Chapter 52

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„Nothing, I was just talking to this tiny human here."
She was now playing with my rings that I had on one of my finger. It was my moms, she gave it to me when they left as a reminder of her.
It was golden with a few diamonds on it. It had the shape of a crown.

I never spend a day without wearing it

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I never spend a day without wearing it.
I took it off to see her name that was engraved on the inside of the ring, it made me smile but sad at the same time.
I didn't notice Harry was watching me until I felt his lips pressing against my cheek.
He smiled at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking about. It's like he always knows exactly what I'm thinking. As if he could see right through my soul and feel what I feel.

„Your mom is proud of you love." He said rubbing my thigh.
I smiled at him and looked back to Emma.

„This was grandma's ring and one day it will be yours." I whispered to Emma who was still playing with it when I put it back on my finger, scared of losing it somewhere on the plane.
„I love you." He told me, placing his lips on mine.
„I love you too."


„I still can't believe we're finally here." I said to Harry who was laying Emma down into her crib that the hotel prepared for us.

„It was a stressful journey to get here but it was worth it." He smiled at me.

We arrived at the hotel an hour ago. Harry booked the most beautiful suite I could imagine. It was like a giant apartment, well it was a villa. Everything was so fancy and beautiful. We had a giant balcony from where we could look down at the beach and the ocean.
We had a little kitchen in the apartment and a livingroom. We had two bedrooms and a big bathroom.
It was late, we were tired and were getting ready for bed. Harry already laid down in the bed while I got a shower and changed.
I fed Emma a few minutes ago and Harry sang her to sleep.
I got out of the shower and put my hair into a messy bun just like Harry did.
„I'll be so jetlagged tomorrow." I said rubbing my eyes when I walked back into the bedroom.

„Didn't you just lay her down?" I asked Harry seeing her sleeping on his chest.

„She cried, I guess she didn't want to be alone so I took her to bed with me and then she stopped

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„She cried, I guess she didn't want to be alone so I took her to bed with me and then she stopped."

„Aww, she wants to be with her daddy." I smiled at the cuteness of the two.
„I think she misses her crib at home."
I turned off the lights and got in bed too. Emma was sleeping between me and Harry.

„Night Em. Good night handsome." I gave Emma a kiss on her head and Harry on his lips.
„Night loves."


I woke up in our bed all by myself. It was the day of Harry's birthday. I stretched out and looked around the room to see if Harry was here. Nobody was there, it was silent. I walked around the villa but couldn't find anyone. I got to the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice that the hotel staff prepared for us, when I found a note on the counter.

„Took Emma to the beach. - H." I read out loud.
I smiled at that, as if I didn't know who this wrote.
It was still early in the morning so I decided to go down to them.
I went to the bedroom to find something to wear to the beach, gathered up my stuff and walked out of the door along the path that led to the private beach.
I reached to the sand and already heard Harry playing with Emma before I even saw them.
He was wearing black bathing trunks and a white t-shirt.
He tossed her up in the air and catching her.
I stood there for a few minutes just watching them having fun. It makes me happy watching Harry interacting with our daughter, sometimes I forget we're still so young, I mean Harry is only 23 and he has taken to being a dad so naturally. I looked on the ground next to him and saw the little sun tent we got for Emma and a few towels that were laid out on the sand.
After a few moments he seemed tired of throwing her up in the air so he just held her to his body and watched with her the waves.

I walked up to him, he didn't notice that I was walking towards him so I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back

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I walked up to him, he didn't notice that I was walking towards him so I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back. He turned around and his face lit up as he saw it was me.

„Happy Birthday my love." I said and got on my tiptoes to give him a big kiss on his lips.
„Thank you." he smiled at me.

„Hii Em, are you having fun with daddy?" I placed a kiss on her head as she laughed at me.
„So, I have a few surprises and for you today." I told Harry when I looked back at him.

„Y/n, I-„

„Stop right there mister Styles, you don't have to tell me every year that you don't want me to give anything to you but I want to because I love you so accept my love for you and let me gift you some presents." I placed my finger on his lips to shit him up.

„Some?" he asked as we walked up to the towels that were laying under two sunshades.

„Yes Harry, some."

„Okay, okay. Fine." he laughed.
He laid Emma into her little sun tent so she would be away of the glaring sun and took off his shirt while I took off my sundress that I wore over my new dark blue bikini.

„Wow you look hot in this." Harry told me as he turned around and saw me.

„Hey, my eyes are up here Styles." I said pointing to my face.
„It's just, you look stunning."

„Eeh I don't know, I think I should've covered my stomach." I looked down at my belly who was still slowly growing back.

„Why is that?" Harry wrinkled his eyebrows and laid his hand on my waist.

„Because I never really showed my scar to anyone and I still don't really like my belly." I let out a little laugh, finding suddenly stupid what I just told him.

„Hey what are you talking about? That scar gave us the greatest gift we could imagine to have. It's beautiful just like you are. Don't ever let yourself down because of your body.
I smiled at him and he wrapped his arms tight around my body.
„Thank you Harry. But now enough about me, it's your birthday and today is all about you."

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