chapter 46 • carls jr II

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Christmas gift from me to you! Merry Christmas everyone, thank you for reading this insane story this year it's been an absolute highlight for me writing this and reading the funny ass comments. Love you all! Hope u enjoy the latest chapter of Yolly Goldsons life x

It's go time baby. I signal a nod at Bolley, who signals a nod at Nick, who signals a nod at Matt. Let's go fuck up some carls burgers. Wait no.

"You guys pretend to order and I'll sneak out the back" Matt tells us all. How the fuck? Also excuse me but I want to be apart of this mission too. I'm equally as negatively effected here.

I whack the top of Matt's star costume, nearly sending him tumbling over backward because I underestimated my girl power strength 🥺, "I'm coming with you".

Matt glares me down, but then his glare softens (I fixed him), and he takes a sigh and nods, "Alright. Bolley and Nick, you stay guard. Me and Yolly will head out back".

"Um how? Yolly isn't wearing a fucking mascot suit" Nick comments, his arms crossed, "Also I'm going to go order a milkshake I'm sick of this conversation. Let's go Bolley".

I watch with Matt as the two boys trail off to order, it works I guess, keeps the workers busy. "Right Matt, how am I meant to get back there?" I ask as we stroll toward the counter.

"I'll just tell that worker there that I have nearly 4 million subscribers on YouTube" Matt says, the stars points lifting up as he shrugs. He looks dumb as hell rn.

"Right" I nod. I'm having deja vu to Lil Hudday, that's some shit he would pull.

We then go up to the worker. Some chick with brown hair and glasses. Her name tag reads Wolley. Yeah, Matt could easily gaslight her into letting us back there with a dumb name like that.

"Hi" Matt says, tapping her shoulder. She looks at him weirdly, probably knowing he is literally not the same guy who normally wears the costume.

Wolley gasps in shock, dropping a tray with scrapped up Carls wrappers to the ground in shock,  "Nick Sturniolo??"

"Matt, but close. We need your help" my ex boyfriend responds.

Sometimes I forget he's famous. Like he's not just some irrelevant reoccurring love interest character in my life and that's wild. Im meant to be the famous, well known one here. So yeah, mark my words, I will BE a celebrity. Walking a red carpet? No. I'll be walking A galaxy carpet.

Anyways, back to the story. Matt is trying to organise a deal here and I guess I should be listening. "Yeah, we need help" I add. Maybe I didn't necessarily have to repeat that, but I'm trying to get in as much dialogue as possible in MY story.

"How can I help? Do you need assistance with ordering?" the carls worker asks us, digging into her pocket. What the fuck is she doing. "Also can you sign this cup for me triplet?" she asks, handing him a half-drinken from Carls cup.

Matt crosses his arms as much as the costume would physically let him, "Sneak us out back and I'll sign it".

"Done" she says, passing him the marker and then shifting aside, handing Matt a pair of keys, "Here's access to the managers office if you need to steal documents or anything".

Matt does a devilish 😈 smirk and then signs the cup, "Thanks".

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