teeth, wings, claws" he explains in a hushed voice as we take a seat on the waiting chairs. This could be a long fucking night. Anyways what?

"You have to be joking!" I exclaim, maybe a little too loud because some sobbing woman with a missing child poster glared at me. Find your child yourself, dumb bitch.

Chris turns to me and looks me dead in the eye, "Yeah, I was just fucking with you". He then casually gets up and walks off to a vending machine.

"Chris!" I snap, causing more people waiting to glare at me. I whisper a sorry at everyone before rushing up behind Sturniolo triplet three, "What the fuck do you mean?".

Chris is tapping numbers on the machine for m&ms and looks back at me, "Wanna share?".

"Oh my god. Chris! Is Matt a monster or not? Tell me the truth" I growl, watching as his packet of M&m's fall from their spot. He bends to grab them.

"Fine. The truth is there's no such thing as a bernard curse or the Hookey- whatever I said monster" Chris explains as we walk back to our seats, "He does have a dark secret though".

I just laugh, absolutely flabbergasted by his behaviour, "Sure he does Chris. You're just trying to sabotage him because you're jealous".

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