Chapter 19

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„I knew you would say that." Harry said.
The nurse came in soon after to take Harry to do the x-rays. She brought in a wheelchair.
„Oh it's okay, I can walk." he said.
„Oh please, you can't even walk 3 steps without limping and almost falling over." I said.

„We just have to prevent more damage on your foot." the nurse told him.
„Okay then." he said.

He then jumped on his left foot over to the wheelchair and the nurse brought him out of the room. He looked back to give me little air-kisses.
I pretended to catch them and put them into my pocket.
„You look tired honey, lay down, get some rest." Anne told me.
„I really am tired, even though I slept through the whole night."
„That's because they gave you loads and loads of medication. It's normal that you feel like this. If you want to sleep, sleep I'll be here in case you need someone okay?"
„But what about Harry?"
„Oh don't worry about him, he is not a kid he can take care of himself."
We laughed. I loved talking to her. She treats me like I was her daughter. She is so kind and caring.
„Yes honey?"

„It means a lot to me that you're here for me and I mean not just now in the hospital. You are always there for me and comforting me. You know it was really hard for me when my parents left to go to the U.S. and you really helped me to feel home and to be a part of your family and I want to thank you for that. Thank you so so much for everything." I said to her. She smiled at me when I said that and her eyes lit up.

„Please don't make me cry...I love you Y/n, with all my heart. I'm so happy that you're in Harry's life and in our family. You make him so happy and that makes me happy."

She hugged me. Gosh I love her hugs, they feel so warm and comforting.
„Now lay down and sleep. You're barely awake." she said.
„Okay, thanks."

I was still sitting on the edge of the bed so I put my legs under my sheet and covered my body with it. I laid down and closed my eyes.

They did the x-rays. It took like half an hour. They took some ‚pictures' of my foot in different angles. They then brought me back to Y/n and my mom. The nurse opened the door for me and let me in.
Y/n was asleep but my mom was there sitting next to her and reading a book.

„I see you got crutches now huh?" my mom said. „That's what happens when you don't listen to your doctor." she continued.
„Yeah." I answered a little annoyed.
„Hey, how did it go?" Y/n asked rubbing her eyes.
„Dr. Martin told me that the fracture got bigger and anther bone cracked so I'm not allowed to put any pressure on it anymore, that's why I got the crutches." I told them.
„Harry, Harry, Harry....Please listen to the doctor this time." Y/n said.
„I will, I will...oh and I'm on some pain meds so I'm a bit out of it." I said.

„Y/n I almost forgot to tell you, the doctor said you could go home, everything is fine you don't have to stay the whole day but you should rest at home. Oh and Gemma brought you your clothes." Anne told me.

„Great let's go then, I'm really tired." Harry said.
„I'm gonna go to the front desk to fill out both of your papers." Anne said and left the room.

I went to the bathroom and changed into my clothes. Gemma brought me some comfy sweatpants and a oversized T-shirt. It was one of Harry's but I guess she hasn't noticed.
It's like Gemma would know me for ages. She brought me exactly those things I would've chosen myself.
The nurse took the IV-needle out of my hand and wrapped my hand in a bandage.
I packed my clothes I wore the evening almost everything went wrong and was ready to go.

„Wait, where is my necklace that I got from you?" I asked Harry.
„Right I almost forgot. When you were asleep that night I saw the necklace laying over your clothes and I was scared it would get lost so I took it and put it on. Here, you wear it."

He took off the necklace.

„Turn around so I can put it around your neck." he said smiling down at me. He is so tall, he makes me look like a dwarf next to him.
I then turned around and he put it on my. I felt his cold rings touching my neck, guving me goosebumps.
I turned around again to face him. I got closer to him so my chest touched his. I looked up at him into his beautiful shiny eyes.

„Thank you." I said.
„For what?" he asked still smiling down at me.
He out his hands around my neck to prevent hinself of falling, since he was standing on one leg.

„Just for everything...." I told him
He didn't say anything, he just kissed me.
„Let's go now." he whispered in my ear.

I got my bag and opened the door.
We got to the front desk. Anne was already waiting for us.
„Guys they told me they were gonna get you wheelchairs to get to the parking area, where I parked." Anne told us.

„But that's not necessary." Harry said.

„Yeah, why are they so dramatic here?" I asked.
Anne just shrug her shoulders. The nurse arrived with two wheelchairs and wanted us to sit in it.

So we sat down and Anne and the nurse both pushed me and Harry on wheelchairs out of the hospital to Anne's car.
We got out of the chairs and sat into the car.

Anne was driving us to Harry's so we could stay there for a few days and both rest. After just five minutes of driving Harry already fell asleep.

„Harry wake up we're at home." I whispered into his ear and shook him a little.
„What?" he finally said when he woke up.
„We're here give me your keys so I can unlock the door."
He gave me his keys and we all got out of the car. Anne came in with us. Me and Harry both sat down on the couch.

„Do you two need anything?" Anne asked.
„Oh Anne you don't have to take care of us."
„Yeah mom you can go home, don't worry about us."
„Okay. Bye Y/n." she said hugging me.
„Bye Harry." She hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
„Oh and don't do anything stupid Harry!" she said while she headed out of the door.

I laughed.
„So what are we gonna do now? home...the two of us...alone..." I asked.

„You know actually I wanted to take you out somehwere these days like we used to do, but then that thing in the bar happened and now I can't because of the ‚resting'."
he told me with a slightly annoyed voice but also a sad look.
„Aaw I'd love to get on a date with you again. I love our dates you always make it so special."

„That's my specialty." he said.
„Oh my god!" I screamed out.
„What, what, what happened?"

„I totally forgot to give you something. I got you a present for taking me to the show yesterday but I totally forgot to give it to you."

„Y/n you know very well you don't have to get me things."
„But I wanted to, wait here I'm gonna get it, I hid it in the drawer in your room."

I got upstairs, opened the big woody door and entered Harry's room. I loved the scent of his room, it was so unique and special.
I walked over to his cabinet and opened the drawer. I hid it under some magazines so I took the magazines out of the drawer and put them aside. I grabbed a little black box out of the drawer and went down the stairs with it. I was full of joy because I knew he would love it.
I got downstairs with a big smile on my face. Harry was waiting for me in the kitchen. He made some coffee while I got the present.

„Here, open it." I handed him the little box.
„Thank you Y/n." he said and kissed me.
He sat diwn and opened it.
„Wow thank you so much, they're perfect. How did you know that I needed new ones?"
„Well, that's a secret...."


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