Chapter 45

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„Surprisee!" she whispered as she wheeled her in.
„Omg, she could leave the ICU already?" Harry and I almost jumped up as tears filled my face again.

„Yes, doctor Cooper said that everything looks great and I could already bring her to your room to be with you two. So I'll leave you three alone, if you need anything you know where to find me." she told us while she placed the cot next to my bed and took her out of it to lay her into my arms.
„Okay thank you so much." Harry said as she left the room.

„Do you want to hold her for the first time?" I asked him who was smiling proudly.
He just nodded so I placed her into his arms. He was so gently and held her like he did it for years.

„We should really think of a name now

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

„We should really think of a name now." he whispered not taking his eyes off of her. „Do you have any girls names you would like?" he asked.

„Honestly no, I thought we still had some time to decide so I hadn't thought about it."
„I have one..." he said.
„What like for a while? Why didn't you tell me?"
„No, it came to me today when I saw her for the first time during the surgery." he told me stroking her belly with his thumb.
„What is it?" I asked.
„I'm a bit scared to tell you, in case you don't like it."
„Don't be, I'd love you to name our daughter." I told him.
„Our daughter, she is really ours." he said smiling down at her.

„Tell me the name." I said still waiting and getting impatient.
„Emma." his eyes finally met mine as he looked up.
„Emma Styles." I said looking at her to see if it fits her.
I saw the smile on his face as I said that.
„Emma Rose Styles." I repeated with a middle name that just came to my mind.
„Emma Rose Styles." Harry repeated smiling, clearly loving the name.
„Do you like it?" he asked.
„I love it." I smiled at him looking back at our little baby girl Emma.
We laid there for a long time just looking at her, at how beautiful she is.
„I can't believe we created this sweet little baby." I said just seconds before I closed my tired eyes. I rested my head on Harry's shoulder who was still laying next to me in bed and holding our prescious daughter Emma and fell asleep.


Seven days already passed and we were still in the hospital. I learnt a lot these past few days. I started breastfeeding her from day one and it worked pretty well but they showed me how to pump my milk just in case. Emma already learned drinking from the bottle. They said it would be good if she can do both. It was hard the first few days. We didn't have a routine at first but it slowly came to us and Harry and I are handling it pretty good so far.
He tried his best to be here with me every day but he still has to do some things in the studio so he rushes from the studio to the hospital and back to the studio again. He is tired but he really wants to help, I can feel that.

Gemma and Anne came visiting me and Em every now and then and today even Louis and Liam were here to visit us.
Now I was finally able to walk around alone, without the help of Harry holding onto me. I walked slow and still not that straight but I'm getting there. I can hold Emma without the shooting pain in my belly from the surgery. It slowly started to heal but I'm not allowed to lift heavier things than Emma but that's alright with me. As long as I can hold her in my arms, I'm happy.
Emma was the sweetest baby ever so far. She didn't cry much and when she is we can calm her down pretty quickly. Whenever she cries and Harry picks her up she immediately stops and feels safe just by laying in his strong arms on his warm chest.

Today I was hoping we would finally get released from the hospital to get her home. Doctor Cooper said it looked good but I still wasn't sure. I was walking around in the lovely little park of the hospital with Emma in my arms. She cried and I found out walking around with her calms her down so I took the opportunity to get some fresh air. Meanwhile Harry was trying to find out at the reception if we could leave today or not.

„Shhh, don't cry sweetie, it's alright." I whispered and bounced up and down so she would stop and maybe fall asleep. I was lucky , she stopped. I made my way towards a bench as I heard some girls calling me.

„Y/n!" I turned around with Emma on my shoulder and I guess they were fans. But as I heard how loud they talked I gestured to Emma so they could see she was sleeping.
„I'm sorry but could you talk a bit quieter, she just fell asleep." I asked them politely when I walked up to them.

„We're sorry. Uhm we saw you walking around here. Congratulation to the baby, she looks so cute." One of them said as she smiled at Emma.

„Thank you guys, uhm are you waiting for Harry? Because he is in the hospital taking care of some things." I told them thinking that they wanted to see him and take pictures or something.

They seemed pretty nice, not like I imagined Harry's, well One Direction fans would be like. I thought they would go crazy or something.

„Oh actually we just saw you and thought we could come over quickly and say hi to you and congratulate you. May I ask what her name is?"

„It's Emma." I told her proudly. I felt proud saying out loud my babys name to someone. It was the first time I could do it really.

The media must have found out somehow what our baby's gender is or they just recognized it on how I clothed her.

„That's a beautiful name." the first girl said. They looked like they were around 18 or 19 years old.

„Thanks." I smiled.

„Sorry uhm could I take a picture with you?" the other girl asked as I was rubbing Emmas tiny back.

„Uhm actually I'd rather not, not with Emma. I don't want pictures of her going around the media or somewhere else. Sorry." I told her trying to be polite.

„Oh of course, that's totally fine, I'm sorry if I bothered you." she apologized.

„It's okay don't worry." I smiled. I really enjoyed our little conversation, they were nice and polite.

„How old is she now?" the first girl asked.

„She is exactliy seven days old today. She was born last monday."
I can't believe she is already a week old. These seven days passed so fast.
„She looks just like you." the other girl said looking at Emma and then at me.

„Oh please I think she looks just like Harry." I told them laughing.

„Who looks just like me?" His voice appeared behind my back. I turned around and saw his bright smile already from a long distance when Harry came walking towards us stretching his arms out to take Emma out of my arms

„Your daughter." I told him as he leaned down to give me a kiss on my lips.

„You know you shouldn't carry her too long, you still have a wound that's healing." Harry told me while he laid Emma on his strong shoulder and gave her a kiss on her head too.

„I know, I know but I wanted to get out of our room to get some fresh air." I said and he smiled at me in understanding.

„Hi my little baby Em." Harry talked to Emma with a high voice. It wasn't that high since he had a deep and slightly raspy voice.

„Aaw you two are so cute." one of them said smiling at us.
We laughed at that.

„I can't believe Harry Styles is right in front of us. But we'll leave you alone now, sorry for bothering you." they said and then left smiling at eachother on their way out of the park.

„Who were these two?" Harry asked leaning his head gently against Emma who was still sleeping peacefully on his shoulder.

„They were just two fans that coincidentally saw me with Emma out here. They were really nice and polite. But now tell me what did they say, can we leave?"

„Good news. They said we could go home, they just have to do the paperwork that we have to sign and then we're ready to go. So let's go pack." Harry said full of happiness.

„I can't wait to take her home." I said getting on my tip toes to kiss Emma.

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Meant to BeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ