Chapter 43

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My heart stopped as I saw Harry walking towards me. He had on a set of blue scrubs that were tight across his shoulders. My heart almost exploded at the sight of him. He made it...
Just in time.
I didn't realize I was crying until he got to me and laid his hands on my face.
„Jesus Y/n, please tell me you're okay." he said looking concerned.

„I am now." I said letting out a deep breath.

„I'm so sorry sweetie, I'm so so sorry." he pressed his forehead against mine. I wanted to touch his face but couldn't because of all the tubes and wires on my arms.

„Sshhhh" he let out. „We had to leave our phones at the studio and then had to leave for the shoot....and shit, I got such a fright when I looked at my phone." he explained kissing me all over my face.

„It's okay. Now you're here and that's all that matters." I smiled as he placed his lips on mine.

„If you'd like to take a seat Mister Styles, we can get started." nurse Lily smiled and brought Harry a chair.

„Of course." he sat down and came as close to me as he could.

„Are you okay? I'm so sorry you had to go through this without me, I can't imagine how worried you were. I got here as fast as I could. You must have been so scared."
He placed his hand in mine that was laid out.

„Harry do you even know what is going on since I got up today?" I asked him.

„Gemma filled me in the second I called her back on my way here. I think I've never moved so fast in my life."

„I was scared you were going to miss it." I told him looking into his beautiful glassy eyes.
„Me too.."

„Where's Gemma?" I asked trying to find her in the room.

„I'm right here Y/n." I heard her voice coming from behind Harry.
I smiled at her as I saw her tearing up.

„How are you doing Y/n?" doctor Cooper asked  from behind the curtain that was between me and the doctors.

„Fine I guess."

„Okay, you will feel a bit of movement now, it won't be sore but you will feel me inside you." she said.

„Okay.." I answered as I felt Harry squeezing my hand.
„You got this." he said placing a kiss on my cheek.

I gasped at the overwhelming feeling that came over me as I felt her inside of me.
„Are you okay?" I looked up into Harry's worried eyes.
„I'm fine." I breathed still looking at Harry.

„We're nearly there. Dad, do you want to watch your baby being born?" doctor Cooper asked.

„Can I?" He asked me looking at me with big eyes.

„Go." I said.

„Drop the curtain for mister Harry Styles please." doctor Cooper said and Harry jumped up of his chair to watch.

„Here we go." doctor Cooper said and all I could see after that was Harry, whos eyes widened with his hand still placed in mine. I saw the look of joy and happiness in his eyes and that's when I knew it was worth it.

Finally I heard the most beautiful sound. A sound that I was waiting to hear since they told me the baby had go get out. I heard the baby cry.
I will never forget the look on Harry's face when he came back down to me.
„It's a girl Y/n, we have a beautiful baby girl." he told me with a big smile on his face and eyes filled with tears.
„We have a baby girl." I repeated while tears full of joy filled my face.


„How are you feeling?" Harry asked as soon as I woke up and I looked around the room to find his face.
I looked instantly to my bump that was now empty but still there.
„Where is she?" I asked as I couldn't see her in the room.

„She's still in the ICU. Doctor Cooper told me earlier that she's fine. They're doing some tests and she's hooked up to the oxygen." Harry explained as he sat down next to me.
After the surgery they took her quickly away from us because she needed some extra oxygen. I could see her for a split second before they took her away from us and it makes me so sad.

I fell asleep after the surgery so I didn't really know what was happening, even what time it was. I looked at the watch that was hanging on the wall and saw it was 7 o'clock in the evening. I moved my toes to see if I could already feel them again. I slowly tried to pull myself up into a sitting position but the pain across my stomach was too much so I fell back down.
„Oww, shit.."
Harry immediately rushed over to my side.

„Hey, take it easy, you just had mayor surgery." He said.
I looked horrible, well I didn't see myself but I knew it.

„You already got painkillers but they said you can get more so slow down, I'll go get nurse Olivia." Harry told me and instantly disappeared out of the room.

It was nice that he was in control now and looked after me and our babygirl.

A few seconds later Harry returned with nurse Olivia. She explained everything to me that had to do with our daughter and she finally gave me the painkillers.
„Why don't you take a shower to freshen yourself up and after that we can go to the NICU to see your baby." nurse Olivia said. I nodded and she than left the room.

„Can you help me please Harry? I can barely sit up." I asked silently.
„Of course darling." he places his arms under mine and pulls me into a sitting position. He helped me to get to sit on the edge of the bed. He stood in front of me and put his hands around my armpits.

„Are you ready?" he asked looking at me. I couldn't look into his face, instead I looked on the ground hoping he pain would go away. I nodded and he gently pulled me up. My legs were trembling and I thought I would fall down again but he didn't let me go. I leaned on him scared I would fall. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.
„It hurts." I shut my eyes.
„It will go away soon love." he rubbed my back.
I wrapped my arms around his back and held onto him.

„Let's get you under the shower, you're exhausted and it will help you a little." he said.

„You know this day was the worst day of my life and at the same time the best because of the birth of our daughter and now I can't even see her and hold her in my arms. I waited so long and now she's here but not in our arms. I don't even know what she looks like and that already makes me the worst mom in the world."

„I know love, it's hard, I feel that too but you're not a bad mom okay? I'm here now and I'm here for you, for you two."

He holds me tight to his chest to stop me from shaking, I could feel his heart beating in his chest, the rhythm of it calmed me down.

I nodded slowly.

„Come on, after we showered you, we can go see our beautiful girl."

We slowly walked towards the bathroom. It was like a large shower that was right in the bathroom, not like a normal shower with doors and everything, it was the whole room.

„Right, so how the fuck are we going to do this?" he said laughing.
I looked over and saw the waterfall shower in the corner of the room.

„Can you help me get that gown off?  And I'd really like to wash my hair too." I said.

„Sure, can you manage to wash your hair alone or should I stay here?" he asked as I let go of him and held onto the shower standing on my own.

„Please stay."

He moved past me to turn the shower on and then starts to get off his boots first, followed by his socks. He took his shirt and then his jeans off so his clothes wouldn't get wet. Since Gemma isn't back with his overnight bag these are the only clothes he has with him.

I tried to pull myself up a bit to stand straight but I felt like my stomach would split in two so I gave up.
Harry then came towards me and carefully took off my gown.
Even though I was almost two years together with Harry I covered myself. I was in so much pain and had a flubby tummy that still had a bump but no baby in it. I had red and orange stains covering my body from the surgery and I didn't want Harry to see that.

„Don't cover yourself up in front of me love, there's nothing to be ashamed of." he said as if he could read my mind.

„It's just right now my body feels the worst it ever has." I told him.

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