Chapter 60

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1 Year later
25th May 2018

I opened the door to a lovely smell that came out of the kitchen. I took off my shoes and walked around the corner, only to get the most precious sight, that made my heart melt.

 I took off my shoes and walked around the corner, only to get the most precious sight, that made my heart melt

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My perfect boyfriend standing in the kitchen with my wonderful 1 year old daughter, cooking lunch.
„It smells good in here." I breathed in the lovely smell that was spread all over the house.

„Mummyyyy!" Emma called standing next to Harry on a little stool.

„Hii Sweetie, did you cook all that, huh?" I walked towards her and gave her a kiss after a tight hug.
She nodded while smiling at me. I turned around to see the other smile that I couldn't get enough of.

„Happy 3 years anniversary love." He wrapped his arms around my body and pressed his lips on mine.

„Happy anniversary. I can't believe three years already passed." I smiled back after the kiss.

„I know right? It feels like yesterday when I asked you out to go watch a movie at the drive in cinema." he smiled.

„That was the date you asked me to be your girlfriend. God May 25th is a really really special date." I realized. „In 2012 it was the day  we first met, in 2015 it was the day we got together and in 2016 it was the day I told you I was pregnant." I smiled at the thought...

„It's special...what we have is special, I   couldn't be luckier to have you in my life, to have Em and to have met you today six years ago."

„I can only agree with what you said." I told him  while I looked into his gorgeous eyes.

„Hey but what did the doctor say? Everything alright?" He asked, looking up and down my body and his face expression immediately changed to worried.

„He said I have officially recovered from everything." I smiled, happy that everything is fine now.

„And your knee?" Harry asked.

„He said it healed perfectly, everything is fine."

„I'm so glad and happy It's finally over." He pulled me to his warm chest and laid his arms around my waist.

I just got home from my last doctor appointment. After the accident I still had to get two separate surgeries on my knee and after that I had lots of physical therapy and today I had my last check up appointment where doctor Morgan finally told me, that I officially recovered from the accident. Everything was fine now and I could enjoy life with my family.

After we had that delicious lunch Harry and Emma made for us, we sat in the backyard on the swing bench, eating ice cream and watching Emma playing and stumbling around.

„Look, I know we said we wouldn't get each other presents or anything but I still have one tiny thing." Harry eventually said with his sunglasses on his nose.

„Harry Edward Styles you just can't resist, can  you?"

„It's not a present or surprise, it's a bit different. You have to do me like a favor. Please, do it for me."

„And that would be?" I asked him, thinking of what he planned once again.

„We have a show tonight and I want you and Emma both to come." he said and lifted up his sunglasses that were now holding back his long hair.

„Wait you have a show tonight? Why didn't you tell me?"

„Uhm, I probably forgot, sorry." He laughed.

„Aww it's Emma's first show ever, she never saw you guys live." I realized watching how she stumbled around.

She grows up so fast. She ran around but still fell now and then. But when she did fall, she got up on her feet as quick as possible.

The time after the accident was hard for me. I had to be a long time in the hospital and couldn't see Emma that much. Even after I got released and was at home, it hurt me not being able to hold her in my arms or play with her.
Harry helped me a lot through that time. He was always here and didn't go to work anymore for us. He took care of Emma and me and did everything to make me feel better.
He was always by my side when I had to go through another surgery or medical stuff.
I couldn't have done it without him.

„She really is." He looked at her proudly.

„Tonight is a special show so there is one condition." he said eating his ice cream.

„What is it now?" I laughed.

„You have to dress fancy."

„Why is that?" I asked.

„Like I told you, it's a special show tonight and me and the boys all have to dress fancy too."

„Fine, but I don't really have any fancy dresses that still fit me." I told him.

„Oh please Y/n, your body is perfect. You have a slim figure."

„Well thank you, but that still doesn't solve the problem that my dresses don't fit me." I told him and let out a little laugh.

„Let's go shopping then." He said and got up.

„What, like now?"

„Of course now, come on, let's go." he smiled.

„Daddaaaa" Emma came and ran around Harry's legs when he got up and desperately tried to jump on his back so he picked her up and swang her on his shoulders so she could sit there. She loved when he did this and held tight onto him.

„Okay okay, let's go shopping then. Maybe we can find something for you too Em?" I looked up at her. She was playing with Harry's hair and opened his bun he made earlier.

„I'm gonna wear my hair like this then." he laughed when his soft, brown curls fell down all  over his face.

We got back into the house so I could grab my purse first and then leave.

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