chapter 37 • build a bear

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The plane ride? It was fine. Apart from Bolley INSISTING that he needed the fucking window seat. Like, I'm sorry but I literally paid for these flights with my own allowance I should've got the window.

Anyways, where are we now, you may ask, well we are waiting at the LAX airport for an Uber Javaa to take us to a hotel. We haven't booked it, but I'm confident they'll still have a room left.

So there we are, standing out the front, leaning against a wall and waiting for this fucking Uber. I'm sorry but why has this cunt been in the same spot for twenty minutes? Hurry up. My legs hurt.

"It's literally nine in the morning, I'm so tired" Bolley whines, sitting down next to his suitcase on the concrete, "Where is the Uber?".

"I don't know" I tell him, constantly refreshing the app. The fucker is still not moving. Is he in traffic or something? Surely not? At 9 in the damn morning? Ain't no way.

"Surely you have a friend or something who lives here that can pick us up. I'm so tired, hungry and exhausted" Bolley whines yet again, unzipping his suitcase and yanking out a tortilla printed fleece blanket.

"Umm..." I begin, my mind blank for answers. Who the hell do I know in Las Angalas? Only fucker I know who can drive is being a piece of shit right now. HOLD UP. WAIT... it just fucking HIT me.

"Oh, do I have us covered..." I smirk, smacking my fingers on my phone and calling up the number.

Thirty-six minutes and 22.3992 seconds later, our saviour has arrived and holy fuck, he's got Nicolas with him. And they've brought fucking in the out burger!!! I could cry right now I'm so happy.

"Hey!" Lil Huddy grins, rolling down his window as Bolley and I wander over, our luggage travelling behind us. Nick leans forward and beams at me, "Yolly, my bitch thank god".

Never have I been so relieved to see the fuck boy and Nick. Grinning ear to ear, I get Bolley to put my luggage in the boot (least he can do) and strap myself into the backseat, "Chase! Nick! So glad to see you guys!".

Nick hands me back an in-and-out bag, "I had to come along when I found out he was picking you up. Volley is out of control".

"We will discuss her later" I comment, gratefully taking the bag. Bolley then hops into the car and buckles himself up next to me. I can't help but notice he's blushing when he sees Nick. Is he forgetting that my love life is the main plot here?

"Hey, I'm Nick" Nick smiles at Bolley. And I just shake my head, stuffing my hand into the bag and distributing the burgers and fries amongst me and Bolley. I'm always here for a romance sideplot, but it's my story.

"I- I- I'm- B- Benny" Bolley says, all shy and shit. He wasn't fucking shy when he was holding his fucking crotch in an airport. Also, why the fucky wucky doo dah is he going by Benny? Does he not like the nickname I gave him all those years ago?!

Anyways, Bolley and Nick continue to introduce themselves as Chase begins to drive, "Thanks for picking us up Chase, I appreciate it so much".

"No problem. You know I'll always have your back Yolly". Can he stop trying to flirt? Like I'm sorry but I just got broken up with by my boyfriend. Again. You know what? If I ever do win Matt back, I want our next breakup to be initiated by me. I'm gonna dump Matt's sorry little ass.

"And I'll always have yours" I reply to Chas, eating my burger. Also why the fuck is it called 'In n Out' when the burger is literally not inside out. Fucking false marketing. Should be called In n Lies. This is why I have trust issues.

Chase smiles at me in the little drivers window and I can't help but blush because any male interaction makes me blush.

Anyways, then Nick speaks up, "So Yolly, now that you're here. We can't waste a single second. Matt and Volley will be at build a bear at exactly 12.30pm today".

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