Chapter 63

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1 Year later
25th May 2019

Standing in front of a crowd isn't such a big deal for me, we've sold out shows with thousands and thousands of people in the stadium and I wasn't half as nervous as I was, standing in front of my family and our closest friends, waiting on my fiancé to enter the room, to walk down the aisle and become my wife.
„You ready for this?" Louis, my best man whispered over my shoulder.
„I'm fucking shitting myself." I let out a laugh, with my eyes fixed on the giant wooden doors, hopefully Y/n would make her entrance soon.
„You think she won't come?" Louis asked confused.

„No, I know she will." I smiled at the thought of her in a beautiful wedding dress. We both  didn't know what the other one was wearing.
We decided to get married on this exact date in Holmes Chapel. This date is so special for us and it was her wish to get married on this day because of everything that made our lives more wonderful, happened exact on this date these past years.
I watched as the musician got ready to begin playing. My nerves were going crazy as I thought of Y/n. Somewhere behind that door is the love of my life waiting to enter the room, with Emma and Gemma walking down the aisle before her.
I looked at my family and saw the boys smiling at me, I could tell they were proud.
I told Y/n she could have the wedding of her dreams and we could plan it however she wanted it.
The violins and the piano started the first bars to „A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. The big doors opened and I already felt how tears started to fill my eyes when I saw how Emma entered, Gemma slowly walking behind her with our precious four month old daughter Ava in her arms. Emma had a beautiful light purple dress on, matching to Gemma's. She began tossing petals out of a little basket, like we practiced at home. She just turned two and stumbled a little in her golden shoes. She just looked up and grinned at me when she made her way towards me. I instinctively bent down to pick her up as soon as she stood in front of me, as she ran into my arms.
„Daddy!" She smiled.
„Hey sweetie." I smiled back at her and ran my hand through her beautiful brown curls, that fell down over her shoulders. She probably got her hair and the green eyes from me, but she surely inherited her beautiful smile from her mum.
„Mummy is coming." She whispered in my ear and smiled afterwards.
„I know she is." I whispered back, what made her smile even more.
„Go and sit next to Granny, so you can watch Mummy coming." I told her when I placed her down on her feet again. She nodded and immediately ran over to my mum and Maria to sit next to them.
I looked at Gem, who was still walking down the aisle with Ava. She looked stunning in her silk dress. She smiled at me when she saw me smiling at her.
„Your fiancé is coming, Harry." She whispered in my ear when she gave me a kiss on my cheek.
I bent down to place a little kiss on Ava's forehead before Gemma walked away to her seat with her.

I was momentarily transported back to the day Emma was born, the day I raced in that operating theatre to see my life and soul laying on a table, getting ready to give birth to our perfect girl. I was so relieved to see our baby was still inside and I hadn't missed her being born. In that moment I knew I had to protect her and never leave her in my life.

The doors slowly opened and I stopped breathing. I was overwhelmed by how stunning and incredible she looked. I blinked, trying to get rid of the tears that were forming in my eyes. I got the familiar warm feeling whenever I looked at her and how beautiful she is.
She looked so happy when she elegantly walked down the aisle on her fathers arm.
Her focus was only on me while she placed one foot in front of the other to make it to the altar.
Her dad gave her a kiss and a smile in my direction before she walked up the little steps to stand next to me at the altar.
„Hey." Her shaky voice gave away her emotions as she looked up to me with glassy eyes.

„Hey." I couldn't hide the grin across my face, at how beautiful she looked. It was weird, she is the person I tell everything and now I stood in front of her on our wedding day and it felt like it was our first date and how nervous I was. But the look of love in her eyes was enough to stop me from being nervous.

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