Chapter 14

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The show was almost over. I had the time of my life. It was the first time I could really enjoy the songs and just their appearance on stage. They already sang a lot of songs like What makes you beautiful, Story of my life, Midnight memories, night changes, my favourite, and a lot more.
Now they are backstage and will come back any second for the last song.

„Noo Harry what did you do?" I talked to myself as I saw them walking on stage again.
„What did he do now?" Anne asked.
„Well as you know, Harry broke his foot during the last show and the doctor told him to wear this boot for a few weeks and as you can see now, he just took it off."
„Typical Harry" she answered.
I laughed at that. But she is right.
The opening bars to You and I started. This was my most favourite song after Night Changes.
Niall came on stage and started singing. Shortly afterwards the other four appeared on stage and three of them went to their microphone stands. Harry didn't, he walked past his to the edge of the stage. He bent down and I think he talked to one of their security guards.
I watched him as he stood up again and made it to his microphone stand just in time to start singing the chorus. His voice suited this song just so well and he sounded even better when he sang live.
I was staring at him when I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder.
I turned around to face the person.
It was the security guard Harry just talked to.

„Harry would like you to go up on stage." he told me. „Will you do it?" he asked.
„What?!" I asked totally shocked.
„He asked me to come and get you, he wants you up on stage." he continued.
„Yes, now. So, will you do it?"

Me on stage in front of all these people? I thought as I began shaking and thinking. What should I do?

„Go on." Said Anne.
„Yeah do it Y/n." Gemma told me.
„Do it, do it for Harry." Anne told me while smiling at me.

The next thing I knew was that I left my seat, went past Gemma and Anne and followed the security guard along the gap between the stage and the barricade.
I also walked past Lizzy. She stared at me with an incredibly jealous look.
I couldn't believe what was happenig, my heart was racing and my hands were shaking. I couldn't even think straight.

„Up you go." I heard him say as we arrived at the stairs on the edge of the stage.
I hesistated for a moment thinking about everything that could go wrong. I could trip or slip or something else embarrassing could happen.
But then I looked up and saw Harry standing at the top of the stairs, holding his hand out to me. My legs were like jelly as I made my way up. I was just concentrating on not tripping.
When I got up to the top everyone in the stadium screamed even louder, it seemed like they noticed he got some girl up on stage....obviously.

I was terrified as I looked around and saw the crowd. I tried to focus on Harry who was smiling reassuringly at me. I put my hand in his outstretched one and he gave it a squeeze.

I was standing next to him, he leaned he leaned forward so his lips were against my ears and said: „Don't be scared, I've got you. Just enjoy it love."
I wasn't able to say anything so I just nodded. We walked across the stage toward his microphone stand. We walked past Louis who was singing at the moment. My hand was still in Harry's. I hold onto him tight because my legs were shaking so much, I couldn't believe I didn't just fall on the ground. I glanced over to the back of the stage and saw myself on the giant screens. I was so scared and almost freaked out.
„Calm down love nothing is gonna happen to you." Harry said to me while he looked in my eyes and held my hand.
We got to his microphone, he then took it off the stand with his other hand and gently turned me around so I was facing the crowd.
All I saw were fans screaming and the flashlights of their phones.
For a moment I thought I might collapse but I concentrated on Harry. The feel of his hand against mine and how he smiled at me as he took a deep breath before beginning to sing.

„You and I, we don't want to be like them," he began. Our eyes locked immediately as he sang to me. It felt like there were just me and him, I didn't even hear the screams coming from the crowd anymore.
Nothing existed exept me and Harry.

„Nothing can come between you and I, not even the gods above can seperate the two of us," he sang with that beautiful voice of his. It felt like these words had been written for me. The look on his face was incredibly intense. It felt like he wanted to tell me his innermost feelings.
Wow that's how true love feels....Right?
I think I just realized, I found mine.
He is the love of my life.

Then suddenly the spell was broken. The other guys around us took their microphones off their stands and walked forward towards the catwalk stage.
„Let's go." Harry told me still holding my hand. We started walking too. We went down some steps and as I looked down on my feet to make sure I didn't trip, there was a bang that made me grip Harry's hand even tighter as I already did.
When I looked up, I realized fireworks had gone off.

„Are you alright?" Harry asked„Sorry I    should've warned you about that."
„It's okay...I'm okay." I answered.

Harry put his mic in front of his mouth and started singing again.
I looked around and still couldn't believe what happened.
Did he just really get me up on stage to sing one of the moat beautiful songs to me in front of like 50'000 people? Did that really just happen?
The fans were going crazy. When I looked over to where Gemma and Anne were sitting, I saw Gemma smiling at me like an idiot. Anne was smiling too but I also saw tears in her eyes and one even slipped down her cheek.
I turned my attention back to Harry. He smiled at me as he sang and all I could do was smile back.
As Harry sang the last lines of the song, the words „You and I..." echoes across the stadium.
The fans clapped and screamed as I turned back to Harry all I could feel were his lips against mine. It was a short but meaningful kiss. The crowd screamed even more at that.

„A massive thank you to everyone of you here to tonight. You were great as always..." Liam spoke to the crowd.

When they finished talking to the fans we walked back up to the steps of the main stage.

„Was that scary?" he asked.
„Hell yeah, can't you feel my hands shaking?" I replied.
„You did brialliantly."
„Thanks for holding onto me."
„It was my pleasure." he said.

The show was over, they were on their way backstage and I went back with them.
We had to go up a few stairs and then entering what was like an elevator.
„Be careful going upstairs love." he told me as we went together, hand im hand up the stairs.
We entered the elevator, it closed and it was going down. When it opened again Anne and Gemma were already waiting for us.

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