chapter 3 • texting

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Last night, I could barely sleep. I don't know if it's my dad possibly being a criminal or me forgetting that godforsaken receipt, but either way I wake up miserable.

I had spent at least 3 hours last night trying to find Matt or Chris on social media, but I couldn't find anything. I should've got their last name. I'm an idiot.

It's 11.23 am when I'm finally able to keep my eyes open, so I switch on my lamp and seize my phone from my bedside table. 3 unread notifications. I'm guessing they're either from teamsnapchat or Pinterest. I swipe up on the notifications and read them. My eyes jolt open at the top notif.

11.23 am

Facebook • Christopher Sturniolo sent you a friend request 10.20am

teamsnapchat • Try out our new summer themed lens!

Netflix • New arrival for Yolly: The Kissing Booth 4

I ignore the other two notifications and quickly press on Facebook, how the heck did he manage to find me?? Also, Sturniolo is a pretty damn cool last name. I wonder if he's Irish or something, maybe even German or French. Or like Parisian?

I accept his friend request and immediately open up a messenger conversation with him, the same butterflies from last night reclaiming their place in my chest. "Okay Yolly, what to say to a totally cute boy?" I whisper out loud, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

I sit up, my fingers hovering over the iPhone keyboard, hesitant and nervous. "Do I just like say hey? Or..." I ask myself. This was more difficult then it should be.

To calm my nerves, I hop up and head over to what I like to call my own little corner of the earth. The little safe spot of my bedroom. It's where I keep my vinyls, my absolute favourite things in the world.

I open my record player up, and the Beatles record is still in there (the one where they all walk across a street). I smile, and put the scratchy thing on top of it and it starts playing their music. The Beatles really are my comfort musicians. It's a shame they're not as well known as other artists.

I hum to here comes the sun as I return to the Facebook messenger app. It's now or never.

I decide to go with something short and shiny. 11.29 am
Me: Hey!

Now to wait for his response. I place my phone down face first, anxious as all hell for that vibration to sound off. Maybe I should go walk around the block or take a shower or read a really long book in the other room or-

The phone sounds off and it takes me a good five minutes to mentally prepare enough to flip my phone over.

11.30 am
Chris: Hi :)

Yep. Nope. I'm defiantly freaking out.

11.37 am
Me: I'm so sorry I forgot the receipt. I was in a total rush last night

11.40 am
Chris: that's all g. Ur lucky u have a unique name lol

I blush. He thinks my name is unique? That's so sweet.

11.40 am
Me: Haha thanks. How are you?

11.41 am
Chris: pretty good, I don't have work today which is great lol. Matt and Nick both have to work

I'm guessing Nick is the other one.

11.42 am
Me: lol, true. Do your parents own the place or something? How do all of y'all work there? lol

11.44 am
Chris: idk I guess it's just if u get one of us u get all 3 ya know lol

11.44 am
Me: lol makes sense. What u gonna do today?

11.45 am
Chris: I was actually wondering if u wanted to hang?

My heart exploded like the volcano that took out Pompeii city. Chris Sturnilo? Sturniolo was asking me to hang out. Oh my god.

11.46 am
Me: Sure! I've got nothing on today either so that sounds great 😊

In all honesty, I actually had my step mum's mom's funeral, but I think hanging out with Chris sounds more fun.

11.47 am
Chris: Cool! I would pick u up but I can't drive, so like where should we hang? 🤔

Me: I could walk to your place? I love to walk so it's no biggy.

It's true, I feel like nature was personally designed for me. I just feel so connected with it in a way no other human feels. Again, I'm a total weirdo, I know.

Chris: cool! I live at (insert address). Hope it's not too far

Me: it's only a 8 minute walk from my house! . Though be warned I may get distracted by the flowers along the way and stop to help a little bird up into a tree 🤣

Chris: and this is why I like
u so much 😋

Oh my god. Is he not the most kindest human alive or what? I can't wait to hang out with him.

Me: Stopp hahahaha 🙈 see u soon!

Chris: See you lol 🤣😁

I leave my messenger app open as I plan my fit, wanting to relieve the text conversation over and over in my head.

"What to wear..." I think aloud, scurrying through my clothes draws. I should wear something casual. But not too casual. I also want to look cute. But not too cute. I don't wanna look like I'm trying too hard.

I eventually settle on a pink Coca Cola l tee, my favourite shein mam pants and my worn out converse (what! I know they're totally trashed, but they're my signature shoes).

I eventually settle on a pink Coca Cola l tee, my favourite shein mam pants and my worn out converse (what! I know they're totally trashed, but they're my signature shoes)

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How the fit looks ^^

I then doused myself in Ariana grande's cloud perfume, twirled around and looked in the mirror. I looked pretty good! also i dont wear makeup, because i have a naturally shining complextion.

Something was missing though...

I walked over to my side draw, opened it and took out a little box. Inside, sat my most beloved necklace. It had a little owl on it like one from Harry Potter. It was the last gift from my mum before she died.

I wiped a tear as I put the necklace around my neck. Now my outfit was complete, as my mum was here with me now.

Then I grab my backpack, stuff my phone and belongings in (including my Beatles vinyl, what it makes me feel safe!) and head out of my house.

12.12 pm
Me: on my way 😊

12.13 pm
Chris: can't wait 😁😁😁

Neither could I.

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