Chapter 56

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I just got on the private plane and it took off as soon as I sat down. The boys were already in LA waiting for me in a hotel. I looked at my phone to answer Niall's message. He wanted to know how long it would take until I arrive there but just when I wanted to answer him, my phone died.

„Shit." I muttered as it the screen got black and tossed it on a table.

„Everything alright mister Styles?" the stewardess asked as she came up to me, leaning over my chair. She had long black hair and came closer to me than she needed to. If Y/n was here, the stewardess wouldn't act like this and stay away from me. I know that for sure. At times like this, I really miss her.
I smile flitted over my face at the thought of my girlfriend.

„My phone died and I left my charger in my girlfriend's suitcase. Is there any chance you have a charger for it?" I asked nicely.

„I'm sure I'll find one somewhere, I'll have a look for it." she smiled and walked back down the corridor.
Without my phone I had no way to get in contact with someone and I didn't even have my laptop or a book with me, that meant I had absolutely nothing to do on this 22 hour flight to LA.

When I was allowed to unbuckle my seatbelt I got up and made my way to the bed that was in the back of the plane. I made myself comfortable and just hoped I would sleep most of the time during the flight.

„Mister Styles, I'm sorry we don't have a charger for your phone on this plane." The stewardess told me after a few minutes of searching.

„That's alright, thanks for checking." I smiled back trying not to show how it bothered me.

„Let me know if I can get you anything, sir." I heard her say when she was already walking away.


„I have a female person with a head trauma in the back seat. There's no sign of movement. The door is wrecked, I can't get it open. Where is the fire department?"

„I have one male person in the front, I can get him out. The fire department is here in a minute."

Everywhere were sirens and people running and screaming around. The whole scene was a mess.

„Shit. There's a child seat in the back. Fuck, there's a kid!" He yelled to the others, what made everything 10 times worse.
„I need the cutters here. NOW!!" he yelled again.

„Is the child breathing?" Another paramedic came running to help. There was no access to go inside the vehicle, so there was nothing they could do. The back of the car was so badly wrecked, they couldn't get access to the backseat. Broken glass and parts of the car were spread across all over the street.

„I can't tell, the females body is covering her. I can see her feet. There's a lot of blood and no movement."


„Mister Styles, we will land in a few minutes. If you could make your way to your seat so we can prepare for landing."

„Of course, thank you." I answered and got up from the bed. I was just glad I managed to sleep throughout the whole flight. I don't remember the last time I slept this long.
I put my boots on and made my way to my seat.
Another stewardess was walking towards me and she looked concerned. She was far more serious than the other one.

„Mister Styles, it seems we have been instructed to refuel the plane and prepare for another take off the moment we land in LA. You have to leave the plane for a while when we land and get back as soon as we're ready."

„That can't be right. I only have to go to LA." I told her confused.

„I'm sorry sir, the captain got a call to ready us for another flight for you." She explained politely.


„Please clear the area. Get away with these cameras, why are they even here?! Get rid of all the people!" One of the fire department yelled after they arrived at the whole mess.

He was cutting the car, what was never an easy job, not to mention when there's a child in it.
No one was able to get in and check if they were still alive but they needed to be careful to prevent more injuries.

„The woman lies at such a bad angle. She lays over the child protectively, pulling her against her seatbelt, that is now cutting into her neck."he told the paramedics as he slowly got access to them.

It had been 30 minutes since the accident happened. The car was so badly damaged and wrecked, it was almost impossible to get access from anywhere around the car. The only solution was cutting them out and hope.


„Louis?" I asked in total confusion now as I got off the plane and walked towards the entrance of the airport in LA.
Why was Louis here at the airport?

„Louis, what the hell is going on? Why are you here and why do I have to go on another flight?"


„We have an unknown female, non-responsive, severe wounds all over the upper body, pulse is dropping in and out. We have intubated her, she suffered severe trauma to head and chest. She has an open wound on her right side. We managed to stop the bleeding but we have no idea how bad her internal bleeding is." The paramedics told the doctor as they arrived in the emergency room.

„Ok, take her straight to the OR, a team is waiting for her."
The immediately rushed away to the OR to try and save her life.

One of the paramedics came back to the doctor.
„The other ambulance is here in a minute. They've got a child..."


I felt horrible, I wanted to throw up any minute. I was scared, scared as hell. Like I never was before in my life.

„Tell me again." I told Louis as we both sat on board of the plane again. He decided to come with me, not wanting to leave me alone in this situation.

„I didn't get more information Harry, no more since the last things I told you, sorry."

We were now back on the jet, headed for London. We had at still had 9 hours to go on this plane. It drove me crazy of how useless I was through these 9 hours.

„I've only got information from Gemma and your mom. They are both at the hospital waiting for more news. All I know is, that the crash happened almost two hours ago. Y/n and Emma both sat in the back of the Range Rover which got hit from behind. The extent of the injuries are still unknown." he explained again.

„Why didn't anyone call me? I'm her boyfriend and Emma's dad for fuck's sake."

„Your phone was off!" Louis said with a louder voice.

„Fuck." I remembered my phone was dead.

„Everyone has been trying to call you for the last hour but it kept going straight to voicemail."

„Shit give me your charger, I didn't have one during the flight." I gestured to Louis' cable that was plugged into his phone.

I instantly plugged my phone in and waited for it to turn on again.
When it did, I felt even more sick as I saw all the messages and missed calls I got.

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