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about a month later

"Em, get up. You're taking me to school today." Sofia says, shaking me lightly. I groan and open my eyes to her smile. She's been nice ever since I broke up with Harry, but I know part of her hates me for doing it.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be ready in a few." I tell her, and she nods, walking out of my room. I get up out of my bed, and walk over to get some clothes. I've been too lazy to unpack ever since I moved back to my moms, so majority of my clothes are still in a box. I grab a bra and slip it on under my shirt, and decide to take her to school in my sweats. It's not like I'm out to impress anybody anyways.

"EMMA! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" Sofia shouts from downstairs, and I roll my eyes before walking out of the room. I walk downstairs and slip on some uggs before going outside to get in the car. Sofia hasn't gotten her license yet, which is annoying because I'm forced to drive her most days.

She hops in the passenger seat, dropping her backpack near her feet. "I have P.E first, fucking sucks." She sighs. "And I have Riken, she's actually the worst."

I nod slowly, and start to drive. She rolls her eyes at my silence, but I ignore her.

"Are you ever going to stop moping? You broke up with him, Emma." She scoffs, and I want to explode. What the hell is my silence supposed to do with my breakup with Harry? I'm allowed to be upset even though I ended it with him. Especially since the whole reason was to make my own name. I have made no progress in finding a job, and I fucking miss him. I feel like an idiot, but it's not like I can even talk to him. He left for London a while ago, and has stayed out of the media ever since.

My phone buzzes, but I don't look because I'm driving. "Can you see who texted me?" I ask Sofia, completely ignoring what she just said. She rolls her eyes, and grabs my phone.

"Mom, Claudia and Niall? You're texting Niall fucking Horan?!" She exclaims, and I snatch my phone from her hand. Me and Niall were friends when I was with Harry, and ever since the break-up we've just become closer. It's a little weird I guess since he's one of Harry's close friends- his bandmate. Niall says it's not a big deal, and Harry doesn't even know we talk. They don't even talk as much since they aren't on tour together.

"It's nothing." I snap, and Sofia laughs.

"Nothing? God what is wrong with you. It's Niall Horan, he's not nothing." Sofia sighs.

"We're friends, it's not a big deal." I tell her, pulling up to her school. "Bye." I say obnoxiously, and she rolls her eyes once more before getting out of the car. I open my phone while I'm stopped, looking to see what he texted.

Niall: Just got your text. I'm coming back today for two weeks, then to Thailand.

Me: thailand seems amazing :(

Niall: So I've heard. I'll take some more pictures for you ;)

Me: you better

The driver behind me honks, and I realize I'm in the middle of the drop off lane. I put my phone down and start up the car, driving towards starbucks. I go through the drivethrough and order coffee, then check my phone for my other texts. Claudia invited me over for this afternoon, and I text her back an okay.

I sip on my coffee while driving home, and my thoughts drift to Harry. I haven't been too upset lately, but the week after I broke up with him, I was a mess. I starting second guessing myself, and eventually came to the conclusion I fucked up. There was nothing I could do about it though, I had tried calling him multiple times, and he never answered or returned any of my calls. I know Harry's not like that, so I've convinced myself that he has a different phone while in London.

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