Chapter 9

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I woke up in the morning with Y/n sleeping next to me. She looked so cute and happy. I checked my phone to see what time it was. When I unlocked it I realized it was already 11:00 am and I've got like a hundred missed calls and messages from Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall.
„Oh no no no no no." I said to myself.
I jumped up and saw why they have been trying to contact me for hours.
„Harry? What happened?" Y/n asked when she just woke up because of how loud I just yelled.
„Sorry I didn't want to wake you up."
„It's okay but tell me, why are you yelling?" she asked.
„The boys tried to contact me and now I know why." I told her.
„I totally forgot that we have a concert tonight and I should've been there a lot sooner today because of the preparing stuff."
„Omg that means I have to be there too by now. I have to check my phone." she said.
„Oh noooo, I'm in so much trouble, my boss tried to call me and left a few messages. He is gonna kill me. I'm so fired." she continued.
„Calm down love he may be your boss but I am his boss and I assure you you're not in trouble and    you're most certainly not fired." I calmed her down.
„Thanks. Let's get ready now and go to the arena."
„Yeah that's probably a good idea." I agreed.
We got ready as soon as we could and drove to the arena. Luckily nobody was mad at us so we started preparing everything to be ready for the concert.
It was already afternoon. The show starts in about an hour so I went backstage with the boys to warm up while Y/n had to set up all the cameras around the arena.
„Sooooo?" Niall asked.
„So what?" I asked back.
„How did it go yesterday?" Zayn then asked.
„Weelll, she's now officially my girlfriend." I told them.
„Well done Harold." Liam said.
„Yeah congrats Hazza." Louis said.
„Thanks, I'm just glad it finally happened." I told them.
„We thought it would never happen but you finally did it." Niall said.
„Yeah me too haha" I laughed.
We warmed up with a few songs until the show started and we then went on stage.
Finally the show started and they started singing. The crowd went crazy, they loved it. The fans in the front row threw lots of stuff on stage. During the breaks Harry entertained them with his „funny" jokes. At around the middle of the concert they sang Midnight Memories. Harry was really felling it but maybe a bit too much. He was jumping around like a little kid when he suddenly tripped on one of the things the fans threw on stage and fell.

He was laying on the ground and I could tell something was not right. He grabbed his foot, I thought he maybe was in pain but he than stood up and continued to sing.
Although I could see that he was limping around and I saw the pain in his eyes when he looked at me.
God I think this time he really messed up....
I think I just hurt myself really bad. I saw the look on Y/n's face when she saw me falling....again. I had to carry on with the show so I just pretended nothing happened but it hurt really really really bad.
Finally we sang our last song and as soon as we finished I went backstage. I sat down on the couch right as Y/n ran in.
I just entered the room backstage and saw Harry laying on the couch in pain with his leg lifted up on a pillow.
„Don't tell me I have to take you to the hospital." I said to Harry.
„I think the day came where you might have to." he answered.
Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn then entered.
„Hazzaaaa that was quite a fall tonight." Liam said.
„I know I know but please save your jokes for later, this time it really hurts." he said.
„I knew the day would come where you hurt yourself on stage." Zayn said.
„Yeah me too. Come on Harry let's go to the hospital I think it doesn't look that good with your ankle." I said looking at how he was in pain.
„Alright but I have to perform tomorrow night. We have another show." he said.
„Are you serious right now?" Louis asked.
„Of course." Harry answered.
„Do what you want as long as we go to the hospital now." I told him.
„Let's go then." he said.
„Can you walk?" I asked him.
„Barely but I think I can make it to the car." he said.
We arrived at the hospital and they took x-rays of his foot and everything.
„Mr. Styles we could see on the x-rays that your foot is broken. It's not a big deal but this kind of bone hurts really bad when you break it." the doctor explained.
„Please just say I don't have to wear a cast, I have a show tomorrow." he said to the doctor.
„You're lucky, you just have to wear a boot for a few weeks and it will be fine. Just don't start jumping, dancing or running around these weeks." the doctor explained.

„Okay thank you doctor

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„Okay thank you doctor." Harry said.
Soon after that we could go home.
„If you want to perform tomorrow, rest until then and lay down on that bed now because I know that you can't stop dancing and jumping around." I told him when we arrived at home.
„You really know me don't you?" he asked sitting down on the couch.
„I do and that's why you have to listen to me." I told him.
„Alright alright. Thanks, I love you.."
„I love you too..."

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