Chapter 34

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„I'm really nervous Harry." I told him while we were entering the hospital. He was holding my hand and I was shaking but his warm big hand in mine calmed me down a bit.

It was my first appointment at the gynecologist and we were gonna see our baby the first time on the ultrasound.

„Me too, I can't wait to see our little baby."

We arrived on the floor where the gynevology was and announced us at the reception desk.

„Hello I have an appointment today." I said to the nurse that clearly wasn't paying attention to me until she looked up and recognized who the person was that was standing next to me.

„Hello, can I have your name please, so I can look you up in the computer." she asked now smiling.

„Of course, it's Y/n Y/l/n."

She typed in my name, always glancing at Harry. Honestly it made me a little jealous. Harry just smiled at her as politely he is. He noticed my jealousy that was coming up any squeezed my hand to make it go away.

„Uhm you just have to wait for a few minutes, doctor Cooper will come and get you in a few minutes, she is still with another patient." the nurse told us.

She then led us to the waiting room. We sat down somewhere in the back where not a lot of people were sitting.
I certainly didn't want the media to find out about my pregnancy yet, not even Harry's mom and my parents know, that's why we decided we are going to tell Anne today. She invited us to her house for dinner tonight so it was the perfect opportunity to tell her about it.

„Wow you really are nervous, your hand is literally shaking." Harry said to me.

„I know my heart is racing, I'm scared."

„Why are you scared of it honey?" he asked resting his hand on my thigh.

„I don't know, maybe of everything that is coming the next few months."

„Don't be scared, we're gonna handle this and my mom will be happy to help for sure."

„I'm a little sad that my parents can't be here to help..." I told him.

„I'm sorry love, but we're gonna visit them as much as we can okay?"
I nodded.

„Miss Y/l/n?" Doctor Cooper came in and called us.

„Yes, that's me."

„And you must be the dad?" she asked.

„Yes. I'm Harry Styles." he said shaking her hand after I did.

We got up and followed her to the examination room.

„Miss Y/l/n you can lay down here. Make yourself comfortable. And mister Styles you can sit down here." she said smiling at us.

I felt comfortable with her as my doctor. She was very nice and really caring.

I laid down on the bed, Harry sat down on a chair next to me.

„Okay so first I'm gonna take a look at the baby with the ultrasound, then we're gonna see it and hear the heartbeat and I can tell you how far you really are and when the delivery date will be. Alright?" she explained us.

„Alright." we both said.

„Could you pull up your shirt please?" doctor Cooper asked.

„Of course." I said pulling it up to undress my belly.
My belly was still really flat, you wouldn't notice that I was pregnant if you saw me.

„Okay it might gets cold now." she said spreading the gel across my belly.

„There we go, here's your little baby." she turned around the monitor so Harry and I could get a look.

„And there's a perfect little heartbeat." she added.

Harry's eyes widened, he smiled at me with glassy eyes.
It was like all my fear and worries faded away. I heard that little heartbeat, that life that was growing in me and I couldn't hold my tears back.
I grabbed Harry's hand to share that moment with him.

„That's our baby...." I said to him sobbing my eyes out.

„It is, it really is...." he said placing his other hand on mine too. He rubbed his thumb over my hand and we were staring at the monitor, not being able to take our eyes off of it.

„It looks like you're 16 weeks pregnant and the due date should be the 11th november."

„Wow that's pretty soon, I'm already four months pregnant." I said.

„Sometimes women don't notice that they're pregnant for a long time, it's not rare." doctor Cooper said and that actually calmed me down a bit.

„Do you want to know the gender?" she asked us.

„We decided to let it be a surprise. We want to find it out when the baby is born." Harry told her.

„That's sweet." she said smiling at us.

I looked over to Harry who was wiping his tears away, I smiled and he leaned over to place a kiss on my lips.

„Here is the first picture of your baby." she said and handed us a black and white ultrasound picture of our little worm over.

" she said and handed us a black and white ultrasound picture of our little worm over

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„Could we have a second one please?" I asked doctor Cooper.

„Of course." she said and printed another one.

Harry looked at me with a questioning look.

„It's for Anne, I want to give one to her tonight." I told him.

„You're so sweet, thinking of everything and everyone." Harry said.

„Wow, that was incredible." Harry said with the picture in his hand while we walked out of the hospital.

„Riiight? When I heard the heartbeat I couldn't hold it in anymore."

„It felt so real for the first time. I still can't believe we're having a baby. I'm so excited to tell my mom about it." he said.

„Me too, finally we can tell someone, it kills me not telling our friends." I told him.

„They'll know soon." he said and laid his arm around my shoulders.

We got in the car, Harry looked one last time at the picture before he drove away.
He was smiling throughout the whole ride home.

I can tell just by seeing how happy he is that he is gonna be a great father to our baby....

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