chapter 45 • carls jr I

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It's twenty minutes later, and well, let's just say I'm not waiting by the target balls alone. Bolley has parked his ass ontop a ball, kicking his legs and eating a bag of takieies, "Is Matt done yet? It's been 20 minutes already".

"Just wait" I growl. Yeah, I kinda wish this was just a me and Matt thing but Bolley literally fucking insisted on coming along so here we are. Also, we have to pick up Nick on the way. Can't do shit alone these days.

Bolley shakes his takeie packet and offers me some, but I just slap it away, "Fuck off those are disgusting".

"Don't say I didn't offer then!" he growls at me, rolling the packet up and stuffing it into the pocket of his hoodie.

"I didn't say that, fuck off" I snap back at him. Lucky, at this point Matt has just come strolling out of Target, holding a can of A&W... he means fucking business.

Matt pops the can open, takes a massive gulp, wipes his mouth and then swiftly pulls the keys from his pocket, "Let's fucking do this shit".

Bolley slips down from the ball as Matt begins to walk off, and I follow after them, my short legs not being able to walk as fast as they can 🥺, "Guys wait up!".

Matt slows down and looks at me kinda guilty, "Sorry Yolz" he says and then he realised he called me that and bows his head. But I just smile, "It's okay".

Bolley blinks at us both. He can also clearly sense there's something fishy in the air. A rekindled spark, if you will. I blush, "So um... Bolley you sure you're okay leaving your car here for a few hours?".

My curly-haired , brunette, brown eyed, white boy, gay friend shrugs, "This is America. I will either came back to a car or I won't. Doesn't matter".

"Oh, okay" I simply respond. Soon, we reach Matt's minivan and I go to sit in the back but he looks at me with hopeful eyes and I sit in the passenger seat instead. We make Bolley sit in the back. He will get to sit next to Nick so I better not hear a complaint.

Matt starts up the engine and I watch awkwardly as he adjusts the mirror. I can't believe I'm sitting in Matt's car right now. Did not have that on my bingo for today. Absolutely wild shit huh?

I hear Bolley's seatbelt clicking in before he starts talking because this fucker can never stop talking, "This must be hella awkward for you two. Being exes and all".

This motherfucker. Me and Matt look anywhere but at each other. I know he's feeling the same feeling of embarrassment feeling that I am feeling. "Bolley..." I warn, looking back at him with a glare.

Bolley just shrugs, smirking because he knows he's just made shit awkward, and he's clearly proud of himself. If he doesn't watch his neck, Nick is going to find out something interesting.

Matt clears his throat and takes out his phone, swiping away at it, "Right. So it turns out Chris and Skye's little date will be to Carls Jr". He just completely diffused the awkwardness. I take a sigh of relief coz thank fuck.

"How do you know?" I ask him, looking back to the front. I try to see what Matt's doing on his phone. I'm pretty sure he's looking at that find my iPhone app. He must have Chris linked up to it. Ha, Chris you fucking idiot.

Matt shows me his screen and confirms he's in fact using that app, and Chris's iPhone is located near a Carls Jr location. Oh he is going the fuck down. Carls Jr more like Carls Snr because you're going to be catching these fucking advanced fists.

"Nice" I snicker while Bolley in the back is literally crunching on a snickers. I squint my eyes back to him, "Where the fuck did you get that and why is it squashed?".

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