chapter 15 • i promise

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quite possibly the cringiest chapter yet, that being said enjoy! x

My entire body is frozen. What the hell am I meant to say? Chris knows what happened. Nick knows what happened. Matt was not meant to know what happened.

"Um..." I begin. I mean, there's always the option of gaslighting but... I don't think even the lord can help me now.

Matt is still looking at me, waiting for a response. Nick does a dumb duck lookin face, his eyes looking to the side like a shady bitch. Chris just stares at his ice cream.

It's been like 10 seconds since I've said 'um...', and I'm just completely speechless, and am BEGGIN for a miracle at this point. Can something blow up? Can the kitchen catch on fire? Can someone's phone go off and declare the monkey pox a global pandemic? (Actually don't do that).

"Well, you see" I begin after twenty seconds of awkward silence, "The thing is like the thing- is really, I didn't, with the thing and that's why- how you no, not the thing and I just okay the truth is that-".

Chris cuts in, "That never happened, Nick. We were doing a staring contest".

Okay that kinda hurted for him to deny it ever happened, but I'm also having mad respect for him right now. Real soldier.

The gasp of relief I let out could've blown that one gender reveal bush fire.

"A staring contest where both your eyes are closed?" Nick asks, "The math ain't mathing".

"Yes" Chris and I say in unison.

"Makes sense" Matt says, his tone all shady. Is he really going to pick my bones apart like a KFC zingy chicken thigh right now???

But here's the thing, I'm a changed woman. I haven't liked Chris since a few days ago. It's been a while, I've grown, and I've learnt. My heart is with nobody else but Matthew Bernard Stuniolo right now.

"Um... anyways" I begin, clearing my throat like all characters do to end awkward dialogue, "Matt and I should like head off- I've got to get home".

"Girl really? Your curfew is 7.30?" Nick questions.


Matt stands up and I stand up after him like sims being sent to do a task, "I better get Yolly home, see you guys later".

"It's been great fun" I lie to Nick, but I meant it geniuny to Chris.

"No words" Nick responds.

"Goodbye Yolly" Chris spoke. And for some reason, it felt like a goodbye that would last forever...

For pretty much the entire drive, Matt and I didn't speak much apart from small 'yeah's' and 'hms' and 'mhm' and 'ah' and 'ok's'.

When he pulled up infront of my house, I look over to him, "Matt?".

"Yeah?" he responds, finally meeting my eyes. I could just melt, his eyes are just that pretty.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and place my hand on the door, "I want you to know that I don't feel that way about Chris" I begin, "I did a little... at first- but after really getting to know you, all those feelings went away".

Matt inhales, processing the information I just informed him of, "I'm sorry for acting the way I did Yolly. I just really thought you were I don't know- using me to get to Chris".

"What? I would NEVER". I'm pretty messed up, but that's a little extreme.

"I know that's why it was stupid for me to think. It's just always been about Chris. I don't like to talk about her but you know of Skye Teller right?".

I nod.

"I liked her. So much. But it was never me. It was Chris she truly liked".

"Matt you are perfect the way you are, don't let any busted hoe make you think anything different".

"Thanks Yolly". He place his hand was on top of mine on the middle part of the car thing.

"I promise I will never ever be like Skye".


"I literally just said I promise".


I smile at him, "Never change Matt". I then walk out of the car so my one liner lingers in the air and so that he can drive off listening to a inspirational song thinking about how amazing I am and smiling to himself.

I close the door behind him, wave through his window and trail off to my house. But I didn't quite make it to my door because Matt had run out of his van, picked me up from behind and twirled me around.

We're laughing like all crazy 🙈🤣 when he puts me down, "Yolly, do you want to be my lover girl?".

I nod enthusiastically, grinning from ear to ear, "Of course I do!".

Matt pulls me in to a long embrace 🫂, "Thank you for being in my life".

"You're welcome" I whisper back,  hugging my lover boy.

What a night.

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