Chapter 20

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He instantly tried his new earpieces on.
„And?" I asked.
„They fit perfectly, how did you do that?" he said.
„I can't tell you.." I said and took his cup of coffee.
„Heey that's mine!"
„Not anymore." I said and was on my way upstairs.
„Where are you going? Stay here with me. I want to cuddle with youuu!" he yelled.
I turned around.

„But I wanted to call my boss so I could tell him I couldn't go to work for the next two weeks." I told him.

„Don't worry I already took care of it when you were sleeping in the hospital."

„You just think of everything."

„I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend I guess."

„You don't have to try because you're already perfect."

„Sooo let's go cuddle then?" Harry asked.

„Let's go cuddle, but upstairs. I don't want to sleep on the couch the bed is a lot more comfortable."

„Alright, but help me to get up the stairs."

„Anything for you honey." I said.

I put down my cup of coffee and we went upstairs.
We finally managed to get to Harry's room. I changed into one of his comfy shirts, once again and he first took a shower.
Harry came back shirtless and just wearing sweats. I was already in bed and he finally joyned me.
He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I laid on his beautiful, warm chest. I felt his heartbeat. I feel safe being with him.
I laid my hand on the butterfly tattooed on his chest. I could feel his breathing, the way my hand moved up and down with his stomach.
I laid my head on his shoulder and almost fell asleep.
Harry stroked through my hair with his warm hand.

„Yeah?" I asked with my eyes already closed.

„Something just came in my mind that I want to ask you. You don't have to say yes though."

„What is it?" I asked opening m eyes and turning on my side so I could face him and look into his beautiful eyes.

„Look, I love you, with all my heart and after all what happened these days, I just don't want you to get hurt. I want to protect you. But   that's not the only reason I want to ask you this. I want you to be with me...forever...I want to wake up next to you every morning and get to go to sleep with you next to me at the end of the day. So since you are here most of the time I wanted to ask you want to move in with me? I know it's soon and everything moves a little bit fast but you're my soulmate and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

„Harry, don't say any more. You know very well that I love you so so much and I wanna be with you too.....for the rest of my life, so of course I'll move in with you."

„You don't know how happy that makes me." he said.

„Me too. The only thing that I hate though is moving. I just hate it."

„Don't worry about that I'll help you."

Suddenly we heard a loud sound. It was   Harry's phone.

„Gosh I almost died, how loud is your ringtone set?" I said.

„Haha I forgot to turn it off. But I actually have to take that call."

He responded to the person calling him. It seemed like the person on the phone had a lot to say because Harry was just sitting there and listening.
But then his face got really serious at some point.

„What?!!" he said with a strong voice. He started to get angry, I saw it the way he looked.

„What is it? What happened?" I asked almost whispering so the person on the other side couldn't hear me.

Harry just said nothing. He took his phone away from his ear and put it on speaker.

„Just listen." he whispered.
I then leaned forward to listen to the person talking.

„Wait, that's Louis." I said.
„Louis can you say that again, Y/n is listening too now." Harry asked Louis.

„Hi Y/n, listen, I wanted to find out who did this to you at my party because I felt really bad about what happened so I asked the barkeeper if there were any security cameras around to find out who it was that put that knockout serum into your drink. Luckily there really were some cameras around tte bar." he explained.

„And?" I asked, „Did you find out anything?"

„We did and it will shock you. I went over there so I could watch the tape myself...."

My heart was pounding so fast. Did I really want to find out who it was?
Of course....I have to...right?

„...we saw a person going over to your drink as soon as you left the bar counter. At first I didn't recognize who it was but then the person turned around and I saw the persons face. It was this little bitch Lizzy!" Louis continued.

„WHAT! Lizzy?! It was Lizzy?" I asked in total shock.
I looked at Harry and then at the phone and again, I looked at Harry.
„I knew she was crazy but I didn't think she would pull off something like this. And why was she even there that evening? She wasn't even allowed to be there." I said

„I really don't know how she managed to get in, I certainly didn't invite her. But I just wanted to tell you guys this and if you want to go to the police, I'll send you the tape of course." Louis said.

„Thank you for finding out Louis. See ya." Harry said.
He then hung up.

„Are you okay?" Harry asked.
„I don't know."
Harry rubbed my back but I stood up and went to the bathroom.
I closed the door behind me and sat down on the ground. I started to cry and I don't even know why.
Harry must have heard me. He knocked on the door and came in.
He sat down on the ground next to me.
„Be careful." I said full of tears that streamed down my face.
„Heey why are you crying sweetheart?" he asked and gently wiped my tears away that were all over my cheeks. He leaned forward to me and put his hand on my leg.

„I-I don't even know why, I guess it just hit me now....I'm sorry, I don't even want to cry I just feel a little overwhelmed....I don't know."

„Don't be sorry love. It must have been scary. It was scary for me when I saw you not breathing, I can't imagine how it felt for you."

He took my hands and pulled me over into his arms. He laid his arms around me and hugged me really really tight.
I buried my head in his chest, laid my arms around his back and held him tight.
Unfortunately that made me cry even more.

„Shhh, it's okay, i's okay." he tried to calm me down by rubbing my back.
„I'm sorry..." I said sobbing into his shoulder.
„Hey don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong."
„Honestly it feels good to let everything out." I told him.
I let go of the hug.
„Thank you Harry."
He smiled at me.
„Oh no now I ruined your shirt with all my tears."
„It's fine love."
„Do you want to come back to bed now?" he asked.
„Yes, let's get back."

I stood up and reached out for Harry's hand to help him get up.

„Be careful please." I said to him.
„Don't worry." he answered.
He hopped to the bed and we laid down again.
„Y/n you know I still have to ask you this..."
„I think I know what you want to ask."
„Do you want to go to the police to tell them about Lizzy?" he asked.

„I think yeah, I mean why not she did something wrong and just because she is my coworker doesn't mean I won't tell anything to the police....right?"

„Honestly I think you're right. You could've died if the ambulance didn't arrive in time so I think we should go to the police." Harry said.

„Alright, let's go to the police tomorrow..."
We were laying in eachothers arms and talked for a while until we both fell asleep.

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