Chapter 37

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20 weeks
Two months already passed and I just exploded. I'm already halfway there. My bump grew and grew and it feels like it never stops growing.
I always tried to hide it with sweaters and Harry's big shirts. We didn't want the media to know yet but the time has come, I couldn't hide it anymore.
„Harry, I think we have to tell them now." I told him as I just got dressed in our bedroom. It was summer and really warm outside so for once I put on a tight black dress that would perfectly show my bump.

I loved to show it by wearing tight dresses but I couldn't really show it in public until now

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I loved to show it by wearing tight dresses but I couldn't really show it in public until now.
„You think about our little sweetheart?"
I nodded.
„I just can't hide it anymore and sooner or later they're gonna find out and I'm tired of wearing hoodies all the time it's getting really warm and I can't stand that."
„Alright, and I know just the perfect way to tell them." he said.
He posted a picture from my belly that we took a few days ago and wrote the sweetest thing...

He posted a picture from my belly that we took a few days ago and wrote the sweetest thing

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„Omg Harry!" I screamed still sitting on the bed.
„What happened are you okay?!" he ran from the bathroom into the bedroom.
„Give me your hand, the baby just moved...for the first time." I said and placed his warm hands on my belly.
He kneelt down in front of me and patiently waited until he felt something.
„Aaaw, it's kicking right? I can feel it." he said looking up at me with a bright smile.
„Yes it is, I never felt that until now." I told him.
„I love you my little muffin." he talked to my belly. Harry always talks to it, mostly before we go to sleep. Every single time his beautiful l deep voice calms me down and makes me fall asleep.
„By the way, you look stunning in that dress." Harry told me.
„Thank you H."

Tonight was another concert, fore me it was the first one since I found out I was pregnant.
So in the afternoon they had rehearsals and we went to the arena. I, as always, was there for the pictures, while the boys were on stage singing a few songs but they mostly fooled around.
I was setting up all the cameras.
It was very hot inside the arena and it really hit me at some point.
I wanted to set up the last camera, when I didn't have the strength anymore to hold it and it just slipped out of my hands.
When I tried to bend down, what was not easy with that bump now, I started to feel really dizzy and sometimes I just saw black. I stumbled over to get to Harry to tell him what was wrong but I only reached the stairs of the stage, if I tried walking upstairs I would pass out so I just held onto the wall of the stage and hoped it would pass. I rubbed my eyes trying to get better vision but it didn't help.
„Harry?" I called him but he probably couldn't even hear me.
„Hey hey hey, what's wrong, are you not feeling well?" Harry came running across the stage down the stairs as he saw me trying to get to him.
His strong hands held onto my waist and I instantly felt safe.
„Uhm no, I'm not. I think, I think it's my circulation. I had some problems with it since   I'm pregnant and it is just so hot in here, I thought I would pass out." I told him.
„Come on, sit down here." he said and we walked together up a few steps so I could sit on a step.
„Here's some water." I heard Zayn saying and handing over a waterbottle to Harry.
„You should really drink more Y/n." Harry told me rubbing my arm.
„I know, I forgot my bottle backstage."
I took a sip of the water to cool down my body.
„Are you feeling better now?"
„Not really, no." I answered.
„I told you, you should take it easy and not do too much that would stress you." he said.
„Harry I'm pregnant, not sick, it's just my circulation and the high temperature that's in here."
„Y/n I know you want to work and everything and I don't tell you not to work but please take it easy. I don't want to find you laying on the floor because you passed out."
„Alright. Could you help me then picking up that camera from the ground and place it right there on the camera tripod?" I asked.
„Of course. You stay here until you feel better and drink water!"
„You know I really don't want you to do my work, you have your own that needs to be done." I told him.
„Don't be silly Y/n." He said placing the camera in the right position and then came back after that.
„Do you want someone to step in for you tonight?" Harry asked kissing my forehead.
„Oh no no, it's fine I can do it, don't worry."
„Are you sure, you could watch the concert instead." he said.
„I'm sure Harry, I can do it." I reassured him and got up from the stairs.
„But please promise me you'll lay down until the concert starts." he told me.
„I promise. But instead of going backstage can I please watch you guys singing? I feel so lonely backstage alone in that room." I asked.
„Fine but sit down on stage."
We went together up the stairs, that took now an eternity since I'm easily out of breath but when we made it I placed myself in the back of the stage and listened to their five beautiful voices.

We had still an hour until the concert starts and I was on my way to find Harry.
„Hey, uhm have you seen Harry?" I asked Niall who was getting ready for the show.
„I think he is on stage, he forgot something there earlier."
„Okay thanks."
I walked through the hallway backstage and got up the few steps that led to the stage.
„Harry are you here?" I asked still not seeing him.
„I'm here." I heard him say and shortly after that he appeared from behind a corner.
„Listen, I think you were right, I still don't feel that well, could someone step in for me?" I asked.
„Of course honey, you just stay in the VIP section and watch the show. Can I do something that would help you?"
„No no, I just have to get some rest." I said.
„Okay, let's go backstage, the fans are starting to get into the arena."
„Uhm Harry, I was thinking about something." I said while we walked backstage.
„What is it?"
„I think it's better if I go on matternity leave. I already talked to my boss and he is totally fine with it. It's just I realized that it's too exhausting for me to set up everything and then staying there throughout the whole show an I wanted to talk to you about it, what do you think?" I explained.
„I agree, you shouldn't stress yourself out too much with carrying these cameras and standing around the whole show." he said.
„Good, I'm glad I talked about it with you. But that doesn't mean that I won't be here at the concerts, I'll always be here to listen to your beautiful, angelic voices." I told him.
„I appreciate that." he said smiling.
The hour passed and I walked to my spot in the VIP section. On my way there some fans from the front row saw me and started screaming.
„Congarts on the pregnancy Y/n!!"
„You two are gonna be the best parents!!"
I heard them screaming at me and it made me smile so much. I always thought they wouldn't like me and hate that I was together with Harry.
„Thank you guys!" I yelled back at them and they screamed even louder when I did that.
I placed myself on a seat in the front row of the VIP section to get the best view.
A few minutes later the show started and they were great as always.

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