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here it is! it's a long chapter :)))
comment along as you read!! i'm so dead serious it is the most motivating thing reading your comments. i'm more likely to write faster when i see them!! i love you all!!

sunday, july 1st 2018

I see Harry like I've never seen him before.

And it terrifies me.

He sitting on the third step, trembling. He's looking down at his shaky hands, he's breathing fast and heavy and his face is red. His stage manager is bent down to his level with a hand on his shoulder, saying words I can't hear to him. Another is in front of him, listening. Everyone else is watching.

I feel speechless and breathless, and I can barely even feel myself walk towards him. It hurts so bad to see him like this.

I don't even know what's happening.

"Harry, breathe. In and out. You're alright." Eliana says to him. I see him try, but he's hyperventilating. I'm so fucking scared.

He looks up at sees me, and his face changes. I can't even describe how, but it's worse.

I speed up and sit in front of him and put my hands on his knees. "Harry, talk to me."

"I can't breathe." He says, almost choking on his words.

"Should someone call an ambulance?" I hear from behind me.

This doesn't feel real.

"You're okay." I place my hand on his cheek and cup it, rubbing my thumb back and forth his jaw line trying to calm him down. It doesn't work at all.

He shakes his head, still hyperventilating, and a tear leaves his eye.

"Harry, can you tell us what happened?" Mina asks- one of the crew members.

Harry doesn't respond and looks away from me, back down at his hands.

"Has this happened before, Emma?" Someone asks me. I look back and shake my head, but I feel uncomfortable talking about Harry as if he's not here. I see Niall bring his nails with a scared look on his face.

"You're okay, Harry. Just breathe." I grab both his hands and hold them, feeling them shake in mine.

"My fucking chest." He says quietly, swallowing hard after.

"Does it hurt?" I ask, and he nods. I turn and look behind me and see someone on the phone.

"You need to tell them we need more security for when they come." His manager tells the guy on the phone.

An ambulance is coming. What is happening right now?

"Don't worry, you're gonna be fine." I pull his hands up to my lips and press a kiss to them.

"Emma, how is he?" I hear a familiar voice behind me, and I turn to see Niall sitting on a chair in the hallway.

"Have you been here the whole time?" I ask him, and he nods.

"I feel horrible. I didn't think he was having those again and-"

"Again?" My heart drops. Seeing Harry like that ruined me, and to think that it's a reoccurring thing scares the fuck out of me. "This has happened before?"

Niall's eyes widen.

"It happened twice in six years. That I know of." He starts. "The first time was the end of our first tour, he started doubting himself and he was super insecure about every show. We were on the bus after our second to last show and he just started hyperventilating and all. And I would've mentioned it earlier when we were talking about it but the second time it happened it had nothing to do with his performance."

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