Chapter 53

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„If you say so." he smiled and we both laid down on the towels next to Emma.
I turned to the side to look at Harry.
„So I planned a few things."
„Alright, what are your plans then?" he smiled.

„First I organized a boat trip for us three. We will have a romantic lunch there and spend a few hours on the boat. I planned something for the evening too but I'll tell you that later. And your present is in our room. I swear if you don't like it, I'm gonna kill you because I ripped my ass off to get it here without you noticing it." I laughed.

„Your ideas always get crazier and crazier." He said putting Emma's tiny sunhat on her head and took her out of the tent to sit her down on his lap.
I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled at him.
Emma was squeaking and laughing and looked up at Harry with her beautiful little but at the same time big eyes.
He tapped on her nose with his finger, what made her squeak even more.
He picked her up and gave her little kisses on her belly.
„Do you like that?" he laughed.

„I love, love, love you my little angel. You don't know how much love I have for you baby Em."
He said to her as she reached out for his necklace he was wearing.
She tried to touch his tattoos he had on his chest.
„Oh you like the birdies huh?"
She laughed.
We played around in the water with her the rest of the morning until it was time to get on the boat.
„Okay before we get on the boat, I want you to see your present because maybe you will need it on the trip." I told him walking up the path back to our villa with Emma sleeping in my arms. She was exhausted of playing around in the water.
„First we have to bath Em. She has been in the saltwater for hours."

„Yeah I do that and you open your present." I said as we got in. I placed Emma into her seat and opened a closet door. I took out a giant box with a bow on it and brought it to Harry who was waiting in the bedroom with Emma.
„Open it." I told him as I opened the door to the bathroom to prepare her bath. I turned on the water of the bathtub and let it fill with warm water.
„What do you think?" I asked him as he just finished opening it.

„Wow, Y/n. didn't have-." he let out a deep breath. „Thank you love, it's perfect." he gave me a kiss and hugged me tight.
„I'm glad you like it."

„Like it? I love it and I'm not even gonna ask how you brought it here." He smiled as he tried out his new guitar.

„Believe me, it's better if you don't."
I got him a wooden guitar he always showed me in a store near our house in London. He always talked about it so I wanted it to be his birthday present.
I got to the bathroom and took Emma with me. I checked the water temperature, took her clothes off and started to wash her. Meanwhile I heard how Harry tried out a few songs on the guitar. I glanced to the bedroom and saw him smiling while playing it.
He is happy and I love seeing him like this.
After I bathed Emma I changed her into another cute dress I got her a few weeks ago. It was pink with white hearts on it. Harry and I both took a shower and changed to be ready to go on the boat trip.
„Are you ready to go?" I asked as I put the last few things I needed into my bag.

„I'm ready, let's go." he answered swinging his new guitar Round his shoulder.

„I see you brought your guitar." I smiled.

„Of course, I wrote some songs and I want to know your opinion on them." he picked up Emma.
„I'd love to listen to them." I said and put the sunhat on Em's tiny head.
A few hours later we found ourselves on a beautiful little boat in the middle of the wonderful blue ocean.
Outside of the boat were a few cushions laid out on the floor. We sat there and had a lovely lunch. Emma sat on my lap while Harry and I enjoyed our dessert and a glass of champagne to celebrate his birthday.
„Happy 23rd birthday." I said when we touched glasses.

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