Chapter 27

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We got into the dressing room with Harry and laid him down on the couch.
„I'll be right back guys." I told Harry who was there with Zayn.

I got out of the door and panicked.
„What should I do? What the fuck should I do?"  I whispered to myself while I nervously walked around in the hallway.
Tears filled my eyes. I just didn't know what t do anymore. The permanent pain he feels, shatteres my heart into peaces everytime I watch him barely walking.

„Hey, hey calm down luv, calm down." I heard Louis voice behind me when they came off stage.

„I don't know what to do..." I said crying.

He hugged me, rubbing my back.

„It's gonna be fine, we are here too. Come on let's get in to see him." he said.

I nodded and went back in. Harry was still laying on the couch, crying. He took his shirt off and a bruise in the middle of his back appeared.
I walked over to him and crouched down.

„Do you want me to call the doctor again?" I ask, my voice shivering as I tried to smile a little.

„You cried?" he asked.

„Mhm" I nodded.


„It's just heartbreaking for me to see you in so much pain. I want you to feel better." I expained.

He tried to get up. I saw the pain in his eyes.

„Stop...Don't move Harry." I said but he was already standing on his feet.
He hugged me. I put my hands around his back and gently rubbed it.

„I don't want you to worry about me...I'm gonna get through this okay?" he whispered into my ear.

„Okay." I answered, leaning my head on his shoulder.

„Do you want to go home?" I asked him.

„Yes please. But can we walk? It's not that far from home and I really can't take the pain now to sit in the car and get out of it again."

„Of course, it's good for your back anyway so let's go." I said.

We said goodbye to the boys and left.
Once again we walked hand in hand out of the arena and along the sidewalk.
It was alrrady hard for Harry to walk and since he got hit with that waterbottle, it was even harder.

After a few metres Harry stopped. We only got through the gate of the arena.

„What's wrong?" I asked him.

He put his hand on his back.

„Can we just stop for a minute, it really hurts."

„Of course." I said, rubbing his back.

We kept on walking after a minute when someone stopped us. It was a fan that just came out of the arena.

„Harry?" she asked.

He slowly turned around.

„I'm sorry I'm not really able to take pictures now, my back hurts a lot.." he explained.

The girl looked on the ground and started to cry.

„I know...I'm so sorry I threw the waterbottle at you...I really didn't want to hurt you, I didn't even want to hit you....I'm sorry." the girl said.

„What's your name?" Harry asked.

„Kayla.." she answered.

„Listen Kayla, it's okay but the thing is, it's pretty dangerous for us on stage when you guys throw things. Unfortunately I was already hurt and it caused more pain for me, that's why you all have to be careful with that or just stop throwing stuff. You know what I mean?" Harry explained, his voice shaking.

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