Chapter 24

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Four months passed and we finally moved in together.
Harry's foot healed very well and I felt better from time to time. I am still processing a little what happened but I am happy and that's a good sign.
The boys had a break from performing these months, what was good for Harry, but they worked on their new album and in a few weeks they will go on tour again. Tomorrow they start to perform here in London again and sing their new songs from their new album, that means I have to start working again too.
Unfortunately the problem is Harry's back now. He had problems with it in the past, when we weren't together yet and now they came back...

„Y/n?" I heard Harry calling me from the door, followed by the sound of the keys that hit the counter.

„Yeah?" I called back, drying my hands after I made the dishes and made my way to Harry.

I found him bending down as he tried to take off his shoes, but soon he straightened up. His back probably didn't want to let him.

I rushed to his side, letting him take hold of me, so I could help him slip off his shoes.

„Thank you love." He said quietly and leaned more into me for comfort. I wrapped my arm around his lower back.
He was very exhausted and looked sad. His back had been bothering him lately and every movement that he made was painful, making it difficult for him to get some sleep.

„I'm sorry you have to go through this honey." I put my hand on his cheek and carressed it with my thumb.
„I know it's difficult for you, but I'm here and I will always be here for you."

„Thank you Y/n."

I helped him to get up and led him into our bedroom, so he could lie down and get some rest.
„Did the doctor prescribe you anything for your back?" I asked.

„Yeah some gel and painkillers but they're still downstairs in my jacket." Harry said, laying down on the bed.

„I'll go get them."

After a few moments I returned with two packagings, handing them to Harry. He only took the gel from me.

„Will you do something for me?" He sweetly asked while he opened the packaging.

„Anything." I said smiling at him.

„Will you give me a massage?" he asked, handing me over the gel.

„Of course."

He took off his shirt and laid down on his stomach.

„What about the painkillers?" I asked.

„I already took them after I left the doctor."
I began spreading the gel evenly on his back and then massaging it.

„Is it alright like that?" I asked after a while, getting a soft moan from Harry in response.

I was happy it was helping. Seeing him in pain was truly breaking my heart.
I finished a couple of minutes later and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. I came back to see if Harry was asleep.

„Thank you Y/n, that felt really good."

„No problem and try to get some sleep now, I'll be downstairs doing the dishes if you need anything, just call me."

„I will thank you love." he said.

„You already thanked me.." I smiled.

„No, I mean for everything. Thank you for everything." he said.

„I thank you.."

I leaned down to him and kissed him.

„I'll finish the dishes quickly and then take a shower. After that I'll go to bed with you okay?" I told him.


I got downstairs, cleaned everything and got upstairs again to take a shower. I changed into my pyjama and got into our bedroom, seeing Harry fell already asleep.
I covered him with a blanket to make sure his back doesn't get cold during the night.
I got in bed too and turned the lights off. I laid close to Harry and tried to sleep, hoping the night would be tranquil.

The next day I got up early, I couldn't sleep through the night and I didn't want to wake up Harry since he didn't get much sleep lately so I went downstairs, made some coffee and started reading a book of mine.
After a few minutes Harry came downstairs and slowly walked over to me to the kitchen.

„Morning honey." I said but didn't get a response, only a heavy sigh.

„Everything all right Harry?" I asked.

„My back really hurts..." He answered and squeezed his eyes shut in pain.

„Aw honey, is it worse than yesterday?" I asked while I got up so he could take hold of me.

„Yes, it hurts a lot more. It hurts to walk, it hurts to breathe and it hurts to move..." Harry answered.

„Oh Harry, I'm so sorry. Did you take your medicine?"

„Yeah, like five minutes ago."

„Okay that means they will kick in soon."

„Tonight is the first show of the new album, I have to be there..." he said.

„I know, we will see about that, I would have to be there too to take the pictures."

He nodded. Tears were filling his eyes. He must've been in massive pain, it takes a lot of it to make him cry.
He was standing but was slightly hunched over.

„Harry you know what the doctor said, standing like this will make your back worse. Can you stand up straight for me please?" I asked.
He shook his head.

„I don't want to..." he said, terrified of the pain it might cause.

„I know but it's important you keep your back straight."
Harry let out a pained moan.

„It really hurts huh?"
Harry just whined in response.

„Are you ready to stand up straight?" I asked, knowing his answer.

„No...but I don't really have a choice, do I?"
I just shook my head.

„Let's get it over with then."

I gently placed one hand on his back and one on his torso, so as to keep him steady. His heart was racing.

„Ready?" I asked.
Harry nodded.

I gently pressed Harry's back and chest and heard the joints crack as he did so.
Harry cried out in pain.
„Shh shhh it's okay, you're okay." I said as I straightened Harry's back a bit more.
He whimpered but tried to stay strong. He knew this had to be done.

„There we go. All straightened out." I said and kissed him.

„Okay now walk around a few minutes I'll get you a heating pad." I said.

„That would be nice, thank you." he said, heading out of the backdoor to walk around in the backyard.

A few minutes later he came back and laid down on the couch. I put the heating pad on his back as he winced.
„OW!" he cried out.

„I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I said.

„Do you want me to call the doctor? Perhaps he can give you something for the pain." I said.

Harry nodded in agreement.

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