chapter 7 • old friend

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yes, i know what you're thinking. i overreacted last night. but it really just upsets me when people don't like the beatles. but that wasn't an excuse for me to behave like that. though matt was also in the wrong. i literally could've been kidnapped.

i must've cried so hard last night i vomited all over my quilt cover. so yeah, here i am at 7am in the morning cleaning my puke stained quilt before my dad or jeremy make a comment.

"it's going to be alright" a voice says. i practically shit my pants. what the fuck? kool aid really does crazy shit to your brain...

"hello?" i shout out, my arm still in the washing machine, "who's there?".

"you haven't forgotten about me have you?".

"mr lennon?". was i absolutely losing it? i haven't seen him since i was a child. my head spins around like a headless chicken, looking for his figure, "where are you?".

"i exist now only in your memories, allow my voice to guide you and never lose faith". what sort of harry potter shit was this? i feel dizzy.

i sit down on the peach coloured tiles of the laundry, "where have you been all these years?".

"now now yolly, you're not the only beatles fan i have to look after".

okay so basically, he's treating me like a side hoe but in mentor and padawan (can't think of word for the person who's mentored) form. i cannot fathom that there's other beatles fans more important than me?

he must've noticed i looked visibly upset, "please don't be mad with me, for you may say that i'm a dreamer...".

"i'm not mad. just disappointed mr lennon, you didn't even support me when my mother died".

"i felt like you needed time to find yourself before i spoke to you again, yolly. only now are you ready to seek my guidance again".

"fine. what do you want to know?". i am not in the mood for john lennons shit today.

"why did you treat young matthew like that?". i can't believe mr lennon is sticking up for that punk. i'm suddenly mad all over again.

"breathe" he says, "for letting anger control the mind, will only lead you down a dark path- so allow yourself to unwind". what was he even going on about? He's sounding like that qui gon jim mother fucker from Star Wars.

"fine, if you want to KNOW why i reacted that way, it's because i was hurt" my voice begins to tremble, "i have kept my faith in you for so long , mr lennon, and to have someone i was beginning to like disrespect you like that? it hurt me".

his voice echoes through the whole house like it's on a walmart intercom, "he is allowed to have his beliefs, as you have your own. how would you have liked it if he'd , for example, destroyed your beatles record?".

he's... got a point. and i hate to admit that people have points when they have decent points.

"now, what i recommend as your conscience is to buy that boy a new tutti frutti air freshener, gift it to him and apologise. he may never forgive you, however- you cannot go on without apologising".

"you act like you were a good person when you were alive!" i snap, before i know what im saying.

"um- this is about you and not me" mr lennon responds, "anyways, babes, just go apologise. you never know how far a sorry can go. now goodbye im tired of your shit".

"mr lennon- wait!".

but he's gone, and it's just me all alone on the floor of the laundry once more. ugh, if apologising to matthew sturniolo is what the lord wants, i will do it. even though it will physically pain me. also, maybe i still have a chance with chris?

so i slip my shoes on, pack myself a sandwich, binoculars and water and rush outdoors. i'm not just going to buy him another tutti fruitti freshner , i'm going to find the one i threw out his window and personally return it to him. and hopefully chris is watching and realises what a gem i am.

everyone has their flaws, including me. and i was determined to prove to matt that i'm more than just the 'crazy bitch' he saw last night. in fact, i am pretty sure i was possessed by a demonic spirit in that moment, because that behaviour was so unlike me.

im walking down the road on the way to the sturniolo house, trying to retrace the steps to find that tutti fruitti. so far, nothing was in sight. i am starting to think he might've picked it up himself.

i make sure no cars are coming before walking onto the road and pulling out my binoculars to look around. where the fuck is it? surely nobody had pinched it since last night!

"come on..." i utter out loud, frustrated beyond all means. matt won't ever forgive me unless i can prove to him that i deserve to be forgiven, and this air freshener could very well be the key back to his heart. Though it probably wouldn't make the air all that fresh anymore.

i'm about two minutes into looking when i notice something pink about 6 metres away, "gotcha!" i shout in glee, throwing my binoculars to the curve and marching proudly toward it- however, i didn't quite make it.


a painful, sharp pain collides with my side as i'm knocked down onto the street. yeah, a car just fucking hit me. my body is in so much physical pain. yeah guys, karma exists, so never talk shit about matthew sturniolo or you WILL get hit by a moving vehicle and might sentence the driver to involuntary manslaughter.

i just lay on the gravelly road, dizzy and dazed as my whole body stings. what the fuck is one meant to do when they're hit by a car? just get up and continue their day? i am so embarrassed right now.

"are you alright?" the voice of a male asks, it sounded young. how can you be on the road for hardly no time and already nearly kill someone?

"clearly fucking not". i am still laying down, my eyes closed. i think im seeing the big bang in my eyes.

"sorry- i didn't see you there". i can feel air over my body, i think this person is reaching his hand out to me. yeah, like im gonna take it, punk. since im dramatic, i lay on the ground more, not saying anything or moving. i want him to feel REAL fucking bad.

"are you alright? if you don't say anything i will pay you heaps of money. or i can get you tiktok clout. either way please dont call the cops". lol, he is begging.

ok now he's got my attention. i squirm around a little, groaning before i pretend to struggle to sit up. i'm probably covered in so much bruises and scratches right now.

i flutter my eyes open slowly for extra effect and then physically gasp when i realise who was talking to me.

lil. fucking. huddy.

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