Chapter 33

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My heart was pounding faster and faster as I heard how Harry was getting closer and closer to me, until his head appeard from around the corner.
He stretched out his arms waiting for me to fall into them. As I saw him, I ran into him almost causing him to fall over.
„Happy aniversary!!" he said.

„Happy aniversary! God I missed you so much." I said while I buried my head in his chest and wrapped my arms around his body.

„I missed you too, so much. I'm happy to finally hold you in my arms."

„Uhm Harry, I...I have to tell you something." I said letting go of the hug.
„Wait me too, can I go first?" he asked."

„Uhm sure, go on."
„We decided to go on tour again next year!" he said full of happiness and excitement.

„That's great..." I said but couldn't really show any emotions.
I try to tell him that I'm pregnant and he tells me that they will go on tour...what a bad timing...

„What's wrong? I thought you loved being on tour." he asked.
„Harry I have to tell you something." I said.
„Y/n you kinda scare me now. What's up?"

„I'm really scared to show you this but here..." I took the pregnancy test out of my pocket and laid it in his hands. He looked at it but I think he didn't really realize what it was in the beginning.
I took a deep breath and said:

„Harry I'm pregnant." He was not saying anything and that freaked me out.
„Please say something.." I said.

He was still looking down at the test. Tears started streaming down my face still waiting for him to say something.
He then looked up at me and laid the test on the counter.
He came closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders and started smiling at me.

„You're pregnant?" he asked again now whispering.

„I am, I really am.." I let out sobbing.
He looked down at my belly and put his hands around my waist to pull me in. I was so close to him, I could feel his breath.
He wiped my tears away.
„Y/n we're having a baby." he said still whispering and smiling.
„We're having a baby..." I whispered now too and started smiling.
He pulled me even closer to him to hug him tight. It felt good that he finally knows it now.

„So you're happy about it?" I asked.

„I am more than just happy about it, how could I not be happy about something like that? I just can't believe it...we're having a little baby!" he was so happy and couldn't stop smiling the whole time.

„I was so scared to tell you because we didn't plan on having a baby now, you're in the middle of your career and we're so young and I mean, it's a baby...and you just said you guys will be on tour soon..." I told him.

„Right...we will find a solution for that and for everything else too okay?"
„Okay." I agreed.

„I can't believe it, there's a little baby in there." he said and laid his hand on my belly.
„When did you find out?" he asked.

„A week ago, I was here with Gemma and  didn't feel well, so Gemma eventually had the idea that I might was pregnant and she was right..."
„Wow how could you keep that secret for a week?"

„It was hard but I wanted to tell you in person, oh and by the way I'm already 3 months pregnant but I still have to make an appointment at my gynecologist to know for sure." I told him.

„Wow this is really happening, we're gonna be parents soon."

„Oh yes, we are and you are going to be the best father I could imagine to have for my child."

„And you will be, no you already are the best mother for my unborn child." he said.

„Thanks." I said and got on my tiptoes to kiss him.

„Before I forget, I still have to give you my aniversary present that I got you." I told him.

„You already gave me my present and it is the best one I ever got." he said.

„Get on the couch and wait there." I told him.
He plopped himself onto the couch and I ran upstairs to get the little blue bag with the present in it.
I got downstairs and handed it to him and he immediately opened it.

„Y/n, you didn't have to-„
„I know Harry but I wanted to. Look what I wrote inside them."

„25. May 2012" he read out loud.
„And now look at the other one." I told him.
„I love you thank you so much, you know I always wanted them."

„That's why I got them honey." I said.
Harry always wanted two rings one that was a H for Harry and one that was a S for Styles. They were golden and just perfect for him but they were expensive. It's not like he couldn't afford them but he never had the time to go and get them, so I made him the present and engrave the date of when we first met in one of them and ‚I love you forever' in the other one.

 It's not like he couldn't afford them but he never had the time to go and get them, so I made him the present and engrave the date of when we first met in one of them and ‚I love you forever' in the other one

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„Put them on." I said to him.
He put them on and they fitted perfectly.

„I have a present for you too." he told me after putting on the rings.
Harry got up to his bags and came back with a  bouquet of red roses in one hand and a little black box in the other.
„You're gonna love it." he said while he gave me the roses.
„They smell so good." I said after I sniffed at them.
„Open the box I want to see your reaction." he said.
„Okay okay."
I picked up the lid of the box and took out what was in it.
„No you didn't." I said.
„Oh I did darling."
„Harry Edward Styles you did not just buy me a Mini."

„Yes I did

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„Yes I did." he said.
„Harry I love it but I can't accept that from you."

„Yes you can, it's your dream car. It is outside, I picked it up on my way home, it's yours and you can't do anything about it."

„I don't deserve you Harry. Thank you so so so much. I love you."
„I love you too and now go check it out I know you want to."
I gave Harry a kiss and jumped up to open the front door. There it was, standing in the driveway next to Harry's car. My little black new Mini that I wanted for years.
I can't believe it Harry once again remembered...

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