Chapter 57

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„Fuck me, it's like her birth all over again." I whispered to myself.

Harry you need to call me immediately!!

Why don't you answer my calls. I have to meet you at the airport in LA.

Missed call x9

Missed call x11

Missed call x18

Harry something happened. Call me immediately!

I looked up to Louis, realizing what I had to do now.

„What's wrong?" Louis asked.

„I have to call Y/n's parents..." I eventually said and dialed her mothers number.


From the moment I stepped off the plane, I felt how my adrenaline kicked in. I couldn't move fast enough. My legs felt like jelly and sometimes I got the feeling of fainting, as I would just black out. I had to stop for a minute, bending down and holding onto my thigs to make sure my legs wouldn't give up and letting me fall on the ground.

„Hey Harry, are you alright? What's wrong?" I felt how Louis grabbed my arm, stopping me from falling.

„Fine, I'm fine, well no I'm not but...I just felt a bit dizzy. Everything is just too much right now, I can't think straight. I'm fucking scared and shitting myself right now. This is my family and my whole world, I can't imagine los...losing them."

„Hey this is not gonna happen okay? They are both the strongest girls I ever got to know. They are gonna get through this." He said as we continued walking while Louis held onto me, making sure I wouldn't black out or so.

„Okay." I let out a whisper that sounded more like a breath.

It was now 8 hours since the car crash and I still didn't have any more information. I knew  Y/n had been taken to surgery and Emma has been admitted to hospital but her injuries were still unknown to me, what made me freak out even more.
The doctors were very careful of giving out information to anyone or over the phone, which I was thankful for, especially if the media finds out what happened and information about my daughter would go around in public.

A car was waiting for us as we got off the plane. We immediately got in. I could barely look out of the window, I sat with my head between my legs feeling worse than ever in my life.
Louis sat next to me making sure I got all information and news of what was happening in the hospital. He was typing furiously on his phone, probably talking to my mum or Gemma. He looked worried, like I never saw him before. He loves Y/n, they're like best friends, so when my mum called and told him what happened, he couldn't believe it. I can tell how much he cares about her.

The car finally stopped and I jumped out of the car as soon as I realized we finally arrived at the font of the hospital. I had no idea what I was walking in to, I just ran straight across the parking area to the emergency room.

„My girlfriend and daughter are here, I need to see them." I said to the receptionist at the front desk.
The waiting room was full of people and I knew my raised voice and my rush was attracting attention but I didn't care anymore. I was past caring. All I wanted is seeing my girlfriend and daughter and know that they're okay.

„Of course, what are their names?" she looked up and started smiling as soon as she recognized who was standing in front of her.

„My girlfriend is Y/n Yl/n and my daughter, Emma Rose Styles. They had an...uhm...they had an accident." I rested my hands against the desk and pushed myself away from it.
I felt the adrenaline in my body and got more and more impatient while waiting for her to tell me where to go.

All this just didn't feel real.I couldn't imagine my life without them. What if I lost them? What if I lost the love of my life or my precious child? I had to stop thinking that as tears formed in my eyes again.

„Please give me a moment, I'll get someone to direct you." she said picking up a phone.

I felt my heart racing as I got nervous and got even more nervous of the awareness that people were looking at me. I saw how the people in the waiting area more and more realized who Louis and I were.

„Harry, I just got a picture of the car they sat in  from the accident..." Louis breathed.

„Show it to me." I reached out for the phone.

„Are you sure you can do this right now?"

I nodded and he handed me over his phone.

My heart sank and broke into thousand pieces when I saw the picture. It was a mess. The black Range Rover they sat in, was wrecked, especially the back of the car. I could see the blood remains of the backseat, where Y/n sat. It hurt me, knowing it was hers and how much pain she must've felt. They obviously had to cut them out, of how damaged the car was.
Pieces of the car were spread all across the street and everything was just one big mess.

„Fuck, fuck, fuck." I said and gave Louis back the phone. I ran my hands through my hair and rubbed my eyes, still not believing what happened.
„How could anyone who sat in there survive?!" I cried out with tears that were now streaming down my face.

„Just breathe lad. We're here now." Louis said quietly and rubbed my back.

Finally a surgeon appeared from behind large doors and walked towards me and Louis.
I was freaking out, desperately wanting to know if my family, my whole life is still alive.

„Hello mister Styles, please come this way with me."
I instantly walked after him with Louis behind me to an area where we could talk in private.

„I am doctor Morgan, the chief consultant for your partner and daughter. I can lead you to where you need to go. Where to first?"

„Fuck." I looked at Louis. I didn't think I had to chose which one to see first.

„Emma...Take me to my daughter."

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