Chapter 25

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I took my phone and went to make the phonecall.

„Doctor is coming honey." I told him when I came back.
He nodded again.
Harry tried to change position but when he moved, he let out a painful scream.

„OOOWW!.." Harry yelled and tears started streaming down his face.
I ran over to him.
„Don't move, don't move. The doctor is gonna be here soon. Can I do anything else for you?"

„Please just be here with me." he said.
„I'm here, I'm here."

I got on the couch right next to him and held his hand. Tears were filling his eyes and didn't stop streaming down his face. It was heartbreaking seeing him like this. He was shaking because he clenched up because of the pain.
His hair were all over his face so I took one of my hair ties and put his hair into a bun.
We laid there for a few minutes. I was massaging his head and squeezed his hand to comfort him.

The doorbell rang.
„It's probably the doctor, I'll be right back."

I got up and opened the door.
It was Anne.
„Hey Anne come in, come in."

„Hey thanks, how is Harry's back, I saw your message." she said.

„It's really really bad, the doctor is on his way. I have never seen him in so much pain."
I led her to the livingroom where Harry was laying.

„Ohh my poor baby is it that bad huh?" Anne asked him.

„Y-Yeah, it's worse than ever."
The doorbell rang again and I ran over to open it. Finally it was the doctor.
I let him in and led him to Harry.
„Okay could you take off your shirt please?" the doctor asked.
Harry carefully turned around and lifted up his shirt. Tears streamed down his face because the pain was excruciating.

„That hurts already?" the doctor asked.

„ even hurts to breathe." Harry said.

„Okay, this may be painful, but I need to push on several places so I can figure out where the pain comes from."
He started touching Harry's back. I almost couldn't watch because I didn't want to see the pain in his eyes.

„You've done really well Harry. I saw in your file that you already had this kind of back pain a few years ago right?"

„Yes but they couldn't tell what it was." Anne said.

„I'm afraid to tell you that it's chronic. It will come and go. It can last a few years until it comes back like it did now or it could be that it goes away forever at some point but I'm not a hundred percent sure about that."
I saw the disappointed look on Harry's face.

„How long does the pain last?" Harry asked.

„It could last a few weeks but it will probably be like the last time you had it." the doctor said.

„The last time it got away after like four weeks." Harry said.

„Then hopefully it will not last longer than four weeks this time. Here are some painkillers for the pain."

„Thank you doctor." he said.
The doctor then left.

„I'm sorry guys but I have to leave too, I've got an appointment in a few minutes." Anne said.

„It's okay mom, Y/n is here and she is a big help." Harry told her.
Anne got up and gave Harry a kiss.

„I hope you feel better soon." she said.

„Bye Harry, bye Y/n." she hugged me and left.
I got back to Harry who was still in pain.

„Do you wanna go out for a walk? Maybe it helps a little." I asked him.

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