chapter 4 • kool-aid & beef

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It took me about 17 minutes to get to Chris's street, and lets just say, I was shaking the whole time. I'm so nervous. but at least Mother Nature calmed me down. Think I saw a squashed skunk at one point.

I look back down at the address he sent, searching for the house that matches. "This is a really nice neighbourhood..." I think aloud, once again pausing to gaze around.

In almost every front yard, there were gardens so long they protruded over the fence. It's a shock juxtaposition to my neighbourhood, which was run down and well, povo.

Along the path, I stopped at a house with a pink roof to smell the roses that hung over the fence. "How lovely" I smile, inhaling its delicate scent. the roses were so chic and beautiful. They'd make a gorgeous bouquet on top a freshly cleaned kitchen table, I thought.

"They're pretty aren't they?".

I jumped in the air like a jack-in-a-box, unaware that I had company. "Oh my god, you scared me!" I gasped out, palm flat on my heaving chest.

"Sorry shawty, I should've rung my bell" Matt laughs, his tone soft and sweet like manuka honey. He was perched upon his bicycle, wearing the signature bright red mcdonalds uniform.

"It's alright" I chuckle out, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. I can't help but notice the way the sun reflects on his blue eyes, almost like a sunset reflecting on the ocean.

Matt hops off his bike, probably to even our grounds, "So..." he begins, "Did Chris invite you over or something?". I can't help but notice the hint of jealously in his voice.

"Oh yeah" I quickly say, looking up at Matt, he's really tall compared to my 5"0 frame, "To hang out" i clarify, "As friends".

Matt just nods, a genuine smile present on his face. Maybe I was overanalysing his tone, and he's not really jealous... I mean, who would be of me? Im nothing special. "Sounds fun" he says, "Nick's home too, he's apparently sick with something".

I laugh, "I'm excited to get to know him".

Matt laughs, "yeah, goodluck".

I giggle at his cryptic comment, my eyes looking anywhere but his face. I cant help but notice how his own eyes were scanning me and it made me blush.

"Anyways babes, I should go" Matt speaks suddenly, breaking the awkward tension between us, "Maybe i'll catch you later" he adds with a mysterious wink.

"Maybe" I smile, finally allowing my eyes to look up at him. I swear to god he's some sort of disney prince, "See you, matt".

"See you, Yolz".

I watch as he trails off down the bath, riding that bike like a pro. Wait, did he just call me Yolz? oh my god. "Bye!" I call out as he gets further and further away.

"Cute shirt by the way!" Matt calls out to me a few houses down.

"Thank you!" I call back. I'm never changing this shirt.

As I walk the short distance to the Sturniolo house, I feel like i'm on cloud 9. Matt really has a way with words, and also with causing my heart to nearly combust in on itself.

When I get to the house, Chris  is waiting for me on the front doorstep, waving. Seeing him again, reminds me how much I like him.

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