chapter 50 • matt's got issues

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Thank you all for 22k reads! That's crazy! When I started this back in July as a little joke I could have never expected A. To hit that many reads and B. To be writing chapter 50, which is as insane as it looks. Like tf do we need 50 chapters for? Oh well, expect more. Yolly Goldson's story isn't done just yet. Anyways enjoy the chapter :))

Shortly after we shared a kiss, me and Matt walked out of the toiletry aisle hand in hand and I've never felt more alive. I'm back in my Matt era everybody, and I'm here to stay. But anyways, our beautiful romance story can wait. We have a job at hand.

"This is the one" Matt says as he finds the baseball bats. He points to a glossy, tough looking black one behind the glass. It makes sense why they lock them up huh, these fuckers can cause some real damage. Which is why we want one.

"Perfect" I smile at him.

"You can't be serious" Chris's voice utters from behind us, munching on a bagel.

"Where the fuck did you get that?" Matt asks him, flinching his hand away from me. Now what's this about? 🤨

Chris shrugs, "Some fan gave me their lunch".

"And you took it?".


"It could be poison, Chris". I look back and forth at them like my dad used to watch them boring ass tennis games before he got locked up.

"Matt, if anyone is going to poison me it would be you" Chris says, "Now, please reconsider this baseball bat shit". He crunches down on his bagel in such a judgemental way. My gears are being grinded.

Matt doesn't look phased by the poison comment. Like, we all know Matt would never poison someone or do anything horrible (apart from arson but that's not even illegal).

"I'm not reconsidering nothin" Matt says, waving for an employee to come over and help.

"Matt..." Chris growls, "Why do you always have to be such a little fucking menace".

Not Chris acting like he's the older brother here? That's Matt. Stay in your lane. I dont say this aloud tho coz I'm a pick me and want to watch boys fight.

"Eat your bagel and shut your face" Matt hisses as the employee walks over and fucking great. It's bitch face.

"Can we have someone else please?" I say with a fake smile, "We don't want to be served by a sociopath".

Volley gasps a little as she flirtatiously twists her Walmart lanyard around her finger, so obviously staring in Chris's direction, "Woah! I'm just trying to help you out Yollison dear, now how can I assist you guys?".

"Hello? you heard Yolly. We're refusing your service" Matt states, standing close by my side. My heart does a happy twirl and then somersaults and performs the entire 1989 world tour choreography. I love him so much! He's so supportive! 💗😭🥹💞💕💋

"Matt, don't be a Karen" Chris says suddenly. And Matt just stares at him with death eyes. I think I've seriously hindered the relationship between these two. Never did I mean to start this war.

Matt rn:

Matt rn:

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