chapter 23 • revelations & tears

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Before she can slice up all the slices, I stab a fork in one and pull it onto my plate. My mouth waters as chocolate icing droops from the top. This is the fucking shit. But it's also a pity cake... But I'm not gonna NOT eat it.

"So, what about him?" I say casually, trying to pretend like nothings wrong. I smash the cake up until it's nothing but crumbs, as I like to eat my cake as crumbs.

Alise sighs dramatically, "Well- he will appear in court next Tuesday... and wants us to go. Including Jeremy".

I take a moment to soak in this information, "Why jeremy? Isn't he only like seven?".

"I'm pretty sure he's ten. But yeah, your father has called us in as his defendants or whatever it's called" Alise explains, sipping her coffee.

What the fuck. I'm not going to court, there is no way. "He got himself in this situation, he can get himself out" I snap, cake crumbs flying from my mouth.

"I know hun but it's not as easy as that, people aren't all black or white" she tells me.

"Um actually, people can be either all black or white depending on their ethnicity you idiot" I roll my eyes, as this is some pretty basic fucking common sense.

Alise snorts, (okay whatever bitch mock me all you want), "I mean like black and white in morals. Like it was said in it ends with us, There's no such thing as bad people. We're all just people who sometimes do bad things".

"You say as you quote a fictional man who abused his wife" I snap back, rolling my eyes.

"You get the point. No need to be a smart ass with me, Yolly. I'm trying my hardest".

"Well try harder. Hit me with a better quote and maybe I'll listen".

This is off topic, but this chocolate milk is fucking good. I wish I had the strength to not drink or eat what she's given me to prove how little I care about her or him, but it's fucking good. Wish I could share a glass with you reading this right now.

And yes, I am the type of cunt who would walk into that Hansel and gretel cottage and start eating shit. I love food.

Anyways, back to the dialogue.

"Fine. Let me think" Alise says, she then pulls up her phone and starts typing.

"You thinking or is google doing the thinking for you? Come on, have an original thought".

Alise looks like I just murdered her son right infront of her eyes. "You have absolutely no respect for adults young lady".

"Why? Because I talk back to you? It's called not being a pussy. Now hit me with a better quote".

Alise gives me a shady look, places her phone down and stares me straight in the eyes, "Fine. Moving on from that conversation then.... Your father wants you to visit him in jail at 2 today".

"I'm not stepping foot in a fucking jail".

"I'll buy you McDonald's on the way?".

Like I would visit a stinky ass, crusty fucking jail that's home to full-on criminals for processed, fattening, fast food.


I'm finishing my fries as we pull up in the carpark of the men's prison.

My phone buzzes.

My Pepsi Boy 🥺💕
You've got this.

Ive got this.

"You ready?" Alise asks as she parks the car, looking over to me. Well, I am now that Chris has messaged.

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