Chapter 58

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I tried to push against the black fog that was clouding my vision, attacc myself to anything that would pull me out. All I could hear was the beeping machines and my head that was pounding. I tried to open my eyes but it didn't work and I don't know why. I couldn't move or speak, only hear.

I heard a familiar sound, maybe footsteps and suddenly a voice, that I didn't recognize.
„You can speak to her, it's good for her hearing your voice."

„Can she hear me?" My heart squeezed at the familiar northern accent.

„Yes, she can." The woman said. „She will not be able to respond but she can definitely hear you."

Responding, that's all I had to do to let Harry know I'm here and I could hear him. I tried to move again but I didn't have the strength, nothing moved. It was like something was stopping me from it.

„Hi my love." His voice appeared again, this time softer and louder. It was like he was right next to me, talking into my ear.
He sounded so tired and exhausted and all I wanted to do is wrapping my arms around him and telling him everything will be fine, like he always does with me.
All I had to do was squeezing his hand to let him know. I tried my best to move my fingers even a bit but I couldn't.


The fog lifted. The room felt brighter than it had before. Like it was daylight. I heard the beeping of the machines and what was happening in the room again.
I heard footsteps and breathing. I knew someone was next to me and I could feel just by the presence that it was Harry.

„Days passed and she didn't wake up. What if she never does again? What if I lose her?" Harry's voice was shaking and I could tell he was crying. I felt sad at how lonely and helpless he felt. I never heard him being this heartbroken.

I tried to open my eyes, just a bit so I could see him, his face, his curly hair. I just wanted to make and see him smile again. That precious smile I missed so much.
My body just wouldn't play along.

I thought he was talking to Gemma or Anne but as I heard who he was talking to, my heart immediately started racing.

„You can't think like that Harry. She is strong and she is gonna make it."
It was my mom. My mom was here!


I could hear the same beeping again but the rest was quiet. The fog lifted once again. I tried to let me pull further to consciousness. I didn't know what this weird feeling was, this state of fog. It was like my brain was waking up but my body wasn't ready to wake up too.

I heard the door open and the footsteps coming closer that I could recognize from everywhere. He was coming closer to me until I heard him talk to me.

„Hi baby, I miss you, so much. Please wake up soon, I need you. Something came to my mind earlier. Remember our first date? We went ice skating to the place we filmed Night Changes, your favorite song. We had the best time and two weeks later I asked you to be my girlfriend.
I know you can hear me and you want to wake up, I know that and I can feel it. I have a little surprise for you, that hopefully helps you to wake up..."

His words made my heart wanting to explode. He knows I'm here, he knows and I want to tell him tha I will be soon in his arms.
I heard how he came closer to me and how he quietly started singing.

„We're only gettin' older, baby and I've been thinkin' about it lately, does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of disappearing when you wake up, but there's nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes.
It will never change me and you..." he whispered the last part half crying.

I felt his thumb gently stroking over my cheek, followed by the soft kiss on my forehead.

„Your mom is here honey. I got her here with our jet. She finally met me and Emma. She loves her. Oh sweetie, we all want you to wake up. I feel so lonely without you."
I tried again as hard as I could to open my eyes or move my hand but nothing worked.

„You should go home and get some rest mister Styles." I suddenly heard a woman say after the door opened.

„No, I'm fine, thank you. I want to be here when she wakes up."
His voice sounded tired and raspier than usual, it's probably night time. I just hoped he was taking care of himself and he wasn't making himself ill for staying in the hospital for days with me.


The fog lifted once again, as if I woke up but still without my body waking up too. I immediately could her the sweet sounds of my daughter. She was laughing somewhere in the room. I still heard the machines beeping and people talking.

„Oh hii princess." Anne's voice appeared after the door popped open.

„Hey Maria. How is she doing?" Anne and my mother met, I couldn't believe it. She must have been here with Emma.

„Fine." She answered as I heard some cheek kisses exchanging.

„No change." My mom sounded tired and sad.
I wanted to tell them how I felt but my mouth just didn't open.

„Where is Harry?" Anne asked.

„The nurse and Gemma convinced him to go home to change and get a shower. He didn't leave in 4 days."

I've been out for 4 days?! If I could just open my eyes to tell them I'm right here. But I could hear them, I could hear them clearer from day to day. I was going to get better.

„I hope he is getting some sleep. He is going to make himself ill if he doesn't take care of himself." My mum sounded worried.

„He doesn't want to leave her side." I heard Anne saying.

„I'm glad she found him. Someone who takes care of her and protects her. Harry is a lovely guy and I finally could meet him and Emma and you too." My mum said and I felt how her warm hand slid into mine.

„I don't know what he would do if he loses her, Maria. She is everything to him. Their story is incredible, he would be devastated and heartbroken if she would....if she would be gone." Anne's voice cracked at the end and I could hear how she cried.

I wanted to scream and tell them I would be fine. I didn't want them to worry anymore.

All I had to do was move one finger, just one. That's all.

„What was that?" My mum almost screamed suddenly.

„What? What was it?"

„I felt something. Her hand moved."

„Are you sure?"

„Yes, it did." I felt two hands holding mine now.

„She did it again! She did it again. Y/n? Sweetie can you hear me?" My mum's voice came closer to my ear.

„I'll get a nurse." I heard Anne who was now further away.
After that I heard the door open and close quickly.

„Emma, talk to mummy, maybe you can wake her up. Say ,hi mummy'."
My mum was full of hope and tried everything to wake me up.

I could hear how she held Emma to my ear and then heard her sweet squeaky mumblings again.

„Maamaaa." Her voice was the strength that I needed. The more noises she made, the further I was pulled to her. The fog was going further and further away.

„Oh Y/n please, please wake up honey." My mum begged.

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