Chapter 44

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„Hey you just gave birth to our little baby girl, your body gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for,  you're allowed to look like that. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You're beautiful Y/n."

He moved past me and checked the water temperature. Tears started to fill my eyes again as I listened to what he said.

He offered me his hand and guided me under the warm water. He held me steady under the water so it didn't hurt that much.

He poured the shampoo into his hands and massaged it into my hair. It felt so good and calming when he did that. He washed out the shampoo and took the body wash out of my bag.

„Turn around." he said and held my hand so I could slowly face him.
He gently worked the sponge over my back and washed away the evidence of the surgery. He finished with my back and handed over the sponge so I could wash the rest of my body myself.
I turned off the shower when I finished and turned around to see Harry that was already waiting with a fluffly towel to put around my body.
He gently rubbed it over my body to dry it. I put the towel around my chest and we walked back to my bed. I placed myself down while Harry grabbed my bag with my clothes in it.
„I'll go put my clothes back on, if you need me to help just shout." he told me and went back to the bathroom.


I put my underwear on and a shirt. I tried to put on my maternity leggings but I just couldn't bend enough to get my feet into them.

„Harry?" I asked weakly as I tried to get my foot into the leggings.

„Stop, stop, slow down, I'm here." he rushed out of the bathroom fully dressed again.

He bend down in front of me and took my ankles to guide them through the holes. He helped me to stand and to pull up the pants to my waist over the giant bandage that was on my belly.

„Thank you."

„Don't thank me love." he said smiling at me and got back up on his feet.
He took my hand and placed it in his.

„Ready to see our little girl?"

„Ready as I'll ever be..."


A few minutes later I found myself walking through the corridors towards our baby.
Luckily there weren't lots of people walking around that could recognize Harry. I couldn't handle that too right now.
Harry's left hand held mine and his right arm was wrapped around my waist to comfort me so I could walk. Nurse Olivia was next to us leading us to the room where our girl was laying.
On our way there I stopped for a minute.

„What's wrong love?" Harry whispered looking at me with his intense green eyes.

„I'm scared. I hate to see how she's attached to a machine."

„I know it's scary Y/n but we have to do this and be strong for her. We're all she has right now, we haven't even named her yet. She needs us to be strong....for her." he said and pulled me into his chest.

He is right, I have to pull myself together for her. Harry was probably freaking out too right now but he was pulling himself together so I had to do the same.

„I'm sure we can take her home soon and hold her in our arms but now we have to go through this first." he whispered.

„You two don't have to worry. Doctor Cooper told me everything looks fine and you can probably take her to your room tomorrow and stay there a few days to make some more tests." Nurse Olivia told us as we made our way through the hallways.

„Thank you so much, you don't know how much this helped me right now." I told her and hugged her. She smiled at me with her bright white teeth.

I'm so thankful for Harry that he called everyone like my parents and Anne, even the boys to let them know what happened and that they're granddaughter was born.
Harry gave Gemma his keys to our house so she could pick up Harry's bag and a few things I forgot at home. I told Gemma to go not Harry because I wanted to have him by my side after this terrible morning that I spent not finding him.

Eventually we arrived at the door. Before we entered nurse Olivia explained how we had to wash our hands and everything that had something to do with the safety of the baby.

It really overwhelmed me how much she told and showed us, how much could hurt our little peanut if we didn't do what we were told. Since I woke up this morning the worst things that  could happen, happened and it didn't stop. I just wanted to see my baby and hold her in my arms, where I know that it's safe from the world and everyone else besides Harry of course.
I had to keep my tears from falling at the thought that my own daughter hasn't even touched or felt me yet.
Harry instantly looked at me like he would know what I'm thinking and pulled me closer to him while he still payed attention to the nurse.
I looked at him and realized how tired he was. He worked so hard the last few days and at the same time he helped me with everything in the house. He wore his hair in a messy bun and I noticed his dark circles under his eyes. It was hard for him too but he never complained about anything. This wasn't easy for him but he is here for me and for my baby, he is by my side.

„Are you two ready to go in?" nurse Olivia asked.

We both nodded and got in. Like she showed us we had to wash our hands first in a sink that was right at the beginning of the room.
We dried our hands and walked back to the nurse.

„She is right here." She said and smiled at us and pointed to a room next to this that we were standing in. A giant window separated the two rooms.
She opened the door to the room and led us to her. Harry held my hand while he walked in front of me towards the incubator.

„I'll let you two alone with her and come back in a few minutes." the nurse said.
Harry nodded and she left the room.
„Are you ready?" he asked turning around to face me, away from the incubator.
„I am." I said and walked past him to look inside it.

There she was, the most beautiful, sweet little creature I had ever seen in my life. She had short brown hair and opened her eyes when I looked at her.

„Oh Harry, that's our daughter.." I sobbed. I'd never seen something I loved so much and so immediately.

„She is beautiful." Harry said and laid his arm around my waist to pull me to his side.

„She looks just like you." I said and saw how tears escaped his eyes.


Later the nurse came back inside and she let me hold her for the first time to feed her. It was an incredible feeling. Sadly Harry was still not allowed to hold her until she gets out of the ICU. It hurt me that he had to watch me holding her but not being able to do it himself.

„Y/n, Harry, why don't you two go back to your room to eat something. You both have to strengthen yourself. You can come back later if you want." nurse Olivia suggested seeing how exhausted we were.

We agreed to that. I laid her back inside the incubator and we both left, looking back one more time to see her cute little body.


„I really don't like this hospital food, it's horrible." I said as I swallowed the spaghetti that were in my plate.
We went to the cafeteria to get something to eat in our room. There was not much to chose. They still had two portions of spaghetti and salads so we had to go with that.

„I know but I haven't eaten since I got up so it's fine with me." Harry said as we sat both in my bed with the little side table over our chest.

„How are you feeling, does it still hurt a lot?" he asked looking down at the bandage on my stomach.

„Yes it still hurts a lot but they gave me some painkillers again and changed the bandage. But Harry how are you holding up huh? You look exhausted, like really really exhausted."

„Obviously I'm tired but I'm just glad that you two are fine now."

Someone knocked on the door and before I could answer, it opened and nurse Olivia walked in with a little cot and my baby girl inside it.

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Meant to BeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora