Chapter 54

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„Here is the risotto for the lady and the pasta for the gentleman." The waiter said as he served our food that we ordered.

„Can I get you anything else?" He asked.

„Not for the moment, thank you." I smiled and he turned around walking towards the kitchen.
I made a reservation at one of the best italian restaurants here. We got a small table just for the two of us. We were sitting across from eachother and Emma was sat in a high baby chair. She was holding my fingers and pulled at them. Harry instinctively took off one of his rings and placed it in front of her. She smiled and pushed the large golden ring around the table, trying to pick it up. Lately she loved playing with everything shiney.

 Lately she loved playing with everything shiney

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„She is really growing. She already tries to pick up stuff." I said as I watched her how she almost picked up the ring and let it fall down again. It made ma mother heart ache, seeing how fast she grew.

„She is becoming a real lady." Harry ran his fingers through her thin brown hair.
I smiled at her as she continued playing with Harry's ring while Harry and I enjoyed our delicious dinner.

„Alright are you ready for your last surprise today?" I asked Harry after another waitress finished clearing our table.
„Another one?"

„Mhm. I just have to do something quick. I'll be right back, wait here." I got up and walked quickly to the waiter to check if they are ready for the surprise. I glance over to Harry while I was talking to the waiter and couldn't held back a little laugh at his questioning look.

„Here I am." I smiled and sat down on.
„What's going on?" he laughed at my big smile.

„Just wait and watch." I said.
A few momets later a waitress arrived holding a platter with six different cupcakes on it. The biggest one who was placed in the middle of the platter had ‚Happy Birthday Harry' written on it. His eyes widened when she placed the platter in front of him.
„Happy birthday mister Styles." she said and smiled at him.

„Thank you very much

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„Thank you very much." he smiled back as she was already on her way back.
„Wow I love this. Thank you so much love."
„Your welcome, now make a wish and blow out the candles."

He closed his eyes like a little kid on his birthday and blew out the candles all in one breath.
Emma was squeaking and laughing at this and jumped around in her little seat.

„Here take your ring before she loses it." I laughed and handed him over his ring that he immediately put back on his finger.

„This day really was one of my best birthdays ever. Thank you for making this day so special."

„Aww, I'd do anything to make you happy."
We both started eating his birthday cupcakes and spent the rest of the evening just talking and joking around until we found ourselves walking barefoot along the beach in the dark.
It was silent but windy. The only thing we could hear were the waves that had a calming sound.
Harry had his left arm laid around my shoulders and balanced Emma who was sleeping peacufully on his right shoulder. Her cute tiny hands held tight onto his strong shoulder with her head rested on it.
I held his hand that was hanging down my shoulder and laid my head against him.

„I can't believe we're almost two years together. Time passed so fast." Harry said as I breathed in the fresh sea air.

„Two years ago I would've never imagined being in a relationship with the love of my life and almost a year later having a wonderful daughter with you, the best thing that could have happened." I told him looking at how deep Emma was sleeping with her soother in her mouth.

„And I would never change this life for anything." I added.

„Me too, god how young we were when we first met." he laughed.

„Yeah, you were 18 and I was 17. It was the frat boy Harry era." I laughed as I thought of how he looked five years ago. „You were shorter than now and your hair was messier but one thing always styed the same and didn't change a bit throughout these years.

„What is it?" he asked smiling down at me and pulling me closer to him.

I stopped walking, placed myself in front of him and looked up into his eyes.

„Your precious and adorable, beautiful and heartwarming smile when you look at me or Em. Everytime you smile at me, even when  you're on stage and look down to me, you light up my world. It makes my heart racing and it gives me a warm and safe feeling. It never changed, since I met you and smiled at me for the first time."

„And you always smile back at me. I can't spend a minute on stage without glancing over to you to see you, your face and your sparkly eyes. Sometimes I forget the words to a song because I always stare at you." he laughed and laid his hand on my waist.

We walked along the beach for a long time, what led to me falling asleep on our couch when we got back to the hotel.

We walked along the beach for a long time, what led to me falling asleep on our couch when we got back to the hotel

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