Chapter 59

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„Em...Emma." I croaked. Jesus, my throat was dry.

„Oh god, oh thank god." My mum sobbed as I tried to open my eyes.

„She's right here darling. Look Emma, mummy woke up."
I felt how her tiny hand held onto my fingers. When I finally opened my eyes, my vision was blurry and my head was pounding.

„Y/n, Anne is getting a doctor. You are in the hospital, you were in a car crash and injured pretty badly, just try not to move." She sobbed.
My vision got clearer and I could finally see the room, I was in.

„Mum? You are here?" I tried to smile but it hurt too much.

„Yes, yes I am here. Oh Y/n, I can't believe it. Thank god you're awake. God, you've been through the wars. How are you feeling?"

„Sore." I croaked out, turning my head a little to see my beautiful daughter.

„Em." I barely whispered.
Suddenly the door opened and Anne came in with the doctor.

„Miss Y/l/n, it's good to see you awake." The doctor said and bent down towards my bed. He seemed friendly as he smiled at me.

„Here drink some water." He stretched out a cup of water with a straw in it. „Take little sips please."
It felt good when the water got down my throat, it didn't feel dry anymore.

„Do you know where you are miss Y/l/n?" he asked.
„Hospital." I nodded but realized my voice got stronger.

„Do you know what year it is?"
„2017" I let out.
„And do you know who this is?" He was pointing to Emma who was laying in my mum's arms watching me.

„Emma Rose Styles, my daughter." I answered.

The doctor smiled. „Good, you got all correct. Now, you have been in a bad car accident. I'm doctor Morgan and treated you since you came in 5 days ago."

„Wow that long?" I asked surprised.

„Yes, but it's totally nomal after an accident like this. You hit your head pretty bad and suffered a fair few injuries. You had two separate surgeries. One to pin your knee and leg, which were both shattered in the crash. And another one to fix some internal bleeding."

I nodded as he listed more injuries I got. I had four broken ribs on one side and two on the other. I fractured my ankle on my left side and my arm on the right side. I shattered my right leg and my right knee. I dislocated my left shoulder and had severe cuts and bruises on my chest, mostly cause of the glass from the back windows.
„What about Emma, did she get hurt somewhere?" I asked looking at her who had a few plasters on her arms.

„It looks like yo saved your daughter from major injuries that could have happened. She has a few cuts but nothing to worry about. She got discharged once her dad got here after the accident."

„Her dad...Harry! Where is Harry?!" I gasped suddenly trying to sit up what made me wince and fall back down in pain.

„Hey, hey, hey. Don't move stay down. I've left a message on him. He should be on his way here soon." Anne told me.

„He didn't answer?"

„No, he is probably sleeping." Anne said, wiping her tears away.
I laughed at the irony.
„What is it about him never answering his phone when I'm in the hospital?"

„You don't even know half of it." Louis said as he walked through the door. „How are you      Y/n?" He smiled at me.

„Could be better." I laughed.
„How is Harry doing?" I asked him when he came closer to my bed to give me a kiss on my cheek.

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